Yogurt Or Cottage Cheese: Better for an Active Lifestyle? 

Rohit Panwar

Looking for a nutritive dairy product but confused between yogurt versus cottage cheese? Well, I can understand the confusion between these two wonderful and nutritional options. 

As a nutritionist, I am here to help. In this blog I will be comparing yogurt versus cottage cheese nutrition and benefits, that can help you make an informed choice.

Yogurt versus Cottage Cheese


Yogurt Versus Buttermilk – Which One’s Better? | 

Comparing Yogurt Versus Cottage Cheese on Nutritional Attributes 

I will be evaluating yogurt vs cottage cheese protein, carbs and other attributes in details below, but before that here is a quick comparative look of the two – 


Milk & Starter Culture

Cottage Cheese

Milk & Lactic Acid


Sweet & Sour

Cottage Cheese

Slightly sweet


200-250 g

Cottage Cheese

50-100 g



Cottage Cheese



5 g*

Cottage Cheese

 3.4 g*


3.5 g*

Cottage Cheese  

4.3 g*


 3.5 g*

Cottage Cheese  

11 g*


132 mg*

Cottage Cheese 

83 g*


Morning or Noon

Cottage Cheese 

Morning or Noon



Cottage Cheese 




Cottage Cheese 



Very Good

Cottage Cheese 



Very good

Cottage Cheese 



Fruits & Honey 

Cottage Cheese 

Spices & Herbs

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100g  made using whole milk 

Now that we have clarity on their nutritional differences let’s delve deeper into each one.

How Does the Method of Preparation Vary for Yogurt Vs Cottage Cheese? 

Yogurt is a result of fermentation. This is done by adding an active starter culture -a combination of two bacterial strains -Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus to warm milk.  The yogurt culture is available in the market and I would recommend using a new culture every time you make yogurt. 

The method of preparation of cottage cheese is completely different. An acidic substance like vinegar, lemon or rennet is added to whole milk. This will result in the coagulation or curdling of milk. This curdled product or cottage cheese is then  separated from the liquid by using a cheesecloth. 

How Do Yogurt & Cottage Cheese Differ in Appearance and Taste?

Yogurt is thick, creamy and has a slightly sour taste. This sour taste is a result of the fermentation process. 

Cottage cheese is soft and thick. It can be available in coagulated lumps or solid  square, cubes or round shape obtained by removing most of the water. In the US, you are more likely to find the coagulated softer versions, while in South Asia, you’ll find a Tofu-like substance. 

What is the Daily Recommended Quantity of Yogurt Vs Cottage Cheese?

If you are wondering about yogurt versus cottage cheese diet inclusion, both are good options but in moderate quantities. 1 cup of yogurt which weighs around 200-240 grams is the recommended daily amount. 

Cottage cheese too can be included in your everyday diet. The quantity however will depend on your needs and lifestyle. For a very active lifestyle about 100 grams a day is recommended. Others with moderate physical activity can consume 50 grams or less. 

What to Choose for Lower Calories: Yogurt or Cottage Cheese?

If we compare equal quantities of yogurt and cottage cheese, we find that cottage cheese has more calories. So, for the calorie conscious, yogurt is a better choice. 

However, if you’d like to reduce your calorie intake without having to forego the benefits of these products, opt for their versions that are made using skimmed or low fat milk. 

Yogurt or Cottage Cheese, The Better Option for a Low- Carb Diet?

Yogurt and cottage cheese are both dairy products which are made using milk. Milk, despite its nutrients, is moderately high in carbs. 

Yogurt and cottage cheese are thus moderately high in carbs but in comparison, yogurt has more carbs. Therefore, for a low-carb diet, cottage cheese is a better option.

Yogurt Vs Cottage Cheese For Weight Loss?

Traditionally both yogurt and cottage cheese are made using whole milk which usually has around 3.5% fat. This makes yogurt and cottage cheese high in fat content. In comparison to yogurt, cottage cheese has a higher amount of fat.

If weight loss is your target, I would recommend opting for yogurt instead of cottage cheese. Also, you can choose the low-fat and low calorie versions that are made using skimmed or toned milk. 

Comparison of Yogurt Vs Cottage Cheese Protein Content

Yogurt and cottage cheese are  rich in a variety of nutrients including vitamins, minerals and proteins. However, you can pick cottage cheese instead of yogurt if you increase your protein intake. 

It is important to remember that yogurt is low in protein and is not the same as its strained version greek yogurt.   So, in case you are wondering about yogurt vs cottage cheese bodybuilding, both are good, but cottage cheese is better. 

Which Has More Calcium – Yogurt or Cottage Cheese? 

One of the main nutrients that all dairy products have in good quantity is calcium. Calcium is an important nutrient and is primarily needed for strong bones, muscles and teeth. 

If we compare the calcium levels of yogurt and cottage cheese, yogurt has an advantage of being more calcium-rich. 

When Should You Consume Yogurt Versus Cottage Cheese?

Yogurt is best consumed either in the morning or in the afternoon. Having it early gives your body enough time to absorb and digest the nutrients.  

Cottage cheese is a nutrient dense dairy product. Therefore, it is best consumed in the morning hours or in the afternoon.  It will keep you full for a longer time and prevent unhealthy snack cravings. 

Yogurt or Cottage Cheese: Which One Can Be Vegan- Friendly?

Both yogurt and curd are made using cow’s milk. This makes them unsuitable for vegan consumption.  However, if you have taken a trip to the super market recently, you might have seen a lot of plant-based yogurt options that are vegan-friendly. 

Now while the plant-based options may seem a good replacement for dairy based yogurt, you must remember that the nutrient values will differ between the two. Plant based options are not as rich as dairy versions hence if you are making them at home, make sure you have a well balanced meal. 

The Impact of Yogurt & Cottage Cheese on the Environment?

Dairy-based  yogurt and cottage cheese are not good for the planet. This is because the raising of cows for milk has an adverse impact on the environment

The dairy industry is associated with higher emission of greenhouse gasses, deforestation and soil erosion among other things. 

Yogurt vs Cottage Cheese for Oral Health

Yogurt and cottage cheese are made using milk which makes them high in calcium. Therefore they are both good for the teeth.  In comparison to cottage cheese, yogurt is better for oral health. 

Yogurt has more calcium in comparison to cottage cheese. Also, it has good bacteria called probiotics  that help in keeping the bad bacteria in your mouth at bay

Yogurt vs Cottage Cheese for Probiotics & Better Tummy Health

Probiotics are essentially good live bacteria that contribute to good gut health. Fermented foods like yogurt are rich in these good bacteria, which makes them good for digestion. Fermented dairy products are also low in lactose, a component found in milk, which many people have difficulty digesting. 

Cottage cheese, although rich in nutrients, can be difficult to digest for people with lactose intolerance. Also, cottage cheese may or may not have probiotics which is why, yogurt is the clear winner when it comes to tummy health.  

Uses of Yogurt Versus Cottage Cheese

Yogurt is a versatile food product and can be used in a variety of sweet and salty preparations. You can consume  as such or add it to your smoothies, make dips with it or even use it in cooking.   

Cottage cheese can be used in the preparation of a variety of dishes. You can use it in savoury Indian dishes, grill them or even use it in baking. The options are endless.

Yogurt and cottage cheese are thus excellent nutrient rich dairy products that can be added to your day-to-day diet plans. You can make a choice between the two by taking a look at your needs. For example. if you are looking for a protein-rich diet, add cottage cheese, but if weight loss is your goal, yogurt is better. 

I hope I made choosing between the two easier for you. If you have any follow up questions, feel free to write to me. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.