Is the Drink Yakult Better Than The Good Old Yogurt? 

Rohit Panwar

Yakult vs yogurt, wondering which one is better for you? In this blog, I will address this very popular question and assist you in choosing the best option between yogurt and yakult.  

Yakult has been marketed and used as a gut-friendly food and yogurt is also known for its immense benefits. So, if you had to choose between the two, how & which one should you pick, let’s find out. 

yakult vs yogurt nutrition


| Probiotic Yogurt versus Regular Yogurt – Which One’s Better? | 

Yakult Vs Yogurt: Nutritional Differences 

As a nutritionist, I will take you through the similarities and differences between Yakult and yogurt based on these 14 metrics


Milk & Shirota Strain


Milk & Starter Culture


Sweet & Sour


Sweet & Sour


1-2 bottles


1 Cup






15 g*


5 g*


0 g*


3.5 g*


1.3 g*


 3.5 g*


50 mg*


132 mg*


Morning or Noon


Morning or Noon












Very Good


Very Good


Very good




Very Good




Very good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100g/ 100ml 

Now that we have clarity on the nutritional differences of yakult and yogurt, let us take a closer look at these – 

Is Yakult the Same as Yogurt?

NO! Yakult is made using water, skimmed milk, sugar, and live Lactobacillus casei strain Shirota. Strain Shirota was identified by Japanese microbiologist Minoru Shirota and is Yakult’s exclusive probiotic strain. The mixture is fermented to obtain the Yakult drink.

The process of making yogurt is much simpler. Yogurt culture is added to warm milk and this mixture is allowed to ferment. The yogurt culture (combination of different good bacteria) is easily available in the market and can be made commercially or at home.

How do Yakult and Yogurt Differ in Taste & Texture?

Yakult is a beverage with a very liquid consistency, almost similar to skim milk. Taste wise it is sweet with a hint of sourness. Yakult comes in two variations – one has more sugar content than the other. 

Yogurt on the other hand, is thick and creamy. You will need a spoon to enjoy it. It has a sour taste which is a result of the fermentation process. In the market you fill find many flavoured versions of yogurt that are loaded with sugar. So, I suggest you go for the plain  ones. 

How Much Yakult or Yogurt Can You Consume In One Day?

Yakult is packed into small bottles that vary in volume from one country to another. It is available in packs of 65ml, 80 ml and 100ml. You can drink around 1-2 bottles of Yakult a day to enjoy its benefits.

Yogurt is delicious as it is nutritious. You can make it at home or buy it from the store. Ideally 1 cup of yogurt can be consumed in a day.  

Better Choice for the Calorie- Conscious: Yakult or Yogurt?

Yakult comes in two main variations- regular and light. The light version has half the calories when compared to the regular one.  These calories mainly come from sugar

Whole milk based yogurt has slightly more calories when compared to the regular yakult. The calories in yogurt come from fats, proteins and carbs.

Which is More Suitable for a Low- Carb Diet: Yakult or Yogurt?

Yakult has added sugar and glucose which makes it high in carbs. Yakult’s low sugar version -Yakult light has half the carb content when compared to regular one. However, it is still higher than  plainyogurt.

Therefore, if you wish to consume lower carbs, yakult might not be the best option. You can opt for small portions of yogurt instead. 

What to Choose for Low Fats: Yakult or Yogurt?

Yakult has zero fat content. This is because its main ingredients are water and skimmed milk. Skimmed milk is made by stripping milk of its good fat, which is not always a good thing. 

Regular Yogurt, on the other hand, is moderately high in fats. These fats are not all that bad and can be good for the body. Although you can use low fat milk to reduce the fat quantity even further.

Yakult or Yogurt for a Higher Protein Content?

Both variations of Yakult have very low quantities of protein. In comparison to yogurt, this amount is very less. 

Yogurt is a good source of proteins since it is completely made using milk. If you are looking for even a higher protein content, you can opt for its thicker variation also called Greek yogurt.

Better Source of Calcium: Yakult or Yogurt?

Since Yakult is made from a combination of skim milk and water, it is very low in calcium. 

Yogurt, however, is an excellent source of calcium and has around 3 times more calcium than Yakult. So, if calcium is your preference, yogurt is definitely the better option. 

What is the Best Time to Consume Yakult Vs Yogurt?

Yakult can be consumed at any time during the day but I recommend having it at noon. This is because apart from the good bacteria, it also has sugar. You can also take them on an empty stomach so that it reaches your intestines faster.  

Yogurt too can be had at any time but the best time to consume it is in the morning or in the afternoon. 

Yakult or Yogurt: Which One’s Vegan-Friendly?

Yogurt and yakult both use milk in their preparation. This makes both these unsuitable for vegan consumption.

While Yakult has no vegan variants, you can find many plant based yogurt variations in the market. However, these will vary from the dairy versions in terms of nutrition.  

Yakult Vs Yogurt: Their Impact on the Environment?

Dairy-based products are not good for the planet. This is because cattle raising for milk contributes to already rising levels of greenhouse gasses, deforestation and soil erosion. Dairy based yogurt and yakult are thus not sustainable choices.

Yakult has an added disadvantage  While yogurt can be made at home, the plastic packaging of yakult is another environmental concern.

What is Better for Oral Health: Yakult or Yogurt?

Yakult, although low in calcium, has added Vitamins E and D. These vitamins help in preventing gum diseases and keep your mouth healthy. However, since it is loaded with sugar, consuming it in moderation is important.

Yogurt is rich in calcium and phosphorus. Both these minerals play an important role in maintaining oral health. Other than that, it also contains good bacteria, which prevent the growth of bad bacteria.

Which One’s Better for Your Tummy: Yakult or Yogurt?

Yakult has a very high quantity of “live” good bacteria. It has a different probiotic strain than yogurt. This strain will stay alive and is resistant to stomach acid and therefore reaches the intestines live. This makes it more effective in solving digestive issues 

Yogurt too is rich in good bacteria. This makes it good for digestion. Yogurt is also low in lactose, a component found in milk, which many people have difficulty digesting. 

Which one Has a Bodily Hydration Effect: Yakult or Yogurt? 

Yogurt is better for bodily hydration. This is because it contains more water and many other electrolytes or minerals that help maintain the level of water in the body.  

Yakult on the other hand, fares fine in terms of hydration. Although it does contain vitamin D and E can can help in hydration of the skin.  

Which One’s More Versatile : Yakult or Yogurt?

Yakult is available in many flavours and has two main variations. It is to be drunk up straight as a probiotic drink. 

Yogurt also has a number of uses. It can be used in a variety of sweet and salty preparations. Use it to make a smoothie with some fruits, eat it like a snack with chopped fruits or use it in your recipes. 

So, in conclusion, yogurt and yakult both have their own strengths. Yogurt with its diverse nutrient profile of proteins, vitamins, minerals and good bacteria is a complete health food in itself. Yakult, with its “live” bacteria, is extremely good for digestion but lacks other nutrients.

So, the choice between yogurt and yakult is yours. I would recommend you use both and see what works for you the best. Also, opt for the Yakult light unflavoured variation with less sugar. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.