Walnut Milk Versus Peanut Milk: Which One Should You Pick?

Rohit Panwar

Non-dairy forms have been gaining popularity over dairy products for their numerous health benefits. A popular question that many of us new to these milk forms have to face is Walnut milk versus peanut milk, which one should we consume?

If you are someone who is planning to switch to non-dairy milk but having difficulty choosing between walnut and peanut milk, then this blog is for you. So, stay connected with me till the end to find answers.

Walnut milk versus Peanut Milk


| Walnut milk versus Almond Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Walnut Milk Versus Peanut Milk: An In-Depth Analysis of the Two Popular Nut-Based Milks

To clear all your doubts regarding these two amazing non-dairy beverages, I am presenting this informative comparison  below.

Walnut Milk

Walnuts & Water

Peanut Milk

Peanuts & Water

Walnut Milk

Slightly Creamy & Nutty

Peanut Milk

Biting &lightly Nutty 

Walnut Milk

1 cup

Peanut Milk

1 cup

Walnut Milk


Peanut Milk


Walnut Milk

3.5 g*

Peanut Milk

9.76 g*

Walnut Milk

1 g*

Peanut Milk

4.88 g*

Walnut Milk

24- 450 mg* 

Peanut Milk

20- 268.4 mg* 

Walnut Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Peanut Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Walnut Milk


Peanut Milk


Walnut Milk


Peanut Milk


Walnut Milk

Very Good

Peanut Milk

Very Good

Walnut Milk

Very Good

Peanut Milk


Walnut Milk


Peanut Milk

Very Good

Walnut Milk


Peanut Milk


Walnut Milk

Honey, Vanilla

Peanut Milk

Honey, cinnamon

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

I believe that this table is able to resolve all your preliminary queries and doubts related to walnut milk and peanut milk.

If not, then the detailed explanation of all the points for both the amazing drinks will surely provide you with more insights into the matter.

Knowing The Sources of Walnut Milk Vs Peanut Milk

Walnut milk can be prepared by using soaked walnuts in water for over 6-8 hours. These walnuts are then ground and blended in a mixer with some water and then it’s filtered to strain away the solids. The filtered liquid is what we call walnut milk.

Peanut milk can be obtained by using water-soaked peanuts. These are blended and ground with water and then strained away to yield peanut solids. While these solids can be dried to make peanut flour that can be used in baked goods, the filtered liquid is our delicious peanut milk.

Is There Any Difference in the Taste Of Walnut Milk and Peanut Milk?

Walnut milk as the name suggests, is obtained from walnuts and its taste is slightly creamy and a bit nutty. Its consistency is a bit thick and will vary from brand to brand or the amount of water added in homemade versions.

Made from peanuts, the taste of peanut milk is sharp, a bit raw, and slightly peanutty. Its consistency is thick or thin which depends on the amount of water added.

Comparing Daily Consumption of Walnut Milk and Peanut Milk

Peanut milk and walnut milk are phenomenal plant-based beverages that are lactose and gluten-free. They offer countless benefits when consumed daily but within recommended limits.

The suggested daily intake of walnut milk and peanut milk is around 1 cup per day. This will ensure that you get all the essential minerals and vitamins from these milks.

Let’s Take a Look at The Calorific Value of Walnut Milk versus Peanut Milk

The calorific content in peanut milk and walnut milk differs according to the brand. While thicker milk has more calories and is nutrient-dense, thinner or more watery versions will have lesser calories. 

The calorie content present in 1 cup of peanut milk is thrice that in 1 cup of walnut milk. So if you want to opt for less calorific foods then you can prefer walnut milk for sure.

Comparing the Fat Content of Walnut Milk Vs Peanut Milk 

It is clearly evident from the comparison table above that peanut milk has a higher amount of fats when compared to walnut milk. If you want to shed weight, then you can opt for walnut milk instead of peanut milk. Apart from this, Walnut milk also contains good fats like omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids that are necessary for a healthy heart.

Although peanut milk has higher fat than walnut milk, does it mean it is bad? The answer is no! Peanut milk is packed with a lot of good or healthy unsaturated fats that are good for the body.

Difference in Protein Content of Walnut Milk and Peanut Milk

Being an experienced dietician, I have been asked by many people about walnut milk vs peanut milk nutrition and more specifically proteins. Proteins are the essential macronutrient needed by humans therefore, we must include an adequate amount of them in our diet.

Protein content in peanut milk is nearly 5 times more than walnut milk. Peanuts are a rich source of protein and therefore, to meet the daily requirements of protein, you can surely prefer peanut milk.

Better Source of Calcium: Peanut Milk or Walnut Milk?

Homemade peanut milk and walnut milk are rich in many essential vitamins, proteins, minerals, and other nutrients, but not calcium. However, marketed versions of both the drinks have added calcium.

Hence, if you want to switch to these drinks, you should opt for the packed packets of any brand you like. While choosing a brand make sure you check the label for any synthetic flavors or added sugar.

Know the Best Time For Ingestion of Walnut Milk Vs Peanut Milk

Both walnut milk and peanut milk can be consumed daily for their better results and numerous advantages. They both can be consumed either in the morning or before bedtime. 

Having said that, people who are allergic to peanuts should not consume peanut milk. 

Walnut Milk or Peanut Milk, Which is More Environment-Friendly?

The most important fact about these non-dairy milk forms is that, unlike dairy milk, they do not harm the livestock or the environment. It is a well-established fact that plant-based milk is better for the environment when compared to dairy

When we compare walnut milk with peanut milk, peanut milk fares better. This is because the production of peanuts requires less farmland area, emits less greenhouse gasses emissions and causes less freshwater depletion.

Are Walnut Milk and Peanut Milk the Vegan-Friendly Milk Forms?

While dairy products have a source of origin of animals, both walnut milk and peanut milk are plant-based products.

Hence, both can be considered vegans. They are thus suitable for anyone who is vegan, lactose-intolerant, gluten allergic, or dairy-allergic.

Walnut Milk vs Peanut Milk Which is Better for Oral Health? 

Walnut milk and peanut milk both are the rising stars in the world of plant-based milk. They work well in maintaining oral health and preventing dental problems.

Both walnuts and peanuts are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, etc. which are important for overall good oral health. The market-bought versions are rich in calcium which is essential for strengthening teeth, jawbones and gums. So, if you want to keep your pearly whites shining bright then you can choose these super refreshing drinks.

What to Pick for a Healthy Digestive System- Walnut Milk or Peanut Milk?

Walnut milk is light on the stomach and is easily digested. This is because it contains fiber and antioxidants that are helpful for keeping your digestion trouble-free. 

Just like walnut milk, peanut milk is also rich in fiber and other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals which together make it a great dietary supplement. 

Walnut Milk Versus Peanut Milk For Body Cooling

Everyone needs a liquid refreshing drink that is nutritious as well in this scorching summer season. Well, the two amazing drinks that will meet these requirements are walnut milk and peanut milk.

Walnut milk and peanut milk are delicious plant-based milk forms that constitute 70% to 80% of water. This helps in cooling the body. Also, both these milks can be used in making delicious cold treats like, smoothies, shakes and icecreams.

What Works Better For Hydration: Walnut Milk or Peanut Milk?

Walnut milk and peanut milk both contain fiber that helps in the reabsorption of water from the intestines. Walnut milk is also rich in many minerals like sodium, and potassium which help to maintain the optimum water level in the human body.

Peanut milk is a good source of vitamin E,  magnesium and vitamin B-6. These contribute to the body hydration

What Flavors Go Well with Walnut Milk Vs Peanut Milk? 

Walnut milk is a nutritious drink that offers many benefits. It can be consumed plain or flavored with honey or brown sugar, cocoa powder, vanilla extract. It can also be used to prepare smoothies,  in making banana pancakes, cakes, etc.

Peanut milk can be consumed plain or can be flavored with some honey, vanilla extract, coffee or cocoa powder after blending. It can also be made more nutritive by using natural sweeteners or seasonings such as cinnamon at the time of blending. 

I believe that my blog addressed all your concerns and doubts. And you have definitely found an answer to your question, ‘walnut milk versus peanut milk which is better?’

If you have any further doubts or queries, feel free to reach me in the comments section below.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.