Walnut Vs Oat Milk: Best Choice For An Active Lifestyle

Rohit Panwar

Replacing plant-based milks with dairy has become one of the popular conscious health choices. With so many alternatives, it might be tough to pick one especially when it comes to choosing between popular and lesser-known options like walnut milk versus oat milk.

Both offer a wide range of nutrients and benefits vital for a healthy lifestyle. So, in this blog, let me take you through walnut milk and oat milk, to help you understand how good they are for our body, our environment, and our everyday lifestyle.

Walnut milk vs Oat Milk


| Walnut milk versus Soy Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Comparing Nutritional Attributes of Walnut Milk and Oat Milk 

 I have put down this table together to answer all your basic concerns about walnut milk and oat milk to give you a fair idea about them both –

Walnut Milk

Walnuts, water

Oat Milk

Rolled oats, water

Walnut Milk

Nutty & sweet

Oat Milk

Sweet & creamy

Walnut Milk

1 cup

Oat Milk

1 cup

Walnut Milk


Oat Milk


Walnut Milk

3.5 g*

Oat Milk

5 g*

Walnut Milk

1 g*

Oat Milk

3 g*

Walnut Milk

24-450 mg*

Oat Milk

22-350 mg*

Walnut Milk

Morning or night

Oat Milk

Morning or night

Walnut Milk


Oat Milk
Walnut Milk


Oat Milk


Walnut Milk

Very good

Oat Milk


Walnut Milk


Oat Milk


Walnut Milk


Oat Milk


Walnut Milk


Oat Milk


Walnut Milk

Honey & flavors

Oat Milk

Honey & flavors

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

The above table is a quick takeaway of some of the most searched questions on walnut milk and oat milk. 

Let me discuss each of the criteria in detail with interesting research facts to show you the similarities, differences and advantages of including both the milks in your everyday diet.

Walnut Milk Vs Oat Milk: What Do They Constitute?

The origin of walnuts dates back thousands of years. They are said to have originated in Persia and have been brought to England and later California. However, walnut milk is a recent entry into the plant-based milks market. Walnut milk is made by soaking walnuts. Once softened they are blended with water and strained to make walnut milk.

Oat milk first came into being in the 1990s. Rolled oats or steel-cut oats are blended with cold water for 30 seconds to make oat milk. It does not require any straining. If you are making it at home, make sure to blend it with cold water and avoid blending for a long time as it tends to get very slimy.

Walnut Milk Vs Oat Milk: Taste and Texture Profile

Walnut milk is known for its strong flavour compared to other plant-based milks like almond milk or cashew milk. It is a nutty and mildly sweet brownish liquid with a silky cream texture. 

Oat milk is sweet compared to other plant-based milks. It has a creamy texture which is very similar to cow milk texture. The texture sometimes varies based on the way you blend it due to its binding properties with water.

Walnut Milk Vs Oat Milk: How Much A Day is Enough For Good Results?

A cup of walnut milk or oat milk is good enough to take care of your everyday nutrition requirements. They are a potpourri of some of the most essential minerals and vitamins our body needs.

The phytic acid present in oats can hinder the absorption of minerals and vitamins. Hence, consuming 1 cup per day is ideal. However, it is also said that soaking oats overnight helps in reducing acid content in the oat milk.

Walnut Milk Vs Oat Milk: Better Choice If You Are Counting Your Calories?

One of the best advantages of consuming plant-based milks is that they are loaded with nutrients and at the same time have a low-calorie count. Walnut milk has very less calories than oats milk and is a go-to option for many for a boost of energy.

Oat milk on the other hand has a higher level of calorie count yet is comparatively low than dairy-based beverages. Oat milk has higher carbohydrate content that is transformed into energy by our body and keeps us stay active for a long time.

Is Walnut Milk Better Than Oat Milk in Fat Comparison? 

Plant-based milks are attributed with another advantage that dairy-based milk- a lower quantity of fats. Besides walnuts are a good source of healthy fats like omega 3 fatty acids that help in aiding eye health, heart health, etc.

Oat milk is slightly higher in fat compared to walnut milk. Yet, the heart-healthy fats in oat milk are very beneficial in reducing cholesterol levels. 

Walnut Milk Or Oat Milk: Which Fits Your Protein Requirements Range?

Walnut milk is low in protein content in comparison to other plant-based and dairy-based milks. Yet, it has sufficient levels of folic acid which is very essential as it helps in the growth of cells and tissues just like protein. 

Oat milk has higher sources of proteins than walnut milk which helps in building muscles and strengthening the body.

Walnut Milk Or Oat Milk: Which Offers More Calcium?

Homemade walnut milk has a lower amount of calcium while store-bought milk is generally fortified with calcium and other vitamins. 

Like walnut milk, homemade oat milk has low calcium and the market version has higher levels. If we compare the calcium content in both the milks, walnut milk has more calcium.  Besides this, both walnut milk and oat milk are great sources of magnesium and phosphorus which are great for bone health. 

Intake of Walnut Milk And Oat Milk: Which Time Works Better For Your Body?

Walnut milk is great to be consumed both in the daytime and at night. When consumed during the day it boosts energy, replenishes the body, and keeps you satiated for a long time. When consumed at night, it helps to sleep better.

Oat milk like walnut milk is suited for both day and night. It is rich in antioxidants that help in everyday functioning of the body. This is also a reason why people prefer to consume oatmeal for breakfast. Consuming oat milk in the morning keeps you full for a long time. Consuming a glass of oat milk before bed helps to sleep better as it has elements like tryptophan that induce sleep.

Walnut Milk Or Oat Milk- Which Is An Ally To The Ecosystem?

Walnut milk has a positive impact on the environment as walnut trees consume less water for production and cultivation. It is plant-based and does not cause damage to the soil like dairy-based milks. 

Oat milk has a positive impact on the environment because of its low consumption of water. In comparison to dairy-based milks and even other plant-based milks like almond and soy, oat milk is more sustainable.

Walnut Milk Or Oat Milk: Better Option For A Vegan-Friendly Lifestyle?

Be it for saving the environment or for adding in more vital vitamins and nutrients the choices to consume vegan milk are increasing every day.

Both walnut milk and oat milk are excellent vegan-friendly milks. They can also be used in recipes to make vegan foods like cereals with walnut or oat milk. If you are planning to shift to vegan milks, these two milks are great to start with.

Walnut Milk Vs Oat Milk: Which Has A Positive Impact On Your Oral Health?

Calcium being a major requirement for strong teeth is available in both walnut milk and oat milk fortified versions. Apart from calcium, there are so many micronutrients that are required to maintain healthy gums and teeth. 

Walnut milk and oat milk are amazingly rich in micro nutrients like Manganese, Magnesium, phosphorus, etc which helps in contributing to a healthy mouth.

Walnut Milk And Oat Milk: Do They Aid Tummy Health?

Walnut milk is beneficial to the tummy as it is fiber-rich and eases digestion. It is also gluten-free and people with lactose intolerance can also consume walnut milk. 

Oat milk is very well known for its fiber which is very helpful in improving gut health.  It also helps in reducing infections and protects the gut. Oats are naturally gluten free however, it is good to check for certified oats as in the factories oats and wheat are processed in the same place so there are chances that it might get infected with the gluten content in wheat.

Walnut Milk Vs Oat Milk: How Efficient Are They In Reducing Body Heat?

Both walnut milk and oat milk are body heating foods. They are naturally hot and are good to be consumed to warm the body. They are not beneficial in cooling the body by themselves. 

However due to the water content in them or when consumed with cold foods they can help in cooling the body.

Is The Water Content In Walnut Milk Or Oat Milk Sufficient To Keep You Hydrated?

The water content in both walnut milk and oat milk helps to keep the body hydrated.  They have a considerable amount of electrolytes like potassium and magnesium that helps in maintaining the water content in the body.

Also since walnut milk and oats milk are blended with water, the water content in these milks also helps in hydrating the body 

Walnut Milk And Oat Milk: How To Relish Their Goodness?

Walnut milk has a strong flavour so some might find it difficult to consume it as such. Honey or brown sugar can be added as sweeteners to make it sweet and to keep it healthy. Apart from this, walnut milk can be used in many ways –  with coffee, flavour based drinks like vanilla, cocoa powder and with fruits as smoothies. 

Oat milk with its naturally sweet taste and creamy texture is so versatile and can be used in many different ways. Oat milk tastes great with vanilla, chocolate flavors. It can be consumed with oatmeal, added to cakes, cookies, blended with fresh berries and to make coffee and tea. It is also good to remember that oat milk cannot replace heavy cream recipes. 

As we close our discussion on each criterion, it is normal to wonder, Is walnut milk better than oat milk? To decide which is better, you can simply consider the benefits of these milks with your requirements. Both walnut milk and oat milk offer excellent benefits so whatever your choice would be, as a practicing nutritionist I can assure you that it will be very beneficial for you. 

However, when choosing a commercial pack from the market it is good to check for the ingredients and nutrients value. Reason being some are high in sugar and may have added ingredients. Let it act as your guide next time when you come across walnut milk vs oat milk. I look forward to more questions from your end.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.