Tofu or Greek Yogurt: Which One Will Be More Suitable for Your Needs?

Rohit Panwar

Tofu vs Greek yogurt can be a difficult choice since they both are nutrient-dense products. As a nutritionist, I will assist you to pick the best one for yourself. 

Besides sharing a few nutritional similarities, tofu and Greek yogurt are very different from each other. Knowing these differences will give you clarity about these two protein rich products. 

Tofu vs Greek Yogurt: Making the Right Pick 

Let’s start our journey with a brief glance at the different aspects of tofu vs Greek yogurt: 


Soybeans & Water

Greek Yogurt

Milk & Yogurt Culture


Mild & Soft

Greek Yogurt

Creamy & Tart


100-150 grams

Greek Yogurt

200-250 grams



Greek Yogurt



1.9 g*

Greek Yogurt

4 g*


4.8 g*

Greek Yogurt

5 g*


8 g*

Greek Yogurt

9 g*


350 mg*

Greek Yogurt

100 mg*


0.3 g*

Greek Yogurt

0.3 g*



Greek Yogurt

Very Good


Morning & Noon

Greek Yogurt

Morning & Noon


Very Good

Greek Yogurt

Very Good



Greek Yogurt

Very Good


Very Good

Greek Yogurt




Greek Yogurt




Greek Yogurt




Greek Yogurt

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams

How Is Tofu vs Greek Yogurt Made?

Tofu is processed soybeans curd which is a popular plant based protein source in East Asian countries. 

To prepare tofu, soybeans are ground in the water, heated and then coagulated with nigari salt or gypsum. Resulting curd is pressed with weights to form a block of tofu. 

Greek yogurt is basically the strained version of normal yogurt. It can be easily prepared at home by mixing whole milk with yogurt culture. It takes around 8-12 hours to set.

Tofu or Greek Yogurt: Which One Is More Delicious?

You can find many different types of tofu depending on its texture. It can be extra firm, firm, soft or silken tofu. It has a neutral and mild flavor which allows it to go well with any flavor it’s paired with. 

Greek yogurt has a thicker and velvety texture compared to normal yogurt due to the straining process. It has a creamy and slightly tangy taste. 

How Much Tofu vs Greek Yogurt Is Sufficient for a Day?

Tofu and Greek yogurt both are nutritionally dense foods making them a great choice for adding to your regular diet. You can have 100-150 grams of tofu per day.

Greek yogurt is a whole milk based dairy product which can be consumed up to 1 cup a day. Remember that 1 cup holds around 200-250 ml of Greek yogurt. 

How do Tofu & Greek Yogurt Against Cottage Cheese?

| Tofu vs Cottage Cheese |

| Greek Yogurt Vs Cottage Cheese |

The More Calorie Dense Food: Tofu or Greek Yogurt

Speaking of calories, tofu and Greek yogurt contain almost the same amount of it.  However, milk quality impacts Greek yogurt’s calories. Use skimmed milk if you want low calorie Greek yogurt. 

Also, many packed Greek yogurt contains sugar or flavoring which increases its calorie count. Be sure to read the label carefully while choosing the product. 

Tofu vs Greek Yogurt: Which to Pick for Lower Carbs?

In terms of carbs, tofu has less carbs than Greek yogurt. Most dairy products are moderately high in carbs. 

If you are someone who is looking for a low carb product then tofu is a better choice for them. 

Which Contains Less Fat Content: Tofu or Greek Yogurt?

Tofu and Greek yogurt both have relatively similar amounts of fats. However, tofu has little less fats than Greek yogurt. You can reduce the fat content in Greek yogurt by using low fat milk to make it. 

Tofu and Greek yogurt can come in a variety of fat levels. So, if you are watching your fat intake, be sure to choose non-fat or low-fat varieties of Greek yogurt and silken tofu.

Difference Between Tofu vs Greek Yogurt Protein

Dairy and soy products are considered complete protein which means it gives you all essential 9 amino acids. Therefore tofu and Greek yogurt are great choices for high-quality protein. 

Besides that, both the products have almost the same quantity of protein also. Hence, you can choose either of them for your protein requirements. 

Is Tofu Better Than Greek Yogurt for Calcium?

Calcium is a vital mineral for the human body. It is crucial to maintain its optimal level in the body through a calcium rich diet. 

Dairy products are considered excellent sources of calcium. However, tofu is one of the few plant based foods which are slightly better than dairy products for calcium. 

Tofu vs Greek Yogurt as Fiber Rich Foods?

Plant based products are rich sources of fiber compared to animal based products such as milk, cheese etc.

Tofu is a plant based product but it contains a small amount of fiber. Most of the fiber of soybeans is strained away while making soy milk. However, it is still better than Greek yogurt which has almost negligible amount of fiber. 

Tofu vs Greek Yogurt: The More Nutritional Pick?

For nutritional diversity, it is important to look at macro and micronutrient profiles. Macronutrients consist of calories, carbs, fat and protein; which are already explained above.  

Now let’s compare the micronutrients of tofu and Greek yogurt. They both have similar amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E and potassium. 

However, tofu is a rich source of iron, Omega 3 and 6, magnesium, folate, vitamin K, zinc and copper. This makes tofu a more nutrient dense and diverse food compared to Greek yogurt. 

When to Have Tofu vs Greek Yogurt?

Tofu and Greek yogurt are nutrient rich foods which you can have any time of the day. Though I will recommend having them for breakfast will keep you full for a longer time and help prevent cravings.

You can also add both of these nutritious foods to your afternoon meal as well. Try to avoid snacking on them at night or just before sleeping. 

Tofu vs Greek Yogurt for Your Gut Health

Greek is a fermented food and filled with probiotics. The friendly bacteria promote your gut health and support healthy digestion. 

Tofu is a plant based protein product it is much easier to digest compared to Greek yogurt. Tofu also contains more fiber which makes it more gut friendly than Greek yogurt.

Better for Your Bones and Teeth: Tofu or Greek Yogurt

Tofu and Greek yogurt are rich sources of protein and calcium which are crucial nutrients for  strong teeth and bones. Hence, incorporating them into your regular meals and snacks can provide a wide range of advantages. 

However, tofu is a rich source of iron, copper and zinc which are other vital minerals for bones.  Again, a sugar loaded and flavored pack of greek yogurt is harmful for your teeth and bones so avoid those. 

Tofu vs Greek Yogurt as Allergens

Greek yogurt is a dairy product, which can cause discomfort to those who are lactose intolerant. In such a case you must avoid Greek yogurt. 

Tofu is lactose free and it is safe from this type of allergy. However, if you have a soy allergy then it is better to avoid tofu. Though soy allergy is less common than milk allergy.  

Better for the Planet: Tofu or Greek Yogurt?

Dairy production has a higher carbon footprint due to a large emissions of greenhouse gas. This makes dairy foods less sustainable than plant based foods, which have lower carbon footprint.  

Besides that, plenty of natural resources such as land and water are required for animal husbandry. Hence tofu is a more environmentally friendly choice compared to Greek yogurt. 

Tofu or Greek Yogurt: What Can Be Added to a Vegan Diet?

Veganism is a kind of lifestyle which doesn’t include any animal based products. A vegan diet consists only of plant based foods. 

Since tofu is a plant based food, it can certainly be part of a vegan diet. Whereas, Greek yogurt doesn’t fit in it. 

Which Has More Uses: Tofu or Greek Yogurt?

Tofu is also known for its versatility. There are so many ways to add tofu in your diet that you won’t ever feel bored. You can add it to your savory dishes like fried rice, noodles or curries. 

Scrambled tofu is an excellent vegan substitute of scrambled egg. You can mix it with your bread dough for a soft texture. It is a perfect protein rich vegan choice for smoothies. 

Greek Yogurt can also be used many different ways. You can have it straight or  with fruits and granola for a fulfilling meal. Greek yogurt based smoothies are good post workout snacks to meet your protein needs. 

I would like to conclude here that tofu and Greek yogurt both can be beneficial for your overall well being.  If you don’t have any allergy or other food restriction then having both  is better than choosing one over other. 

If you have any follow up questions regarding tofu vs Greek yogurt, feel free to drop it in the comment box. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.