Tempeh or Cottage Cheese: Which One’s Better & Why?

Rohit Panwar

Wondering, tempeh vs cottage cheese, which one should you be including in your diet? Let me answer with a comparison of their nutritional values. 

As a practising nutritionist, I will discuss all the differences between tempeh and cottage cheese. This detailed analysis will assist you in choosing the right one for yourself. 

Tempeh vs Cottage Cheese: Nutritional Similarities & Differences

Let’s start straight with a quick look at various components of tempeh vs cottage cheese : 


Soybeans & Starter

Cottage Cheese

Dairy Milk & Lactic Acid


Mild, Nutty & Firm

Cottage Cheese

Soft & Slightly Sweet


100-200 grams

Cottage Cheese

50-100 grams



Cottage Cheese



9.39 g*

Cottage Cheese

3.4 g*


10.8 g*

Cottage Cheese

4.3 g*


18.5 g*

Cottage Cheese

11 g*


111  mg*

Cottage Cheese

83 mg*


4.7 g*

Cottage Cheese

0 g*



Cottage Cheese

Very Good


Morning or Noon

Cottage Cheese

Morning or Noon


Very Good

Cottage Cheese

Very Good



Cottage Cheese

Very Good



Cottage Cheese




Cottage Cheese




Cottage Cheese



Very Good

Cottage Cheese

Very Good


2-3 Weeks

Cottage Cheese

2-3 Days

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams

Is Cottage Cheese and Tempeh the Same Thing?

No, they aren’t. Tempeh is made by whole soybeans which are first soaked, cooked, dehulled and then fermented. Rhizopus Oligosporus or Rhizopus Oryzae are used as the starter culture. 

Cottage cheese is a dairy product which is prepared by adding food acids like vinegar, citric acid or lemon juice to hot milk. Once whey gets separated from the curd, the excess water is drained through muslin or cheesecloth. 

Tempeh vs Cottage Cheese Taste and Texture

Tempeh looks like a cake with a dry and firm texture. It is chewy and has a distinguished earthy and nutty taste. You may need some time to adopt its unique flavor. 

Cottage cheese has a softer texture compared to tempeh. It has a rich milky flavor and it is slightly sweet due to lactose. Lactic acid makes it a bit tangy in taste.

How Much of Tempeh vs Cottage Cheese Will Be Enough a Day?

Per day 1-3 servings of soy beans or soy products can be added in your diet. Tempeh is a nutrient rich fermented soy product which you can have around 100-200 grams everyday. 

Just like soy products, a healthy adult can consume 3 servings of dairy products in which you can add one serving of cottage cheese.  You can have around half a cup of cottage cheese to your diet everyday. 

Compare Tempeh vs Cottage Cheese Calories

In terms of calories, there is a significant difference between tempeh and cottage cheese. Tempeh has a lot more calories compared to the same amount of cottage cheese. 

If you are following any low calorie diet plan then cottage cheese is definitely a better option for you. However, instead of avoiding tempeh completely you can reduce the quantity of it. 

Tempeh or Cottage Cheese: Which Contains More Carbs? 

Carbs are macronutrients which provide you energy and keep you active. Each individual’s carbohydrate needs vary according to their age, gender, lifestyle etc.  

Cottage cheese contains less carbs compared to tempeh. If you have an active lifestyle then adding tempeh to your regular diet is a better option. 

Tempeh vs Cottage Cheese for Weight Loss

A low fat diet is considered helpful to lose a few extra pounds. Therefore, if you are on a weight loss journey then opting for low fat food can be beneficial. 

In such a case, pick cottage cheese over tempeh. Tempeh has considerably more fat than cottage cheese. 

Although, do remember that tempeh is a good source of omega 3 and omega 6 which are considered heart healthy fats. 

Which is More Protein Densed: Tempeh or Cottage Cheese?

Tempeh and cottage cheese both are complete protein sources meaning they consist of all 9 essential amino acids to make protein by body. 

However, tempeh is a more protein dense food compared to cottage cheese. Besides, high protein soy products keep you full for longer and manage your hunger pangs. Overall, tempeh is a better pick to meet your protein needs. 

Tempeh vs Cottage Cheese As Calcium Rich Source

Dairy products are considered one of the best sources of calcium for vegetarians. However, soy products, seeds and nuts are also equally or better ways to get calcium. 

In comparison to cottage cheese, tempeh has more calcium. So, if you want to increase your calcium intake then instead of cottage cheese opt for tempeh. 

Tempeh or Cottage Cheese: Better Source of Fiber

Dietary fiber is essential for you for various reasons such as to regulate your bowel movements, manage weight and to keep the heart healthy etc.

Plant based foods are the best ways to add fiber in your diet compared to animal based products.  Being a plant based food, tempeh is an excellent source of fiber, whereas cottage cheese doesn’t offer any fiber. 

Tempeh vs Cottage Cheese Nutrition Facts: Which One Has a Better Profile?

To find which is healthier cottage cheese or tempeh, it is important to check the nutritional diversity of both. As we already discussed all the macronutrients above, now let’s go through their micronutrients.

Tempeh is a richer source of Copper, Manganese, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin B3, Phosphorus, and Vitamin B2 than cottage cheese. On the other hand, cottage cheese contains more Vitamin B12 and selenium than tempeh.

A wider range of minerals and vitamins in tempeh, makes it more diverse than cottage cheese. 

Recommended Time of the Day to Have Tempeh vs Cottage Cheese

Breakfast is considered as the crucial meal of the day. This meal set the pattern of the day, hence keeping it as nutrient rich as possible. 

Cottage cheese and tempeh both are excellent choices for your breakfast. If you skip them in the morning then add them to your afternoon snacks or lunch time. 

How Tempeh vs Cottage Cheese Impact Your Digestion?

Tempeh is a fermented food which is loaded with many gut-friendly bacteria. These bacteria assist to maintain a healthy digestion. Tempeh is also fiber rich food. 

These aspects make it a better choice for gut health. If you often face constipation then choose tempeh over cottage cheese to regulate your bowel movement. Remember to consume well-cooked tempeh to avoid stomach ache or nausea. 

Tempeh or Cottage Cheese: A Better Pick for Teeth and Bones

To build healthy bones and for strong teeth calcium, vitamin D, protein, potassium, copper, phosphorus and magnesium are major nutrients. 

Compared to cottage cheese, tempeh is a richer source of all these essential micro and macro nutrients. 

Hence, tempeh is an optimal alternative for your oral health and bones. However, as cottage cheese has casein which is considered helpful to prevent tooth decay. 

How Allergic Is Tempeh Compared to Cottage Cheese?

Most of the food allergies have mild symptoms like skin rashes and digestive issues, however in some cases it can be life threatening. Hence, it is crucial to know your food allergy. 

Milk and soy both are among the top allergens. However, soy allergy is less common compared to milk allergy. If you are allergic to milk then you should not consume cottage cheese. Similarly if you have soy allergy then avoid tempeh. 

Environmental Impacts of Tempeh vs Cottage Cheese

Plant based products are more eco friendly compared to dairy products. Animal husbandry has a much higher carbon footprint. It also requires a lot of water and land to raise cattles. 

On the other hand, the plant based food industry absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. This makes tempeh a more sustainable choice than cottage cheese. 

Tempeh or Cottage Cheese: What to Pick if You Are Vegan?

Being vegan means, you don’t consume any animal based products such as dairy, meat, poultry etc. It is a growing food trend throughout the world due to allergies and environmental concerns.  

If you follow veganism, then you can definitely add tempeh to your diet since it is completely plant based. On the contrary, cottage cheese is produced by milk which can’t be included in vegan meals. 

Tempeh or Cottage Cheese: Which One Is More Useful in the Kitchen?

Both tempeh and cottage cheese can be used in multiple ways in the kitchen. Tempeh goes very well with fried rice, stir fried vegetables, salads and in curries. 

Cottage cheese is an excellent topping for your breakfast toast. It can be added to salads. Paneer, which is a type of cottage cheese popular in India, is ideal for curries. 

Tempeh can absorb flavors while cottage cheese can be just coated. 

Shelf Life of Tempeh vs Cottage Cheese 

Once fermented, tempeh can be stored for 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator. If you want to keep it for longer then better to store in the freezer. Store it in an airtight container to avoid molds. 

Compared to tempeh, cottage cheese has a shorter life span. You need to consume it within  2-3 days. It tastes better when fresh. 

In the end, I would like to say that choosing between tempeh and cottage cheese relies on your personal preferences and needs. 

Even if tempeh is a healthier option, it is not widely available. On the contrary, cottage cheese is a popular cheese which is easily available at stores and can also be easily prepared at home. 

I hope this detailed information will give you all clarity regarding tempeh vs cottage cheese. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.