Is Yogurt Better & Healthier Than Sour Cream?

Rohit Panwar

Sour cream vs yogurt, wondering which is a better option for you? As a nutritionist, I bring you an in depth comparison between the two which will help you make an informed choice.   

Yogurt and sour cream are two very popular fermented dairy products. These might look very similar but in reality have more differences than similarities. Let’s take a look.

sour cream Vs yogurt


Quark Versus Yogurt – Which One’s Better? | 

Sour Cream vs Yogurt Nutrition & Benefits

Let us begin the comparison by taking a quick look at parameters such as Sour cream vs yogurt calories, taste, etc.  

Sour Cream

Cream & Culture


Milk & Starter Culture

Sour Cream

Sour & Creamy


Sweet & Sour

Sour Cream

2 tablespoons


1 Cup

Sour Cream




Sour Cream

3 g*


5 g*

Sour Cream

20 g*


3.5 g*

Sour Cream

2 g*


 3.5 g*

Sour Cream

110 mg*


132 mg*

Sour Cream

Morning or Noon


Morning or Noon

Sour Cream




Sour Cream




Sour Cream



Very Good

Sour Cream



Very good

Sour Cream



Very Good

Sour Cream



Very Good 

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100g, made using whole milk

The table gives you a clear picture of the differences between sour cream and yogurt. But before you go and take a trip to the grocery store, just go through the differences in details.

Is Sour Cream and Yogurt the Same Thing? 

Sour cream is made using a mixture of heavy cream and milk. A lactic acid bacterial culture is added to it and the mixture is then allowed to thicken. Once the desired consistency is obtained, the sour cream is pasteurized to stop the fermentation. Market versions of sour cream may also contain gelatin, rennet, flavoring agents, etc. 

Yogurt is made using only milk. To warmed milk, a yogurt culture is added and the mixture is allowed to thicken and ferment.The yogurt culture is easily available in the market and is a combination of good bacteria. An important difference between the two products is that in the case of yogurt, re-pasteurization is not needed.

Sour Cream & Yogurt Taste and Texture

Sour cream has a tangy, rich and tart flavour. Consistency-wise, it is creamy and thicker in comparison to yogurt.  

Yogurt has a thinner consistency than sour cream. It is sour but much milder in flavour when compared to sour cream. 

Recommended Daily Intake of Sour Cream Vs Yogurt 

Sour cream is very rich, and therefore must be consumed in moderation. You can consume up to 2 tablespoons or around 30 grams of sour cream a day. 

Yogurt is a very nutritious dairy product and you can include it in your daily diet without having to worry about consequences. You can consume up to 1 cup of yogurt everyday. 

Sour Cream Vs  Yogurt: The Question of the Calories

When we compare equal quantities of sour cream and yogurt, we find that sour cream has a much higher amount of  calories. This is mainly attributed to its fat content. 

Yogurt on the other hand  is much lower in calories when compared to sour cream. 

Which Has Lower Carbs – Sour Cream or Yogurt?

Yogurt and sour cream are both dairy products, which makes them moderately high in carbs when compared to many animal -based and plant based foods.  

If we compared the two, sour cream has a lower carbohydrate content than yogurt. 

Which is Better for Weight Watchers:  Sour Cream or Yogurt? 

One of the major differences between sour cream and yogurt is the amount of fat they contain. So, while yogurt contains around 5-12% fat,  sour cream has about 20% of fat content. 

Therefore, if you are trying to watch your weight, yogurt is a much better option. You might wonder “Can I substitute sour cream for yogurt?” Yes, you can. However for cooking you must remember that sour cream favours a higher temperature than yogurt. Yogurt can curdle in response to high heat. 

Better Choice for Protein: Sour Cream or Yogurt?

Dairy products are usually known for their higher protein content. However, in comparison to sour cream yogurt is better if you are looking to increase your protein intake. 

Yogurt is not only higher in protein, but since the serving size is more, you will end up consuming more protein. 1 cup of yogurt will give you around 6-8 gm of protein while 2 tablespoons  of sour cream  account for a meager 0.4 grams pf proteins.

Sour Cream or Yogurt: Which Has More Calcium?

Calcium is one nutrient where sour cream is actually quite similar to yogurt. Equal amounts of yogurt and sour cream contain almost the same quantity of calcium.

This calcium plays a pivotal role in formation of strong bones, teeth and maintaining muscle functions. However, an important thing to remember here is that since the serving size of sour cream is less, the quantity of calcium consumed will be much less than yogurt.

What is the Best Time to Consume Sour Cream Vs Yogurt?

Sour cream as I discussed above is very high in fats and calories. Therefore, it is best to consume it in the first half of the day, so that the body has enough time to break it down.

Yogurt is nutritionally dense as well and is rich in vitamins, minerals with a moderate amount of fats and calories. Therefore, it is best consumed either in the morning or in the afternoon.

Which One’s Vegan-Friendly: Sour Cream or Yogurt?

Traditionally, both sour cream and yogurt are made using milk. Since their origin is animal-based, they are not vegan friendly. However, as the number of vegans grows, their plant based options are also becoming available. 

While vegan options are delicious, they do not live up to the nutritional levels of their dairy counterparts, unless fortified. So, if you are vegan, make sure to balance out the nutrient consumption from other sources.  

Better for the Planet: Sour Cream or Yogurt?

The dairy industry has come under attack for a number of reasons including sustainability and ethical concerns. Raising cattle for milk leads to an increase in emission of greenhouse gasses, soil erosion and deforestation. 

Therefore milk based sour cream and yogurt have a negative impact on the planet.  

Sour Cream or Yogurt: Better for Oral Health?

Sour Cream and yogurt being dairy products are rich in many mouth friendly nutrients. Calcium and phosphorus which are present in good quantities in these dairy products, are good for your oral health

Apart from this, sour cream and yogurt also contain good bacteria. These good bacteria or probiotics protect your mouth from the infection and problem causing bad bacteria. 

Sour Cream or Yogurt: Better Option for Your Tummy?

Since regular sour cream is high in fat, it may aid in the absorption of fat -soluble vitamins in the body when taken in limited quantities. Apart from this, it also contains a significant amount of probiotics which help in digestion.

Yogurt is a very tummy-friendly food. It is rich in good bacteria or probiotics that aid digestion and also prevent gut infections. In comparison to sour cream, yogurt is definitely better for your digestion because of the balance of nutrients.

Which one Has a Bodily Cooling Effect: Sour Cream or Yogurt? 

Yogurt is much better at hydrating and cooling the body when compared to sour cream. This is because  it has a much higher water content. It also contains minerals  like calcium, potassium that act as electrolytes and help in maintaining the water level in the body. 

Sour cream, might be delicious but its use in hydration or bodily cooling is very limited limited.  

Which One’s More Versatile : Sour Cream or Yogurt?

Yogurt is more versatile than sour cream. It goes well both with sweet and savoury flavours. You can use it to make smoothies, prepare dips, or use it in your recipes.  

Sour cream is used more as a condiment than as food in itself. You can use it as a topping or use it to thicken your soups, sauces and stews.  

In conclusion, we can say that yogurt is a much healthier and nutritious option when compared to sour cream. However, this does not mean that sour cream is a complete no-no. You can consume it in moderation and occasionally.

I hope I was able to explain the difference between sour cream and yogurt. If you have any other questions, feel free to drop them in the comment section below. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.