Sour Cream vs Greek Yogurt: Which Is Better for You and Why?

Rohit Panwar

If sour cream vs Greek yogurt puzzles you then you are not alone. It is indeed hard to pick one between two similar kinds of products. 

As a nutritionist, I will help you to clear your doubts and will talk about various health benefits of Greek yogurt vs sour cream. This will be handy to choose the best one for yourself. 

Sour Cream vs Greek Yogurt: Differences & Similarities

Before going in details, let’s take a quick look at various attributes of sour cream and Greek yogurt:

Sour Cream

Cream & Culture

Greek Yogurt

Milk & Starter Culture

Sour Cream

Sour & Creamy

Greek Yogurt

Creamy & Tart

Sour Cream

2 Tablespoons

Greek Yogurt

1 cup

Sour Cream


Greek Yogurt


Sour Cream

3 g*

Greek Yogurt

4 g*

Sour Cream

20 g*

Greek Yogurt

5 g*

Sour Cream

2 g*

Greek Yogurt

9 g*

Sour Cream

110 mg*

Greek Yogurt

100 mg*

Sour Cream

Morning & Noon 

Greek Yogurt

Morning or Noon

Sour Cream


Greek Yogurt


Sour Cream


Greek Yogurt


Sour Cream


Greek Yogurt

 Very Good

Sour Cream


Greek Yogurt

 Very Good

Sour Cream


Greek Yogurt

 Very Good

Sour Cream


Greek Yogurt

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams, made using whole milk

Difference in Preparation Method of Sour Cream & Greek Yogurt

Sour cream is prepared by fermenting heavy cream with bacterial culture. Once it reaches the desired consistency, you can keep it in the refrigerator and use it directly. 

The thicker version of normal yogurt is called Greek yogurt. You can easily make it at home by mixing whole milk with yogurt culture. It will set after 8-12 hours and then strain to remove excess water or whey. 

A Comparison Between Sour Cream vs Greek Yogurt Taste and Texture

Sour cream is thicker than Greek yogurt. They both have the same creamy texture. You will need a spoon to take them out of the box or to eat. 

Compared to Greek yogurt, sour cream has a tangy and tart flavor. Greek yogurt is mildly sour in taste. 

Ideal Daily Consumption Amount for Sour Cream vs Greek Yogurt

Since sour cream is prepared with heavy cream, it is a rich dairy product. It is important to consume it in moderation. You can have up to 2 tablespoons or 30 ml of sour cream a day. 

Greek yogurt is a whole milk based dairy product and it is not as rich as sour cream. You can consume a maximum of 1 cup a day. 1 cup holds around 200-250 ml of Greek yogurt. 

Difference Between Sour Cream & Greek Yogurt Calories

In terms of calories, sour cream is far ahead than Greek yogurt. 100 grams of Greek yogurt contains 97 calories whereas the same amount of sour cream has 193 calories. 

However, if you consume within the recommended quantity of sour cream then you won’t get that many calories. Instead of avoiding sour cream due to high calories, just stick to 2 tablespoons of suggested quantity. 

Sour Cream vs Greek Yogurt Carbs : Which Has Less?

Most of the dairy products are moderately high in carbs. However, sour cream has littles less carbs compared to Greek yogurt. Most of the carbs in both the products are due to the lactose sugar. 

If you are someone who is looking for a low carb dairy product, sour cream is a better choice for them. 

Fat Comparison: Is Greek Yogurt Healthier Than Sour Cream?

It is evident in the table above that sour cream contains much more fats compared to Greek yogurt. This is one of the major differences between these two milk based products. 

If you are trying to shed a few extra kilos and you have doubts about “Which is better sour cream or Greek yogurt” then I will suggest opting for Greek yogurt.  

Sour Cream vs Greek Yogurt Nutrition: Which Contains More Protein?

Dairy products are known for their high quality protein content. However, sour cream has less protein in it compared to Greek yogurt. 

Greek yogurt is one of the best protein sources for vegetarians. Not only it contains more protein per 100 grams but also the larger daily intake quantity gives you a good amount of protein a day. 

Sour Cream vs Greek Yogurt, Difference in Terms of Calcium 

Another nutrient dairy products are known for is calcium. Both sour cream and Greek yogurt contain almost the same amount of calcium. 

However, you must remember here that 2 tablespoons of recommended daily intake of sour cream won’t give you enough calcium. 

Right Time to Have Sour Cream vs Greek Yogurt

Sour cream and Greek yogurt are rich dairy products. It is better to consume both of them in the first half of the day. This will give the body enough time to digest them well. 

Sour cream complements your breakfast very well. You can easily spread it on your toast to give your day a nutritious start. You can also have it in the afternoon as a dip for your salad. 

Greek yogurt can be taken straight either in the morning or afternoon. 

Oral Health Benefits of Greek Yogurt vs Sour Cream 

Greek yogurt and sour cream are probiotic foods which are helpful to prevent mouth infection and other problems due to bad bacteria.

Besides that, both these are good sources of calcium and phosphorus which are considered good for maintaining oral health. 

Here, I want to mention that high sugar content in packed Greek yogurt is very harmful for your teeth. It is better to buy plain Greek yogurt and if you want you can add natural sugar as honey or jaggery later. 

Which to Pick for Strong Bones: Sour Cream or Greek Yogurt?

In sour cream vs Greek yogurt nutrition comparison, protein is a major nutrient to discuss. Sour cream lags far behind from Greek yogurt in terms of protein. For strong bones you must include protein to your regular diet. 

Greek yogurt is a much better option compared to sour cream for your bones build up and maintenance. 

Easy Digestion: Which Is Better Sour Cream or Greek Yogurt

People who have sensitive stomachs and often have indigestion issues, usually ask  “Which is better, sour cream or Greek yogurt?” In that case I would recommend you opt for Greek yogurt. 

If you have an allergy from dairy or you are lactose intolerant then try to avoid both these products or consume a very small quantity. 

Is Sour Cream or Greek Yogurt Better for Keto and Vegan?

Being dairy products, sour cream and Greek yogurt can’t be consumed by vegans. Vegan diet doesn’t include animal based products such as meat, dairy or eggs. 

If you are following a ketogenic or keto diet, then sour cream is a better option compared to Greek yogurt. It has more fat and less carbs, which is the basic requirement for keto.

Unsweetened and full fat Greek yogurt can also be part of the keto diet but in a limited quantity. 

Sour Cream vs Greek Yogurt & Their Impact on the Ecosystem

Modern day dairy industry consumes a lot of natural resources including water and land. It  has higher greenhouse gas emission which increases its carbon footprint. Therefore dairy as a industry has a negative impact on the planet

Since, sour cream and Greek yogurt are dairy products they have a negative impact on the environment. 

Sour Cream or Greek Yogurt: Which One Is More Versatile?

Sour cream complements your breakfast very well. You can easily spread it on your toast to give your day a nutritious start. You can also have it in the afternoon as a dip for your salad. Sour cream enhances the taste of pasta sauce. 

On the other hand, Greek yogurt based smoothies are not only delectable but also filled with many nutrients. 

People often ask “Is sour cream a good substitute for Greek yogurt”, I will say for baking and cooking it is but not for eating straight. Sour cream is a rich dairy product and a large quantity of it can lead to bloating and nausea. 

In conclusion I will say that Greek yogurt is a much better and nutritious option compared to sour cream. However, instead of saying a complete “No” to sour cream, use it in moderation. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.