Sesame or Pumpkin Seed Milk: Which One Will Work Better?

Rohit Panwar

Nut milks such as almond and cashew are commonly known plant-based milk types. But in recent years, the dairy-free milk market has seen a variety of seed milks introduced which has led to confusion as to which one to choose. Sesame milk or Pumpkin seed milk one such a dilemma.   

This article will talk about the composition, benefits and impacts of these two seed milks on the health and environment.  All this information will give you an insight into choosing the better milk between sesame and pumpkin seed. 

Sesame milk versus pumpkin seed milk


Sesame Milk versus Oat Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Sesame Milk vs Pumpkin Seed Milk: 15 Differences to Compare These Two Milks

In the table below, 15 different aspects are tabulated to compare Sesame milk and Pumpkin seed milk.

Sesame milk

Sesame seeds & water

Pumpkin Seed milk

Pumpkin seeds & water

Sesame milk

Creamy & Nutty

Pumpkin Seed milk

Rich & Nutty

Sesame milk

1 cup

Pumpkin Seed milk

1 cup

Sesame milk


Pumpkin Seed milk


Sesame milk

5 g*

Pumpkin Seed milk

8 g*

Sesame milk

8 g*

Pumpkin Seed milk

5 g*

Sesame milk

292-390 mg*

Pumpkin Seed milk

18-230 mg*

Sesame milk


Pumpkin Seed milk

Morning & bedtime

Sesame milk


Pumpkin Seed milk


Sesame milk


Pumpkin Seed milk


Sesame milk

Very good 

Pumpkin Seed milk


Sesame milk

Very good 

Pumpkin Seed milk

Very good

Sesame milk


Pumpkin Seed milk


Sesame milk


Pumpkin Seed milk


Sesame milk

Dates, Cinnamon

Pumpkin Seed milk

Figs, Agave Nectar 

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

The nutritional values mentioned in the table above, are for unsweetened versions of Sesame and Pumpkin seed milk. 

For a wider understanding let me shed more light on each point.  

Sesame Milk vs Pumpkin Seed Milk – Know the Difference of Ingredients

To prepare sesame milk you will need sesame seeds and purified water. You can use either black or white sesame seeds. Soak the seeds for at least 4 to 5 hours and then blend it with water. Instead of normal water you can also use coconut water for a distinct sweet & nutty undertones. 

As the name suggests, pumpkin seeds or pepita seeds are the main ingredients for Pumpkin seed milk. Soak the seeds overnight and blitz with water. The ideal ratio of these seeds and water is 1:4. 

How Different Are the Tastes and Colors of Sesame Milk and Pumpkin Seed Milk?

Though Sesame milk and Pumpkin seeds are driven from sesame and pumpkin seeds,  they don’t taste seedy. Both these milk-alternatives taste very nutty and creamy. 

Pumpkin seeds are green in color, so you will get a delectable light green beverage after blending it. If you use black sesame seeds to make Sesame milk, then the color of Sesame milk will be grayish. 

Know the Recommended Per Day Intake of Sesame Milk and Pumpkin Seed Milk 

Tiny sesame and pumpkin seeds are the powerhouse of nutrients. Even a single cup of these seed milks take good care of your daily nutritional requirements. 

The quantity of seeds used to prepare 1 cup of Sesame and Pumpkin seed milk is sufficient for 1 day intake of seeds. Seeds are dense and overconsumption might cause difficulty in digestion.

Sesame Milk or Pumpkin Seed Milk- Which One Is Better for a Low Calorie Diet?

Sesame milk and Pumpkin milk both have almost the same calories. Most of the calories in these seed milk is attributed to the fat content available in them.

Both these milks are not high in calories but If you are someone who prefers very low calories then dilute your milks with more water to reduce it. 

Sesame Milk vs Pumpkin Seed Milk- Comparing the Fat Content

As you can see in the table above, Pumpkin seed milk has more fats than Sesame milk. But the fat content in Pumpkin seeds are considered healthy fats. Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of unsaturated or good fats which helps you to improve heart health. 

In case, you are looking for a low fat seed milk then Sesame milk is definitely a better choice.

Sesame Milk vs Pumpkin Seed Milk as Protein Sources 

Sesame milk and Pumpkin milk both contain a good amount of protein, but Sesame milk has more protein than Pumpkin seed milk. 

As a protein source, Sesame milk is as good as dairy milk. You can definitely add this milk to your post workout protein shake. Not only protein but it will add nutrients and delectable flavor to your shake. 

Do You Get More Calcium From Sesame Milk Compared to Pumpkin Seed Milk?

Sesame seeds are an excellent source of calcium. Because of that, sesame milk also has a higher content of calcium, compared to other plant based milk. Packed Sesame milk is also fortified with additional calcium and vitamin D.

Pumpkin seeds don’t have as much calcium as sesame seeds but the commercial versions are fortified with calcium. This makes Pumpkin seed milk also quite compatible with Sesame milk in the context of Calcium. 

Right Time of the Day to Consume Sesame Milk And Pumpkin Seed Milk 

It is ideal to add Sesame milk to your morning routine. It compliments well with your morning bowl of cereals, smoothies or coffee. Having it in the morning will give you enough time to digest it well. 

On the other hand Pumpkin seed milk can be consumed in the morning or at bedtime. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of tryptophan. It is an amino acid which helps you to get a good night’s sleep. 

Which One Is Better for the Environment: Sesame Milk or Pumpkin Seed Milk?

Plant based milks are more environment friendly compared to dairy milk. Sesame milk and Pumpkin seed milk both are dairy free milks and they have a low carbon and water footprint. They also don’t harm the land by reducing its fertility. This makes both these milks an eco-conscious choice. 

These seed milks are also relatively environmentally sustainable compared to other nut based milk alternatives such as almond milk, cashew milk etc.

Sesame Milk and Pumpkin Seed Milk – Vegan or Not?

People who follow vegan diets don’t consume anything which comes from animals such as meat, dairy products, poultry, honey and much more. Sesame milk and Pumpkin seed milk are made of seeds which come from plants. They can be added to a vegan diet for sure. 

Sesame milk and Pumpkin milk are good choices if you have dairy and nut allergy. If you are allergic to seeds then you should avoid both these seed milks.

How Sesame Milk and Pumpkin Seed Milk Impact Your Teeth?

Sesame seeds are an excellent source of calcium. Calcium is an essential mineral to keep your teeth strong. Oil pulling with sesame oil is the effective way of oral hygiene which is mentioned in ancient Indian medicine practice called Ayurveda. This shows that Sesame milk is good to boost your overall oral health. 

Pumpkin seeds are full of magnesium and many other antioxidants which assist you to keep your teeth strong and healthy. 

Sesame Milk vs Pumpkin Seed Milk – Which One Is Better for Your Stomach?

Sesame milk and Pumpkin seed milk are full of fiber, which is helpful to keep the bowel system healthy and support the digestive system. 

To get the maximum fiber from these two seed milks, I will recommend not to strain the milk after blending it. The milk won’t be as smooth as it should be, but it is worth it to get the maximum nutrients.

Which One You Should Prefer During Summers: Sesame Milk or Pumpkin Seed Milk?

During hot weather, it is important to keep drinking a lot of water to maintain the body temperature. The ratio of water in Sesame milk and in Pumpkin seed milk is 1:3 or 1:4. That indicates that even in 1 cup of these milks you get plenty of water. 

Also, seeds are soaked before blending which reduces the dryness of the seeds and makes them soft and sprouted. This whole process is helpful to control the body heat. 

Can Sesame Milk and Pumpkin Seed Milk Keep You Hydrated?

Both these seed milks help you to stay hydrated but compared to Sesame milk, Pumpkin seed milk is a better way to avoid dehydration. 

The reason is that pumpkin seeds are a rich source of electrolytes such as magnesium and potassium. These electrolytes help to maintain the water level in the body which is important to stay hydrated. 

Different Ingredients to Add in Sesame Milk and Pumpkin Seed Milk 

Sesame milk and Pumpkin seed milk, both are delicious and nutritious milks all on their own. But to enhance the flavor and to reduce the distinctive nuttiness in these milks you can add many additives. 

While blending sesame milk, add dates and cinnamon to give a nice flavor and aroma. For Pumpkin seed milk figs, cardamom and vanilla essence are the good choices to add. You can also use pumpkin seed milk and sesame seed milk in other recipes & preparations. 

With this, I am concluding this blog. Hope it helped you to find your answer regarding the initial question about choosing Sesame milk or Pumpkin milk. 

If you have any other dilemma about both these plant based seed milks, then kindly write to me in the comment section. 

Thank you!

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.