Is Sauerkraut Better Than Yogurt – A Head On Comparison To Help You Pick?

Rohit Panwar

Probiotic foods have been a part of each culture’s palate in different forms and choosing between two can be hard. As a nutritionist, I resolve one such debate of sauerkraut vs yogurt. 

Both renowned for their probiotic properties, sauerkraut and yogurt have their unique benefits and differences. So, let’s understand these and make the right choice for our bodies.

Sauerkraut vs Yogurt: Unveiling the Power of Fermentation

Let’s start the analysis of sauerkraut vs yogurt with a quick comparative look: 


Salt & Cabbage


Milk & Yogurt Culture


Sweet, Salty & Sour


Sweet & Sour


10 g


1-2 Cups






4.3 g*


4.75 g*


0.1 g*


3.3 g*


0.9 g*


3.5 g*


30 mg*


123.3 mg*


661 mg*


47 mg*


2.9 g*


0 g*




Very Good


Morning or Noon


Morning or Noon




Very Good




Very Good




Very Good










Very Good


Very Good


4-6 months


2-3 Days

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams

Sauerkraut vs Yogurt: Difference of Base Ingredients and Making Process

Sauerkraut is a German word which means ‘sour cabbage’ and that’s exactly what it is.

It is prepared with just cabbage and salt, however sometimes caraway seeds or juniper berries are added. The salt draws out the water from cabbage to create a brine, which is then used to ferment the cabbage. 

Yogurt originated in Western Asia and the Middle East. This dairy product is made by mixing yogurt culture to lukewarm milk. This traditional probiotic food can be easily prepared at home.

Which One Is More Palatable: Sauerkraut or Yogurt?

Sauerkraut is known for its salty and subtle sour taste. The sourness depends how long it was fermented. In some recipes a few species like onion powder or celery seeds are added to enhance the flavor. 

The live bacteria in yogurt gives a mild tangy taste to it. It has a thick consistency with a smooth texture. Its mild taste allows it to mix it with other sweet or savory flavors. 

How Much Sauerkraut or Yogurt Can Be Consumed in a Day?

You can definitely add sauerkraut to your regular diet but keep it in moderation. This is a sodium rich fermented food, so 10 grams of sauerkraut is sufficient a day. 

According to the American Heart Association 3 servings of dairy can be added per day. So, you can have 1-2 cups of yogurt a day. 

How Does Kimchi Fare Against Sauerkraut & Yogurt?

| Kimchi Vs Sauerkraut |

| Kimchi Vs Yogurt |

More Calorie Dense: Sauerkraut or Yogurt 

Yogurt is a calorie dense product compared to sauerkraut. If you are on a low calorie diet then sauerkraut is definitely an excellent choice for you. 

Though, I won’t recommend cutting down yogurt completely from your daily intake. You can either opt for low fat yogurt or reduce the quantity. 

Sauerkraut vs Yogurt: Difference in Their Carbs

In terms of carbs, there is not much difference between sauerkraut and yogurt. Both of them contain low amounts of carbs. 

However, recommended per day consumption of sauerkraut is quite less than yogurt. Therefore sauerkraut will give you significantly lower carbs compared to yogurt. 

Lower Fat Option: Sauerkraut or Yogurt 

There is a common stigma about fat, however not all kinds of fat are bad for you. Your body needs fat for many functions such as to stay warm and to absorb nutrients etc. 

Fat amount in the sauerkraut is significantly lower than yogurt. If you are concerned about your fat intake then instead of avoiding yogurt, have unflavored or homemade one. This kind of yogurt is low in bad trans fat. 

Which Is a Better Protein Source: Sauerkraut vs Yogurt?

It is critical to consume a protein rich diet in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Dairy products are excellent sources of protein. 

In comparison to yogurt, sauerkraut has considerably less protein. This further reduces when you just consume just 10 to 20 grams of sauerkraut a day. 

Sauerkraut or Yogurt: What to Pick for More Calcium?

Calcium is an essential mineral for your body. Besides maintaining the strength of bones and teeth it is also needed for muscles and nerve function. 

Just like the protein, sauerkraut also has a noticeably lower amount of calcium than yogurt. If you have to avoid yogurt for any reason then don’t forget to add other calcium rich sources in your diet. 

Sauerkraut or Yogurt: Which is a Sodium-Rich Probiotic?

Salt is one of the main ingredients of sauerkraut. This makes sauerkraut high in sodium. So for people cutting down on their salt intake, be vary of the amount you are consuming. 

It is important to know that, if you are adding sauerkraut to your recipe then don’t add salt in it. It can make your recipe too salty. 

Fiber Content: Is Sauerkraut Better Than Yogurt?

Fiber is the undigested part of your food which is important for your digestive health. Fiber is helpful to regulate bowel movements and improve gut health. 

Yogurt doesn’t contain any fiber; whereas sauerkraut is an excellent source of fiber. The main reason for this vast difference is cabbage-a fiber rich vegetable, which is the main ingredient to make sauerkraut. 

Sauerkraut vs Yogurt : How Diverse Are They Nutritionally?

Speaking of nutritionally diversity, it is important to compare both macro and micro nutrients. In terms of macronutrients, they both have their own specific properties. Yogurt contains more protein but sauerkraut is a fiber rich probiotic.

Talking about micro, sauerkraut has a decent amount of vitamin C, vitamin K1, iron, potassium, copper, folate and manganese.

On the other hand yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin C, selenium, phosphorus, riboflavin and vitamin A. 

Even if both the products contain many micro and macro nutrients, yogurt will provide you more benefits due to the large quantity of per day consumption. 

Right Time of the Day to Have Sauerkraut vs Yogurt 

Since sauerkraut’s serving size is less, you can easily club it to your breakfast or lunch. Some people like to have it with their snack or appetizers. 

Yogurt is a great option for your breakfast smoothie. It also goes well with muesli and rolled oats. You can also have yogurt in the afternoon, especially in the summers it is a refreshing option for lunch. 

Sauerkraut vs Yogurt Probiotics & Digestive Health

Sauerkraut has  a diverse range of probiotic strains, while yogurt contains specific strains like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Both can contribute boost your gut health and overall immunity.

However, since sauerkraut is fiber rich food, it may offer more digestive benefits compared to yogurt. Though, you can add fruits in your yogurt to make it a fiber-rich. 

Sauerkraut or Yogurt: More Suitable for Oral Health

Both, sauerkraut and yogurt are probiotic foods which are considered helpful to keep your mouth safe from bad bacteria and infections. 

However, compared to sauerkraut, yogurt has noticeably more calcium which is an essential mineral for strong teeth. Yogurt also contains phosphorus, another essential mineral to keep your jawbones healthy and functional. 

Is Sauerkraut Better Than Yogurt for Your Bones?

Protein, calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus are few essential nutrients for building and maintaining the strength of the bones. 

In comparison to sauerkraut, yogurt contains more protein, calcium and phosphorus. Hence it is a better choice for strong bones.

However, sauerkraut has more copper, iron and potassium, which are also essential minerals for bones. I will recommend adding sauerkraut in your regular diet even if you are having yogurt daily. 

Sauerkraut vs Yogurt as Eco Friendly Option

Yogurt is a dairy based product, whereas sauerkraut is a plant based food. To meet the growing demands, Dairy production uses a big chunk of natural resources such as water, land etc. 

Besides that, dairy products have higher carbon footprints compared to plant based foods. Therefore, sauerkraut is a much more environmentally-friendly choice than yogurt. 

Sauerkraut or Yogurt: Suitable for A Vegan Diet

Veganism is a fast growing food concept throughout the world. The reason for this can be ethical, environmental or medical. Veganism doesn’t allow animal based products such as meat, dairy or poultry. 

This clearly states that if you are a vegan then pick sauerkraut instead of yogurt to get all those good bacteria for your body. 

Which Has More Uses: Sauerkraut or Yogurt?

The tangy and slightly sour flavor of sauerkraut complements the savory dishes such as sausages, stews and sandwiches. It is a common staple of Eastern European cuisine. It adds a lot of flavors to your salad, especially tuna and egg salad. Sprinkle it on top of tacos or guacamole to see the difference. 

Yogurt is an excellent choice for fruit smoothies. It also complements the breakfast choices such as rolled oats, cereal etc. You can use it in baking to make your breads and cakes softer and a little tangy. 

Overall, both the products have versatile uses in the kitchen and you can always experiment something new with them. 

Sauerkraut vs Yogurt: Compare Their Shelf Life

Sauerkraut has a longer shelf life compared to yogurt. Once fermented, pack your sour cabbage in the airtight container and store it in the fridge. Its shelf depends on the level of fermentation and the quality of storage condition.  

Yogurt can stay up to 2-3 days, but make sure you keep it in the fridge. It tastes better when it’s fresh. So, try to consume as soon as possible after fermentation. 

In conclusion, I would say a larger serving size yogurt will provide you with more nutrients; whereas even a small portion of sauerkraut will add lots of flavor to your dishes. 

In the confusion of sauerkraut vs yogurt, decide according to your preferences, needs and specification. Thanks for making it till the end.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.