Is Regular Yogurt the Same as Probiotic Yogurt?

Rohit Panwar

Regular yogurt vs probiotic yogurt, is there actually any difference between the two? Yes, there is and I intend to help you discover these differences.  

Yogurt and probiotic yogurt have many similarities, but it is the differences that make all the difference! So, before you head over to the store to pick one, take a quick comparative look at the two. 

regular yogurt Vs probiotic yogurt


| Frozen Yogurt versus Regular Yogurt – Which One’s Better?

Analysing the Similarities & Differences Between Regular Yogurt Vs Probiotic Yogurt

Before I go into the details differences between regular yogurt and probiotic yogurt, let’s take a quick comparative overview of the two-

Regular Yogurt

Milk & Culture

Probiotic Yogurt

Milk & Culture

Regular Yogurt

Sweet & Tangy

Probiotic Yogurt

Mild & sour

Regular Yogurt

1 cup

Probiotic Yogurt

1 cup

Regular Yogurt


Probiotic Yogurt


Regular Yogurt

12 g*

Probiotic Yogurt

14 g*

Regular Yogurt

8 g*

Probiotic Yogurt

7 g*

Regular Yogurt

 8 g*

Probiotic Yogurt

9 g*

Regular Yogurt

300 mg*

Probiotic Yogurt

267 g*

Regular Yogurt

Morning or Noon

Probiotic Yogurt

Morning or Noon

Regular Yogurt


Probiotic Yogurt


Regular Yogurt


Probiotic Yogurt


Regular Yogurt

Very Good

Probiotic Yogurt

Very Good

Regular Yogurt

Very good

Probiotic Yogurt


Regular Yogurt


Probiotic Yogurt

Very good

Regular Yogurt

Spices & herbs

Probiotic Yogurt

Fruits & Honey

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup made using whole milk 

Now that you have an overview of the differences and similarities of regular and probiotic yogurt,  let me take you through these attributes one by one:

Do Regular Yogurt and Probiotic Yogurt Differ in Their Method of Preparation?

There is no significant difference in the method of preparation of regular yogurt and regular yogurt. Both are derided by the adding of yogurt cultures to warm milk. After a few hours the milk thickens and we obtain yogurt. 

The difference between regular and probiotic curd lies in the fact that probiotic curd contains some specific strains of good “live bacteria”. These bacteria are resistant to our body’s gastric, bile and pancreatic juice and reach the intestines alive. This makes them more effective when compared to those in regular yogurt. 

How Different are the Taste and Texture of Regular Yogurt vs Probiotic Yogurt?

Yogurt has a different taste when compared to the probiotic version. While regular yogurt is sour and tangy, probiotic yogurt is mild with a hint of sourness.  

When we talk about texture, there is not much difference between the texture of regular and probiotic culture. 

How Much of Regular Yogurt Vs Probiotic Yogurt Can Be Consumed Per Day? 

Yogurt and probiotic yogurt are both nutritious fermented dairy products. They are loaded with essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals, proteins etc. and can be included in your everyday diet. 

You can consume up to one cup of both these dairy products. 1 cup is good enough for you to reap all its benefits. 

Which Has More Calories: Yogurt or Probiotic Yogurt?

Watching your calorie intake and looking for the better option? Well, both regular and probiotic yogurt have almost the same amount of calories. 

The products that I compared above are made using whole milk, if you would like to reduce the calorie intake even further, opt for the products made using low-fat milk. 

Which Has More Carbs – Regular or Probiotic Yogurt?

Milk, although rich in nutrients, is  moderately high in carbohydrates. Therefore, milk products including all kinds of yogurt contain moderate levels of carbs.  

Also, if you are concerned about your carb and calorie intake, make sure you buy the plain variations while buying these from the store. The flavoured and sweetened versions will contain more carbs. 

Which Has a Higher Fat Content: Yogurt or Probiotic Yogurt?

If we compare the fat content of yogurt and probiotic yogurt,  it is evident that both contain very similar levels of fats. So, you can pick either one of them. 

Whole milk based yogurts have higher fat content when compared to low-fat milk based yogurts. So, make a choice according to your needs. 

Which One’s Better for Meeting Protein Requirements: Yogurt or Probiotic Yogurt?

Just like the other nutrients on the list, the amount of protein content in regular and probiotic yogurt is almost the same. 

Here, it is important to remember that probiotic yogurt is not the same as greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is a strained variety of yogurt which has more protein content than normal as well as probiotic yogurt.  

Regular Yogurt Vs Probiotic Yogurt- Which Has More Calcium? 

Calcium is an important nutrient that is primarily needed by our body for strengthening bones and teeth. Therefore,  it’s recommended that we include an adequate quantity of this mineral in our diet. 

Milk and milk products are some of the best sources of calcium. If we compare the calcium quantity between regular and probiotic yogurt, the former has a slight advantage. 

What’s the Best Time to Consume Yogurt vs Probiotic Yogurt?

Yogurt – regular or probiotic is best consumed in the morning or during the day. As per the Indian Medicine Science Ayurveda, fermented dairy products should not be consumed at night.  

Consuming these dairy products during the day gives your body enough time to digest and absorb  the nutrients. It also gives you energy to go about your daily tasks. 

Yogurt or Probiotic Yogurt: Which One’s Vegan- Friendly?

Both yogurt and probiotic yogurt are not vegan-friendly. This is because they are made using cattle milk.  However, plant-based versions are increasingly becoming available in the market.  

One thing to keep in mind is that the nutritional values between dairy based and plant based products will vary significantly. So, if you are a vegan opting for such foods, make sure you are adding other nutritious foods to your diet. 

How do Regular and Probiotic Yogurt Impact the Environment?

Traditional or dairy-based versions of yogurt or probiotic yogurt are not environmentally sustainable. This is because dairy products impact the environment negatively.

Raising cows for milk production has led to an increase in the area of grazing lands. This has resulted in cutting of trees, increase in  carbon dioxide emissions, soil erosion, etc. 

Regular Yogurt vs Probiotic Yogurt: Better Choice for Oral Health

Being calcium rich, Yogurt and probiotic curd are very good for your overall dental health. Also, since both are fermented, they also contain good bacteria that help in keeping the bad bacteria in the mouth at bay.

However when you are buying these products from the market, make sure you buy the unsweetened versions. Artificially flavored and sweetened products can do more harm than good to your oral health.   

Better For a Healthy Tummy: Yogurt or Probiotic Yogurt?

This is one of the most important differences between regular and probiotic yogurt. While both yogurt and probiotic yogurt contain good bacteria, probiotic versions contain more live versions. 

The bacteria in the probiotic yogurt reach the intestines alive and are thus more effective. They aid digestion and also help fight infections caused by bad bacteria. 

More Effective Remedy for The Summers: Yogurt or Probiotic Yogurt?

All kinds of yogurt have an excellent use during the summer. They have a high level of water content that cools your body and keeps it hydrated.

Apart from the water, yogurt is also rich in minerals like potassium, sodium and calcium that act as electrolytes. These electrolytes help in maintaining the water level of the body. 

What Tastes Well With Yogurt and Probiotic Yogurt?

Both yogurt and probiotic yogurt are very versatile in terms of usage. They go very well with both sweet and savoury flavours. 

You can blend them into smoothies or eat them straight up. If you don’t like the sweet stuff, add some salt, pepper and mint into it for a refreshing taste.

So, in the end we can conclude that regular and probiotic yogurt are both nutritionally very rich. However, the one prominent difference is the presence of “live cultures” in probiotic yogurt which makes it more tummy-friendly.

I hope you now understand the differences between the two. If you have any questions, I am more than happy to answer. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.