Are You in Dilemma to Choose Among Pea Milk & Oat Milk?

Rohit Panwar

As the plant milk market expands, you may find yourself struggling to choose between two options. The decision gets even harder when we have to pit new milk against a relatively popular option like – Pea milk versus Oat Milk. While they may share some similarities, it’s the differences that really matter when picking one.

As an enthusiastic nutritionist, I’m going to compare milk made of yellow peas to milk made of oats in this blog. This comparison will help you to find the better option for yourself based on your needs and preferences. 

Pea milk versus Oat milk


| Pea Milk versus Almond Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Pea Milk Versus Oat Milk: Analysing Their Nutritional Differences & Similarities

It is important to know various aspects of Pea milk and Oat milk before you decide on one. 

Pea Milk

Yellow Peas & Water 

Oat Milk

Whole Oats & Water 

Pea Milk

Chalky & Mild

Oat Milk

Grainy & Sweet

Pea Milk

1 Cup

Oat Milk

1 Cup

Pea Milk


Oat Milk


Pea Milk

4.5 g*

Oat Milk

5 g*

Pea Milk

8 g*

Oat Milk

3 g*

Pea Milk

28 – 440 mg*

Oat Milk

22 – 350 mg*

Pea Milk


Oat Milk

Morning Or Night

Pea Milk


Oat Milk


Pea Milk


Oat Milk


Pea Milk


Oat Milk


Pea Milk


Oat Milk

Very Good

Pea Milk


Oat Milk


Pea Milk


Oat Milk

Very Good

Pea Milk

Vanilla & Banana

Oat Milk

Cinnamon & Vanilla 

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

The tabulated comparison provided the basic information about Pea milk versus Oat milk. For further clarity let me explain each component in detail.

Variation In Ingredients to Prepare Pea Milk and Oat Milk

Just by hearing the name, don’t get confused about the key ingredient of Pea milk. Instead of soft green peas, dry yellow split peas are used to make Pea milk. Filtered water and oil are the other base ingredients. The oil prevents the milk from getting separated. 

To prepare Oat milk you can use either rolled or whole oats. Soak the oats and blend with purified water to get delicious Oat milk. All the DIY alt-milks can last 4 to 5 days in the fridge if you store them in an airtight container. 

Pea Milk vs Oat Milk Taste and Texture Comparison

Pea milk has a very mild and chalky taste. It is mostly like dairy milk except you can find a pinch of bitterness at the end of your sip. It has a smooth texture with a yellowish colour. You can adjust the consistency by adjusting the water quantity. 

Oats are naturally sweet, which makes Oat milk sweet milk among other farm alternatives. If you are new to the milk, you may find its flavour a bit grainy. The texture is thick,  =creamy and smooth with white colour. 

How Much Pea Milk and Oat Milk Can You Consume per Day?

Pea milk and Oat milk both have many health benefits, but moderate intake is highly recommended. 1 cup per day is sufficient for an adult. 

You can reduce the quantity for the children or the elderly according to their needs. If you are introducing these milks for the first time into your diet, then take in small quantities and observe the changes in your body for a few days.

Pea Milk vs Oat Milk- Which One Has More Calories?

In terms of calories, Oat milk has more calories than pea milk. Therefore, pea milk is definitely a better choice if you are looking for a low-calorie plant milk. 

For people who are conscious of calories, I will suggest that instead of avoiding Pea milk it is better to dilute it with water to regulate the calorie intake. 

How Much Fat Content Can One Gain From Pea Milk Vs Oat Milk? 

Pea milk and Oat milk have almost the same fat content. Both these milks are lower in fat compared to dairy milk. If you want to shed some weight then both these milks can definitely be part of your regular diet. 

Oat milk has a little less fat than Pea milk. If your lifestyle is just moderately active then Oat milk will be a better choice for you. 

Comparing Protein in Pea Milk Versus Oat Milk 

Pea milk is one of the best sources of protein among plant-based milks. The amount of protein in it is quite comparable with farm milk. You can definitely substitute pea milk with dairy milk for your post-workout protein shake. 

Though Oat milk doesn’t give you as much protein as Pea milk, it is still a considerably good source of protein in the category of plant-based milks. 

Do You Get Enough Calcium From Pea Milk and Oat Milk?

Most of the milk alternatives are low in calcium compared to cow’s milk. But the packaged versions of plant-based milks are fortified with calcium and provide you with sufficient quantity. 

The amount of calcium in these milks may vary from brand to brand. If you are consuming homemade versions, you can add calcium and vitamin D drops to fortify them. 

Ideal Time to Consume Pea Milk Versus Oat Milk

It is recommended to consume both these milks on an empty stomach in the morning or 1 hour before your lunch. Pea milk has more calories in it, so mornings are the ideal time to have it. 

Since oat milk has fewer calories and fat in it, you can add it to your night routine as well.

Which One Is A More Eco-Conscious Choice – Pea or Oat Milk?

Pea milk and Oat milk both are plant-based milk and plant-based milks have less carbon footprint compared to dairy milk.

In recent years many people have switched to dairy alternatives and the concerns about the environment is one of the main reasons for this change. As an eco-conscious person you can opt for either Pea milk or Oat milk, both are equally good for the environment.

Can Pea Milk and Oat Milk Be Part of a Vegan and Keto Diet?

Yes, Pea milk and Oat milk both can be added to Vegan diet. There are no animal-based ingredients added to these milks, this makes them vegan-friendly milks. 

Pea milk can be part of Keto diet since it has high fat, and high protein but fewer carbs. On the other hand, Oat milk can not be added to the keto diet as it has more carbs. 

Comparing the Impact of Ripple Milk Vs Oat Milk on Your Oral Health

One of the most popular and commonly available pea milk is sold by Ripple foods which is why Pea milk has become synonymous with ripple milk. Ripple milk or Pea milk is a good source of iron and iron is considered an important element to maintain your oral health

Market versions of Pea milk and Oat milk are fortified with calcium and vitamin D which help to protect your teeth and gums. Remember to buy unsweetened packs of these milks, as excess sugar is not good for your teeth.

How Do Pea Milk and Oat Milk Affect Your Stomach?

Pea milk and Oat milk both are good sources of dietary fibre which is helpful to maintain a healthy digestive system. Fibre helps to clean the stomach easily. 

Because Oat milk has fewer calories and low-fat content, it is considered a better option for your stomach compared to Pea milk. 

Pea Milk or Oat Milk – Which One Is a Better Coolant?

Since plenty of water is used to make Pea milk and Oat milk, they provide immediate relief from the heat. This summer try these cold plant-based milks to keep yourself cool.

Compared to Pea milk, Oat milk is a better coolant as Oats naturally cool your body and brings the temperature down. 

Pea Milk Versus Oat Milk as Hydration Drinks

Hydration means keeping the optimal level of water in the body. To stay hydrated you need to drink water and other fluids. Oat milk contains potassium and sodium which are two important electrolytes to maintain the moisture in your body. 

Pea milk is not as good as Oat milk to protect you from dehydration because it has less amount of electrolytes. 

Pea Milk Vs Oat Milk Versatility With Flavours

Often people ask what can they add to make plant-based milks more flavorful and nutritious? Vanilla essence, nutmeg and honey are natural additives to enhance the aroma and flavor of Pea milk. You can use pea milk in many ways including adding it to pancake batter to make them soft.

Oat milk and Pea milk both go well with coffee. Oat milk is especially a good option for baking. You can also add bananas and berries to It. 

Before signing off, I would like to mention here that if you have a gluten allergy then you must avoid contaminated regular oats to make milk. Instead, you can use pure oats, which don’t have gluten in them. On the other hand, Pea milk is considered safe milk if you are intolerant to soy, nut, dairy, lactose or gluten. 

Hope my blog helped you to clear all your doubts about Pea milk versus Oat milk. But feel free to write to me if you need to know something else related to this. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.