Is Mozzarella Cheese or Pizza Cheese Better? 

Rohit Panwar

Mozzarella vs pizza cheese, wondering which one would be a fitter choice? You are not alone facing this dilemma of choosing between these very popular cheese types.

Many people believe that mozzarella and pizza cheese are the same type of cheese. This, however, isn’t true, and in this blog, I help you find the nutritional and outcome differences between the two. 

Mozzarella Vs Pizza Cheese


| Fresh Vs Processed Mozzarella – Which One’s Better? | 

Mozzarella Cheese Vs Pizza Cheese: Differences in Nutrition & Benefits 

Let me start by giving you a quick look into some of the most important nutritional differences between mozzarella and pizza cheese – 


Cow/ Water Buffalo Milk

Pizza Cheese

Mostly Cow Milk


Semi- Soft 

Pizza Cheese

Semi- Hard


Mild & Milky

Pizza Cheese

Rich & Milky



Pizza Cheese



1-2 ounces 

Pizza Cheese

1-2 ounces 



Pizza Cheese



0.6 g*

Pizza Cheese

0.4 g*


6 g*

Pizza Cheese

7 mg*


6 g*

Pizza Cheese

5.6 g*


143 mg*

Pizza Cheese

168 mg*


178 mg*

Pizza Cheese

350 mg*


Very Good 

Pizza Cheese



Very Good

Pizza Cheese

Very Good



Pizza Cheese



Very Good

Pizza Cheese



5 Days

Pizza Cheese

Up to 6 Months

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 ounce (28g)

Now that you are aware of the differences, let’s head over to the details – 

How Does Mozzarella Cheese Differ from Pizza Cheese?

Fresh mozzarella is a type of curd cheese originated in Italy. It is traditionally made using water buffalo milk but the modern versions use cow’s milk. In order to make it at home you will need whole milk,  rennet, citric acid, milk, and water. 

Pizza cheese is any kind of cheese that can be used in a pizza. It is usually made using cow’s milk and can include a blend of more than one type of cheese. Most pizza cheese contain low moisture mozzarella or a mixture of mozzarella with provolone, cheddar, etc. 

What Type of Cheese is Mozzarella Cheese Vs Pizza Cheese?

Mozzarella cheese comes into the category of semi- soft cheeses. Fresh mozzarella can have a water content of up  to 60 percent. 

Most types of pizza cheese can be categorised as semi hard cheeses. They have a lower water content of about 35-45 percent. 

How Do the Taste & Texture of Mozzarella vs Pizza Cheese Differ?

Fresh mozzarella cheese has a very delicate, mild and milky flavour. It feels almost silky to touch and is quite stringy .  

Pizza cheese on the other hand is harder than mozzarella because of the low moisture content. It usually has added salt which makes it salty yet milky in taste. 

Which Cheese Needs to Be Aged – Mozzarella or Pizza?

Mozzarella cheese is not aged. It is best consumed fresh, within a few hours of its preparation. 

Pizza cheese too is not aged cheese. Most types of pizza cheese are added with preservatives and packed as soon as they are prepared.

How Much of Mozzarella or Pizza Cheese Can You Consume in A Day? 

Most types of cheese are very nutritious and can become a part of your everyday diet. Studies suggest that eating cheese everyday can help reduce the risk of heart diseases. Moderation, however, is the key here. 

You can consume a maximum of 40 grams of cheese in a day. Mozzarella being a fresh cheese, should be preferred over the packed pizza cheese. 

Which One’s Higher in Calories – Mozzarella or Pizza Cheese?

Mozzarella cheese is made using whole milk. Despite this, it is relatively low in calories as compared to a lot of other types of cheese like cheddar or provolone. 

Pizza cheese has almost the same amount of calories as mozzarella. This, however, may vary from brand to brand. Therefore, make sure you read the labels and nutritional panels before buying. 

Which One to Pick for a Lower Carb Content – Mozzarella cheese  or Pizza cheese?

Mozzarella cheese, despite being made from whole milk, is low in carbohydrates. It contains only about 2 percent of carbs. So, if you are following a low carb or keto diet, you can include mozzarella in your meal plan.

Pizza cheese has an even lower carb count when compared to mozzarella cheese. Therefore, this too is suited for a low carb diet. 

Want to Consume Low Fat – Mozzarella or Pizza, the Better Option? 

When compared to a lot of other cheese varieties, mozzarella has a lower fat content. Therefore eating it in moderation will not do you any harm or lead to weight gain.  

Pizza cheese has a relatively higher fat content when compared to mozzarella. This is because sometimes, it contains a mix of two types of cheeses. Also, some brands may add extra fat to make it more suitable for cooking.

Higher in Protein – Mozzarella or Pizza Cheese?

Cheese is one of the best vegetarian sources of high quality protein. In fact equal quantities of meat and cheese have almost the same quantity of protein

The protein content in mozzarella is slightly higher than pizza cheese. However, as I said before, it may vary from brand to brand and checking the label is a must. 

Mozzarella or Pizza Cheese for Meeting Your Daily Calcium Needs?

Milk is one of the richest sources of calcium which makes dairy products a good source of calcium as well. Mozzarella cheese is high in calcium and can help you in meeting the daily calcium needs in a delicious way. 

Pizza cheese in comparison has a slightly higher calcium content than mozzarella. But again, this might vary from one brand to another. 

Which is Better Suited to a Low-Sodium Diet – Mozzarella or Pizza?

One of the main advantages of choosing mozzarella cheese is its low sodium content. If you are trying to reduce your sodium intake, mozzarella is an excellent choice. 

Pizza cheese has twice the amount (if not more) sodium content when compared to mozzarella cheese. The packed versions have added salt, which increases the sodium levels. 

Which Has a Better Vitamin Profile –  Mozzarella or Pizza Cheese?

Mozzarella cheese is very rich in nutrients, especially vitamins. It is rich in the B vitamins, along with vitamins A, D and E. It also contains vitamin K. 

Pizza cheese too has a very diverse vitamin profile and usually contains all kinds of vitamins. The quantity of these however, vary from one brand to another.

What to Opt for Good Oral & Bone Health – Mozzarella or Pizza Cheese?

Mozzarella cheese has everything that a body needs to maintain strong teeth and bones. It is rich in calcium which is needed in the development of bones and teeth. Along with this, it also has phosphorus and vitamin D, that help in calcium absorption. 

Pizza cheese is also good for your bones and teeth. Like mozzarella, it also contains adequate quantities of teeth and bone friendly nutrients including calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. 

Which Cheese is Easier to Digest: Mozzarella or Pizza?

If you are not allergic to milk products, you should not face any issues with the digestion of mozzarella or pizza cheese. Mozzarella cheese contains probiotics or good bacteria which are actually good for digestion and gut health. 

Pizza cheese is comparatively harder to digest than mozzarella. This is because the processing of the pizza cheese strips it off some of the nutrients. Also, some varieties may have more fat, which makes them more difficult to digest.

What is more Versatile – Mozzarella or Pizza Cheese? 

Fresh Mozzarella cheese has a number of uses. You can use it in a variety of recipes, including pizzas, salads, veggies and more. You can also enjoy it as such by sprinkling it with some salt and olive oil. 

Pizza cheese, as the name suggests, is specifically used for making pizzas. Therefore, when compared to mozzarella, pizza cheese has a limited use. 

Which Can Be Used For a Longer Time – Mozzarella or Pizza Cheese?

Fresh mozzarella can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. The best way to store it is to keep it immersed in some liquid. Nevear freeze fresh mozzarella as it loses its taste & texture. 

Pizza cheese on the other hand has a longer shelf life than mozzarella cheese. It usually contains preservatives which make it suitable to be kept in the fridge for up to 6 months. This may however differ from one brand to another. 

I hope this blog has helped you get clarity about the difference between mozzarella and pizza cheese. As a nutritionist, I always advocate the use of fresh mozzarella because of its nutrients and lower sodium content. 

What’s your favourite mozzarella dish? I would love to know in the comment section below. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.