Which One is Better Beverages- Laban versus Lassi?

Rohit Panwar

 Laban versus Lassi – A lot of people are confused between the two because of their similar constituents. If you too are one of them and wondering which one to consume, you have come to the right blog.

Let me start by saying that while they are both dairy-based, they differ in several aspects. Let me help you find these, so stay with me till the end.

Laban Versus Lassi


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15 Contrasting Aspects of Laban versus Lassi

Before I delve into the details,  here is a table that contrasts 15 chosen aspects of Laban and lassi :


Cow’s Whole Milk


Curd or Yogurt




Sweet & Salty


1 Cup


1 Cup






7.9 g*


10.3 g*


7 g*


9.3 g*


288 mg*


278 mg*


Morning or Noon


Morning or Noon










Very Good 


Very Good








Very Good


Very Good 




Fresh Mint & Garlic


Rose Water & Fruits

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

I hope that the above table helped you address your preliminary question, ‘Is laban same as lassi?’

If not, this detailed explanation of all the above aspects for both Laban and Lassi will surely clear all your doubts and queries. Let’s have a look:

Wondering About the Base Ingredients of Laban Vs  Lassi?

Laban and lassi both are fermented milk products. Leben or Laban is traditionally prepared by fermenting the full-cream milk for a day in a moderately hot place and is then strained. It has been a popular drink for ages in the Middle East and North Africa

Lassi on the other hand is a drink more popular in the Indian subcontinent. It is made by blending curd or milk with water. After that sweet or savoury flavors are added to it. 

Laban Or Lassi: The Better Tasting Drink 

The taste of Laban and Lassi is somewhat similar. Laban tastes slightly sweet, salty and tangy. Similarly, Lassi tastes sweet or a bit salty depending on what you add to it. Laban has a thinner consistency than Lassi.

If you want to beat your hunger pangs after meals, have a glass of Laban or Lassi. It will surely satiate your body by giving it a feeling of fullness.

How Much Daily Consumption of Laban Vs Lassi is Recommended?

It is recommended that both Laban and Lassi be consumed daily but within suggested limits to ensure you get the maximum benefits out of it.

The suggested daily intake of Laban is only 1 cup but if you want to have more, then a maximum of 2 cups is sufficient. On the other hand, only 1 cup of Lassi is recommended for daily intake.

Laban versus Lassi: Which is Better in Terms of Calories?

Calorie intake in foods has become a major concern nowadays. So if you too are wondering among Laban and Lassi, which is better in terms of calorie intake, then let’s first understand that both laban and lassi are high in calories because traditionally they are made from whole milk. 

However, when we compare the two, the calorie content in 1 cup of Laban is slightly less than that of Calorie content in Lassi in one cup. Also, the amount of calories increases in Lassi, when sugar is added to it. Hence, people who want to switch to low-calorie foods can prefer Laban over Lassi or consume Lassi with no added sugar.

Want to Know the Total Fats Present in Laban Vs Lassi?

People who are trying to keep their weight in check are very peculiar about the fat content in everything they consume. Therefore, if you too are trying to do the same, it’s obvious to get concerned about the fat content in these drinks. 

If we compare Laban and Lassi, we find that the quantity of total fats in Laban is lower than that in Lassi to some degree. However, an important thing to remember here is that while both these drinks are traditionally made using whole milk, you can also opt for low-fat options. 

How Much Protein is Present in Laban Vs Lassi?

Protein is an essential nutrient for the human body. It repairs the body cells and forms new ones. It also helps in the growth of the human body and assists in maintaining other bodily functions. 

Since Laban and Lassi are both made from dairy, they are very good sources of protein. So you can include any of these in your daily diet to fulfill the protein requirements in your body. However, the protein content in Lassi is marginally higher than that in Laban

Difference Between Calcium Content of Laban and Lassi

Calcium is an important mineral that is needed for strengthening teeth, bones and muscles. Therefore, it is suggested that on average an adult should consume around 1200 mg of calcium

Both laban and lassi are good sources of calcium but calcium content in Laban is moderately higher than in Lassi. Hence, you can consume any of these dairy products to fulfill your daily calcium requirements.

Know the Best Time of Consumption of Laban Vs Lassi

Till now, I hope the difference between Laban and Lassi. the nutrient profile is clear. Now, let us learn about the best time of consumption for both Laban and lassi.

Both Laban and Lassi can be consumed in the morning and noon after meals. Laban is also conumed after dinner by many people.

Laban or Lassi: Which One is More Environmentally Sustainable?

No doubt,  Laban and Lassi both are wonderful dairy fermented products that come with a lot of essential nutrients beneficial for the human body. But, if we look at their impact on the environment, then they are not that great.

Lassi and Laban are dairy products obtained from animals. Sadly, their processing comes from the painful suffering of the animals nad harming the environment. Raising cattle can cause the destruction of forests, leads to mission of large amounts of greenhouse gases such as methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide which contribute to global warming.

Are Laban And Lassi the Vegan-Friendly Products?

As discussed above, Laban and lassi both are amazing dairy products that offer us a ton of benefits. However, since they are made from dairy, they aren’t vegan-friendly. 

The good new is that you can make these products completely dairy-free by choosing a plant based milk as the base.

Laban or Lassi – How They Impact Our Oral Health?

Laban and lassi both are dairy products and contain a decent amount of calcium. Calcium is one of the most importnat mineral required for  strengthening teeth and jaw bones.

These two products also prevent us from bad breath, tooth cavities and other dental issues. This is because they cotain several  good bacteria or probiotics that fight bad germs in the mouth.  

Effect of Laban Vs Lassi on The Well Being Of Our Tummy

Laban and Lassi both are  fermented dairy products that contain live strains of good bacteria in them. These bacterias are very useful for the proper functioning of our digestive system.

Moreover, these two products constitute a large quantity of water which lubricates the intestine and smoothens the digestive process. Hence, the consumption of Laban and lassi will make your tummy very happy. Infact, it has been found that fermented dairy products can even be consumed by lactose-intolerant people in small quantities

Do Laban or Lassi Help to Cool the Human Body?

In the fiery summer season, we need some cold as well as nutritious drinks that relieve our body instantly from the heat. For this, Laban and Lassi, both work well.

They are consumed using ice cubes that cool our body as well as provide essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals essential for the proper functioning of the body. 

Laban Vs Lassi: Which One Does a Better Job at Hydrating Our Body?

Laban and Lassi both constitute 80-90% of water as their ingredients, which helps to hydrate our body. Moreover, salt has been added to it, which helps to maintain electrolyte balance in the body.

Laban and Lassi both are the thirst- quenching  drinks that can be consumed in the scorching summer season to avoid conditions of loo and dehydration problems. This is because they both contain decent amount of minerals called electrolytes that maintain the water level in the bosy.

How Can We Make Laban and Lassi More Nutritious & Delicious?

Undoubtedly, laban and lassi both are awesome nutritious beverages. But if you want to add some additives to make it more nutritious, you can go aead and try different pairigs.

The traditional Lassi lovers like to add some rose water or pureed fruits to it. On the other hand, the admirers of Laban like to add some fresh mint or garlic or some black paper in it to add more nutrition and flavorful.

I hope that my blog addresses all your doubts, concerns, and queries related to Laban and lassi. If you still have some queries, feel free to ask me in the comment section below.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.