How Different Or Similar Are Kefir And Amasi?

Rohit Panwar

Are you confused regarding what to pick between Kefir versus Amasi? Being a nutritionist, I am asked by many people about the benefits and properties of these wonderful dairy products.

While both Kefir and Amasi are fermented milk products, they differ in a lot of aspects. Here, I will uncover these differences and all your qualms regarding these two dairy forms.

Kefir Versus Amasi

Analysing the Popular Fermented Dairy Drinks – Kefir Versus Amasi

Before going deeper, here is a comparison that’ll guide you what to consume between Kefir and Amasi (or maas).


Milk & Kefir Grains


Cow’s Whole Milk 


Sour and Slightly fizzy


Sour, Tart & Milky


1 cup


1 cup






10 g*


9 g*


10 g*


8 g*


410 mg*


389 mg*


Morning or Noon 


Morning or Noon 










Very Good 


Very Good 




Very Good


Very Good


Very Good


Very Good


Very Good 


Fruits & Chia seeds


Honey & Fruits

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup, made from whole milk

I hope that the above table helped you address your preliminary question, ‘Is amasi the same as kefir?’ If not, I would like to present a brief explanation of all the chosen aspects that will surely help you choose.

Is Amasi the Same As Kefir in The Way They are Made?

Amasi is a thick liquid that is traditionally prepared by storing and fermenting unpasteurized cow’s milk in a wooden container or clay pot for several hours.

Commercially, Amasi is prepared with the use of starter cultures of different kinds of good bacteria.

On the other hand, Kefir is made by fermenting milk by adding Kefir grains to it. These are grain-like colonies of 12 good bacteria and yeast.

Comparing the Taste & Consistency of Kefir and Amasi 

Amasi or amasai originated in South Africa while Kefir has its origins in Eastern Europe. Kefir and amasi both are dairy products of milk that are fermented for several hours. Both have a viscous and creamy consistency.

When it comes to taste, both Kefir and Amasi have a somewhat similar taste due to their fermented nature and bacterial constituents.

Kefir has a very sour, tart and creamy taste. Similarly, Amasi has a sour, milky and tart taste.

Recommended Daily Intake of Kefir Vs Amasi/ Maas

Kefir and Amasi are rich in a lot of nutrients and can be extremely beneficial when consumed within the recommended limits. They can definitely form a part of their day-to-day diet plan.

For Kefir, the recommended daily intake is limited to 1 to 2 cups because of its acidic nature. Similar is the case with Kefir.

How Do Kefir & Amasi Differ From Other Regional Fermented Drinks?

| Kefir Vs Laban |

| Amasi Vs Buttermilk |

Kefir vs Maas Milk: Better Choice for the Calorie Conscious?

Nowadays, a lot of health-conscious people are taking their calorie intake and the constituents of foods seriously.

Since both Kefir and Maas milk, are fermented dairy products made from whole milk, they have high calories. 

If we compare both drinks, the calorie count of Kefir is slightly more than that in Amasi. Having said that, don’t be discouraged by the calorie count.

Low-calorie versions of both these drinks are increasingly becoming available in the market and if they aren’t in your area, you can make these at home with low-fat milk. 

Kefir Or Maas: Better for Body Weight?

If we compare Kefir and Amasi, we see that the amount of fats in Kefir is slightly higher than that in Amasi. The fat in both these drinks comes from the milk it is derived from.

Therefore, if you are conscious of your fat intake, I would suggest you choose the versions that are made from low-fat milk.

Although they contain fat, they can still help you in maintaining a healthy weight.  Amasai makes you feel full and helps to control your appetite. This can help you control your cravings and help in lose weight. 

Kefir also keeps your hunger in check and the beneficial bacteria improves the breakdown of the food you intake.

Kefir Or Amasi: The Better Source of Protein

Protein is one of the most essential building blocks of the human body. They support immunity, help strengthen our body, maintain and repair our body, and so on.

Since both Maas and Kefir are made from dairy, they are rich in protein. Protein content in 1 cup of Kefir is slightly higher than that in 1 cup of Amasi.

Do Kefir & Amasi Differ in Their Calcium Content?

Calcium is an essential nutrient that is required by the body for strengthening bones and muscles. It also plays a vital role in managing normal bodily functions.

Kefir and Amasi both are very nutritious dairy products and contain very high levels of Calcium. However, when it comes to comparison, Kefir has almost 1.5 times more Calcium content than Amasi.

Comparing the Recommended Consumption Time for Kefir and Amasi

Kefir and Amasi both are nutrition staples for our body that can be ingested every day for better results.

Kefir and amasi both are nutritious and fermented dairy products of milk hence, they both must be consumed in the morning.

It is easier to digest in the morning and they also act as energy boosters. They can also be consumed at noon.

Do Kefir and Amasi Affect the Environment Negatively?

No doubt, Kefir and Amasi both are very nutritious and healthy dairy milk forms. They both come with many rich essential nutrients in very small bundles.

But when it comes to their source, they are derived from livestock. The raising wof cattle for milk has a negative impact not only on the environment but also on the well-being of animals. 

Comparing Vegan-Friendliness of Kefir and Amasi

As discussed above, Kefir and Amasi both are fantastic dairy products having good nutritive values. However, since Kefir and Amasi both are obtained from animals, they cannot be considered vegan-friendly products.

An interesting thing  I would like to share here is that because of its benefits, many people are trying out making these drinks, especially Kefir with vegan milk. If you are going vegan but love these drinks, you can try them out too.

Kefir or Amasi: The Better Friend To Your Oral Health

As Kefir and Amasi, both are dairy products, hence they are rich in Calcium. This makes both the drinks pretty good for improving our oral or dental health.

Apart from the Calcium, since these drinks are fermented, they contain good bacteria or probiotics. Probiotics have been increasingly recognized as supporting good overall oral health including the prevention of gum diseases, bad breath and tooth cavities.

Better Drink For a Happy Tummy: Kefir or Amasi 

Amasi is a fermented drink which means that it contains good bacteria. These good bacteria help with digestion and also keep the digestive tract healthy by preventing the growth of harmful bacteria.

Kefir too is rich in good bacteria. They keep the intestinal and digestive tract healthy by keeping them free from bad bacteria. Both the products, thus prevent our body from many digestive ailments and syndromes.

Do the Cooling Properties Differ for Amasi and Kefir?

Both Kefir and Amasi are delightful summer drinks that work very well in cooling the body. You should definitely load up on these drinks this summer season.

Gulping down Kefir and Amasi helps to beat the heat by maintaining the body temperature. They can be consumed on a hot summer day for a refreshing experience.

The Hydration Effect of Kefir Vs Amasi 

In sweltering summers, one of the best ways to keep your body hydrated is to drink lots of water. Apart from water, you can also add  Amasi and Kefir as hydrating drinks.

They not only maintain the water optimum levels in our body but also replenish it with the vitamins and minerals like sodium, and potassium which help in preventing dehydration.

Kefir Vs Amasi: What Goes Well With These?

By now, we know that Kefir and Amasi are very nutritious dairy products, but they can be made more nutritious by the use of some additives. They both can be paired with some chopped fruits like mango, blueberries, strawberries, etc.

Kefir lovers like to flavor it with some vanilla extract or cinnamon extract. But when it comes to Amasi, it can be made more nourishing by adding some pure honey to it.

We can safely conclude that Kefir and Amasi both are nutritious dairy forms with countless benefits. If you are comfortable consuming dairy forms, then you can include either one of them every day.

I hope my blog addresses all your doubts and queries. If you want to ask any further questions, feel free to ask me in the comments section below.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.