Which One’s Better: Goat Milk or Sheep Milk?

Rohit Panwar

Instead of Cow milk, often people think of trying other mammal’s milks such as goat and sheep milk. But, the confusions regarding goat milk versus sheep milk benefits make it tough to choose one. 

Goat milk and sheep milk have been part of the human diet from the beginning of animal domestication. As a nutritionist here I talk about different comparative aspects of these two animal-based milks. It will help you choose the one which fits your needs. 

Goat milk versus Sheep milk


| Goat milk versus Buffalo Milk – Which one is a Better Choice?

A Comprehensive Comparison Between Goat Milk Versus Sheep Milk

The tabulated presentation below, gives you a comparative look into Goat milk vs Sheep milk benefits & nutrition

Goat Milk

Adult Goats

Sheep Milk

Adult Sheep

Goat Milk

Tangy & Earthy

Sheep Milk

Creamy & Sweet

Goat Milk

1 Cup

Sheep Milk

1 Cup

Goat Milk


Sheep Milk


Goat Milk

10 g*

Sheep Milk

17 g*

Goat Milk

9 g*

Sheep Milk

15 g*

Goat Milk

327 mg*

Sheep Milk

472.9 mg*

Goat Milk

Morning & Bedtime

Sheep Milk

Morning & Bedtime

Goat Milk


Sheep Milk


Goat Milk


Sheep Milk


Goat Milk


Sheep Milk

Very Good 

Goat Milk


Sheep Milk

Very Good 

Goat Milk


Sheep Milk


Goat Milk


Sheep Milk


Goat Milk

Cinnamon, Vanilla

Sheep Milk

Blueberries, Cocoa

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

To get a better understanding about all the differences between Goat milk and Sheep milk, let me elaborate each and every aspect mentioned above. 

Know the Origin and Production of Goat Milk and Sheep Milk

Milking adult female goats and sheep is part of many ancient civilizations. It is believed that these mammals were milked even before cows and water buffaloes. India, Pakistan are said to be the pioneers in the use of Goat milk while European and Mediterranean countries are believed to have started using Sheep milk. . 

India, China, Pakistan and Bangladesh are  known for goat milk production whereas Italy, Spain and France have the more commercial setup of Sheep milking. Sheep usually produce less milk than goats which is why sheep milk costs significantly more than goat milk. 

Comparing the Goat Milk vs Sheep Milk Taste and Texture 

Since goats and sheep are similar in size, many people assume that their milk will taste the same. But, it is not true. Goat milk is earthy and grassy with a hint of tanginess. Its texture is smooth and silky. 

On the other hand Sheep milk is creamy and thick in texture. It is mild and sweet in taste. Sheep milk tastes quite similar to cow milk but it is richer and thicker than cow milk. 

How Much Should One Consume Goat Milk and Sheep Milk per Day?

Goat milk and Sheep milk, both farm milk, are full of many nutrients and these can be great alternatives to cow’s milk. 

The recommended quantity for both the milks is 1 cup per day. Sheep milk is richer than goat milk, so for older adults,  half a cup of sheep milk should be sufficient.

Goat Milk vs Sheep Milk: Which Gives You More Calories?

According to a study, consuming low calories enhances your overall health. It makes aging slower and increases the lifespan too. 

In the table above we can clearly see that goat milk has significantly lower calories than sheep milk. If you are following a low calories diet then goat milk is definitely a better choice. If you wish to consume sheep milk, I will recommend you  dilute it with water to reduce the calories and then you can have it without guilt. 

Fat Content of Goat Milk Vs Sheep Milk 

Goat milk has less fat content than sheep milk. Inf act, sheep milk is the richest farm milk in terms of fats. But, the fats in sheep milk are considered good fats. Milk from goats and sheep have been used traditionally to make a wide range of cheeses due to the high fat contents in both these dairy milks. 

Sheep milk and Goat milk both contain certain types of fats, which are easy to digest and maintain a healthy level of cholesterol in the body. But in case of obesity and other weight related issues, it is better to avoid sheep milk. 

Goat Milk vs Sheep Milk: Which One’s a Better Source of Protein?

From muscles to the brain, protein is an essential substance for many body functions. Body cannot produce protein itself, that’s the reason it is important to have protein through food or beverages. 

As you can observe in the table above, sheep milk is a better source of protein compared to goat milk. Both these milks’ protein structure is different from cow’s milk which makes them easy to absorb by our body. 

Goat Milk vs Sheep Milk: Compare the Calcium Content of Both?

As you can observe in the table above, Sheep milk has 31% more calcium than Goat milk. This makes sheep milk a better source of calcium compared to Goat milk.  

Because of the presence of high amounts of calcium, both these drinks are considered very good for muscle and bone strengthening.

Know the Best Time to Consume Goat Milk and Sheep Milk

Morning is the best time to consume both milk and sheep milk. They provide you enough energy to start your day and also the body gets enough time to digest these milks. Sheep milk is particularly excellent to frothed up your morning espresso. 

All forms of animal milk are considered helpful to sleep well, so you can also add these milks to your night routine too. In that case, keep at least 1 hour gap between bedtime and having Goat milk or Sheep milk. 

Are Goat Milk and Sheep Milk Environment Friendly?

Compared to plant based milks, all the dairy milk are less environment friendly. But, goat milk and sheep milk are little better than cow milk which is the most widely used dairy milk. 

The goat and sheep milk industry needs less water and land in comparison to cow milk. Sheep and goats are flexible eaters and they produce less methane than cows. 

Can You Add Goat Milk and Sheep Milk to Vegan Diet?

Anything which comes from animals, can not be part of a vegan diet. That’s the reason Vegans don’t prefer to have goat milk and sheep milk. 

The growing market of vegan food attracts companies to produce different plant based milks and other alternatives of milk products including cheese. 

Goat Milk vs Sheep Milk: Compare the Oral Health Benefits

Calcium is an essential nutrient for strong teeth and gums. Therefore, it is important to consume enough calcium according to your age and needs. 

Both goat and sheep milk are good sources of calcium but sheep milk has more calcium in it. That makes sheep milk a better milk for your oral health. 

How Stomach Friendly Is Goat Milk Compared to Sheep Milk?

One of the main reasons people avoid dairy products is that they are lactose intolerant and they face difficulties digesting cattle milk. Goat milk is considered a better alternative to avoid lactose intolerance as its composition is more stomach friendly. Goat milk’s composition is close to human milk and this makes it an excellent choice for infants. 

Sheep milk is also easy to digest. Though sheep milk is rich in fats but body can convert these fats into energy faster. The protein in sheep milk is also easily absorbed by the body. 

Which Is a Better Body Coolant Between Goat Milk & Sheep Milk?

The water content in Sheep milk is around 80% and in Goat milk it is 88%. This makes both goat milk and sheep milk good to cool you down during scorching hot weather.

To get maximum benefits add a few ice cubes or refrigerate your milk before having it. You can add some fruits such as berries and bananas to make these milks more effective to give you freshness. 

How Hydrating is Goat Milk Versus Sheep Milk?

Goat milk and Sheep milk both are full of many such as magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. 

These micronutrients work as electrolytes to the body. They help to maintain the water level in the body. Sheep milk is also a great source of vitamin E and Zinc, which are particularly very good for youthful skin. 

Goat Milk vs Sheep Milk: Compare the Versatility of These Two Farm Milks 

Goat milk and Sheep milk are widely used to make different kinds of cheese and yogurts. Sheep milk and Goat milk tend to spoil quickly, so people started storing these nutritious milk in the form of cheese such as romano, blue, feta and gouda. Besides that both the milks contain a lot of butter fat and protein which makes them best milks for cheese. 

Soups are another way to add both these milks to your diet. Pumpkin and broccoli soups with Goat milk and Sheep milk are a few of my favorite soups. You can add cinnamon and vanilla essence in Goat milk to enhance the aroma and taste of Goat milk. Sheep milk goes very well with blueberries and cocoa powder. 

Hope this blog helps you to clear your doubts regarding Goat milk vs Sheep milk and you will be able to choose the right milk for yourself. Let me know if you want to share some other differences between these two farm milks. I would love to hear that. 

Thanks for staying till the end. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.