What Should Be Your Wellness Staple: Goat Or Cow Milk?

Rohit Panwar

Dairy milk is considered to be one of the most nutritious milk in the world. Hence, it is common to compare the different sources of dairy milk and their benefits. One such most looked upon comparison is goat milk versus cow milk.  

In this blog, I will bring to you all the required information about goat milk and cow milk so you can opt for the one that benefits you the most. 

Goat milk versus Cow milk


| Goat milk versus Buffalo milk – Which one is a Better Choice?

A Comparative Rundown Of Goat Milk Versus Cow Milk 

In the table below, I will be comparing goat milk vs cow milk nutrition, taste and several other attributes –

Goat milk


Cow milk


Goat milk

Earthy, grassy

Cow milk

Sweet, creamy

Goat milk

1 cup

Cow milk

1-2 cups

Goat milk


Cow milk


Goat milk

10 g*

Cow milk

7.81 g*

Goat milk

9 g*

Cow milk

8 g*

Goat milk

327 mg*

Cow milk

300 mg*

Goat milk

Morning, Night

Cow milk

Morning, night

Goat milk


Cow milk


Goat milk


Cow milk


Goat milk


Cow milk

Very good

Goat milk

Very Good

Cow milk


Goat milk


Cow milk

Very Good

Goat milk

Very Good

Cow milk

Very Good

Goat milk

Vanilla, honey

Cow milk

Vanilla, cocoa

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

I hope the table provided you with a basic understanding of the difference between goat milk and cow milk. Let me elaborate each pointer in detail for a clear picture.

Goat Milk Vs Cow Milk: Story Behind Their Origin

Goat milk is obtained from adult goats. Being called a poor man’s cow, goats have been used for its milk across the world. It is said that about 65% of the world population consumes goat milk.

Cow milk is procured from mature cows. Cow milk is one of the ancient foods consumed throughout the world. It has become a staple food for many people across the globe.

Which Has A Pleasing Taste Between Goat Milk And Cow Milk?

Goat milk has an earthy, grassy taste to it and a creamy texture. It has a strong flavor to it and can be consumed as such or with natural sweeteners. Goat milk taste may change with what its being fed.

Compared to goat milk, cow milk has a mild, sweet taste to it. When it comes to cow milk vs goat milk taste, cow milk tastes more neutral. You might also wonder, how to make goat milk taste like cow milk, the answer is to consume it cold.

Goat Milk Vs Cow Milk: How Much Is Too Much?

Goat milk is rich in some of the most vital nutrients like calcium, protein and phosphorus. Consuming 1 cup of goat milk a day is sufficient to enjoy its health benefits. 

Cow milk is regarded as one of the wholesome foods available owing to its nutrient content. 1 cup of cow milk is ideal for adults whereas for children and elderly people it can be 1-2 cups. When it comes to goat milk vs cow milk nutrition, they both have a similar nutrient profile. 

Which Is A Calorie Friendly Option Between Goat Milk And Cow Milk?

Goat milk has more calories than cow milk. Goat milk is also known for its carbohydrate content which helps to fuel the energy levels of the body.

Cow milk is lower in calories than goat milk. Both cow milk and  work as great options for energising and replenishing the body. For the calorie concerned, low fat or skimmed cow milk is a good option as it is much lower in calories than goat milk.

Goat Milk Vs Cow Milk: Helpful Or Harmful Fats?

Goat milk is higher in fats compared to cow milk. The fats in goat milk are good for reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. When consumed in moderation, it has a positive impact on health.

Cow milk is low in fats compared to goat milk. It also has a positive impact on heart health and reduces cardiovascular risks. Whole cow milk is rich in fats but low fat options like skimmed milk is available if you want to reduce the fat content in cow milk. 

Which Has a Better Protein Profile, Goat Milk Or Cow Milk?

Protein is the building blocks of the human body. It helps in the growth and development of tissues, cells, and strengthens muscles.

Goat milk and cow milk are excellent sources of protein. Goat milk is slightly high in protein compared to cow milk. Thus, the protein content in both goat milk and cow milk help in meeting the everyday protein requirements of the body and promote growth. 

Which Is A Better Source Of Calcium: Goat Milk Or Cow Milk?

Goat milk has slightly higher calcium content than cow milk. Both are excellent sources of calcium that helps in maintaining bone density and prevents bone related risks.

Besides calcium, goat milk and cow milk are also rich in minerals like magnesium,  manganese and phosphorus which are vital for bone health. 

Goat Milk Vs Cow Milk: Dawn Or Dusk For Consumption?

Goat milk and cow milk can be consumed both in the morning and at night. When consumed in the morning, they become a very nutritious meal and keep one active for the day ahead.

Both goat milk and cow milk have sleep inducing properties like thiamine that help in getting a good night’s sleep.

What To Opt For A Sustainable Planet Between Goat & Cow Milk?

The sustainability of a food depends on various factors like its water usage, impact on soil, transportation, emission of harmful gasses into the atmosphere etc.

When it comes to sustainability both cow milk and goat milk has a negative impact on the environment because of high water usage, excess grazing of lands, deforestation and contribution to greenhouse gasses. 

Which Is A Part Of Vegan Diet Between Goat Milk And Cow Milk?

Vegan diet refers to consuming only plant based foods. It includes foods from all plant sources. 

Goat milk and cow milk, both are not vegan as they are from animal sources. If you are looking for vegan milks, goat milk and cow milk are not the right options.

Goat Milk Vs Cow Milk:  Which Provides Better Care For Oral Health?

Oral health is often overlooked when food choices are made. The foods we consume have an impact on our oral health.  Goat milk and cow milk are wonderful for oral health. 

Both are rich in calcium, phosphorus and magnesium that is important to maintain strong teeth. Besides this, goat milk is also a good source of B12 vitamins that are essential for healthy gums.

 Is Goat milk Easier to Digest than Cow Milk?

Goat milk is preferred by many over cow milk because of its digestibility. They are low in lactose compared to cow milk. The prebiotic content in goat milk helps the growth of good gut bacteria. Cow milk is also known for its ability to facilitate the growth of good gut bacteria. 

There is a common questions that arises in this comparison-  Goat milk vs cow milk for babies, which is better? Goat milk is said to help the growth of good bacteria in babies digestive tract. It is a good choice for babies over the age of 1.

Goat Milk Vs Cow Milk: What Can Be A Better Body Coolant?

Goat milk is not a cooling food. It cannot cool the body naturally. However, chilled goat milk can be very refreshing when consumed on a hot summer day. 

Cow milk has been used to cool off the body heat. The water content in cow milk acts as a cooling agent to bring down the heat. A chill cup of milk as such or blended with flavors is a sure way to balance body heat. 

Goat Milk Vs Cow Milk: Which Is Better In Keeping The Body Hydrated?

Staying hydrated is very important for overall well being. Goat milk and cow milk are good at maintaining the water content in the body.

Both goat milk and cow milk are amazing sources of electrolytes like potassium and sodium. These key electrolytes ensure the body is well hydrated. Besides this both goat milk and cow milk are also great for skin health.

Which Goes Well With Various Additives Between Goat Milk And Cow Milk?

Goat milk is used in so many different ways like cow milk. They are used in soups, baking and coffee. Since it has a very strong flavor, it is suggested to have it with natural sweeteners like honey.

Cow milk is very versatile. They are used in coffee, tea, smoothies and blended as shakes with flavors like vanilla and cocoa. Cow milk is also used in baking and cooking. 

As we reach the end of our discussion, let me sum up by saying, goat milk and cow milk are very similar in their nutrient content and are very beneficial for a healthy lifestyle. One major difference between goat milk and cow milk is their digestibility and lactose content. 

I hope this blog can be your guide in choosing between goat milk and cow milk. Thank you for reading my blog. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.