Which is A Better Drink – Goat Milk Or Buffalo Milk? 

Rohit Panwar

While goat milk is the most commonly consumed dairy milk globally and buffalo milk is a popular choice in many parts of the world. But if you had to pick between goat milk versus buffalo milk, how would you choose?

As a practising nutritionist, I will be comparing goat and buffalo milk for their benefits and nutrition levels to help you make an informed choice between the two.

Goat milk versus Buffalo milk


| Goat milk versus Sheep Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Comparing Goat Milk Versus Buffalo Milk Nutrition & Benefits

Let’s find out answers to questions like goat milk vs buffalo milk which is better, by comparing the two on various attributes

Goat milk


Buffalo milk


Goat milk

Creamy & Mild

Buffalo milk

Sweet & Creamy

Goat milk

1 cup

Buffalo milk

1 cup

Goat milk


Buffalo milk


Goat milk

10 g*

Buffalo milk

16.8 g*

Goat milk

9 g*

Buffalo milk

9.15 g*

Goat milk

327 mg*

Buffalo milk

412 mg*

Goat milk

Morning or Bedtime

Buffalo milk

Morning or Bedtime

Goat milk


Buffalo milk


Goat milk


Buffalo milk


Goat milk


Buffalo milk

Very Good

Goat milk

Very Good

Buffalo milk


Goat milk

Very Good

Buffalo milk

Very Good

Goat milk

Very Good

Buffalo milk

Very Good

Goat milk

Vanilla, Cocoa

Buffalo milk

Honey, Vanilla

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

I hope the table above gave you a little clarity regarding goat milk and buffalo milk. Let us discuss them briefly for an in depth understanding.

Understanding the Origin & Use of Goat Milk Versus Buffalo Milk

Goat milk is a dairy product that has been used by humans since ages. certain breeds of goats are specifically bred to produce goat milk. The milk obtained is filtered to eliminate all the impurities present.

Similarly, buffalo milk is as old as the human civilisation.  Buffaloes are milked for commercial purposes and the impurities in milk are removed by filtration. 

How Does the Taste and Texture of Goat Milk Vs Buffalo Milk Differ?

The taste and texture of goat milk and buffalo milk differs a lot and depends on the breed. Goat milk tastes slightly sweet, mild and creamy. Buffalo milk tastes sweeter and creamier than goat milk.

Talking about consistency, goat milk and buffalo milk both are thicker and creamier than cow’s milk. But buffalo milk is the thickest dairy milk among the three because of its higher in fat content.

How Much Quantity of Goat Milk Versus Buffalo Milk Is Sufficient?

Goat milk and buffalo milk are nutrient dense drinks and offer many nutritional benefits. Hence, both can be consumed on a daily basis to gain their benefits.

1 cup of goat milk and buffalo milk is sufficient to be consumed in a day. This is enough to provide you all the nutrients needed in a day.

Comparing the Calorific Content of Goat Milk Vs Buffalo Milk

If we compare the calorie content in buffalo milk and goat milk, then the calories present in Buffalo milk is way more than that in Goat milk.

The majority of calories of both the milks come from fats and proteins. Hence, if you are limiting your calorie intake for health concerns, then you can consume goat milk over buffalo milk or just reduce the intake.

The Fat Variation in Goat Milk Vs Buffalo Milk

If we compare the fat content in goat milk and buffalo milk, we find that buffalo milk contains more fats. However, buffalo milk contains a fair amount of saturated or good fats. So, limited consumption will be good for you. 

Goat milk has comparatively less fats, therefore if you want to consume less fat containing foods or are interested in weight loss, you can have goat milk. 

Goat Milk Versus Buffalo Milk For Better Protein Content

When we talk about goat milk vs buffalo milk nutrition, the most important nutrient that comes up is proteins. Proteins are the essential nutrients for body growth that also give you feeling of fullness.

As shown in the table, the proteins present in buffalo milk is slightly more than that of goat milk. So, buffalo milk and goat milk both are pretty good additions to complete your daily protein intake.

Goat Milk Vs Buffalo Milk- How Much Calcium Do They Pack?

Calcium is needed to strengthen bones and muscles. Since goat milk and buffalo milk are dairy products, their calcium content is pretty good.

Calcium content of buffalo milk is higher than that of goat milk. Hence, we can say that buffalo milk fares better in the calcium nutritional level.

Can Goat Milk & Buffalo Milk Be Considered Eco-Friendly Product?

Goat milk and buffalo milk are dairy products derived from animals. They have a very high carbon footprint and emit a higher amount of greenhouse gasses. Hence they impact the environment negatively.

The dairy products also have ethical issues associated with them because of the treatment of the livestock. 

Goat Milk Versus Buffalo Milk- Are They Suitable For Vegans?

Many people today want to switch to a vegan diet for its numerous health benefits over dairy products plus the lower impact on the environment.

But goat milk and buffalo milk are derived from an animal source, hence they cannot be considered as vegan friendly products. They are also not suitable for people allergic to dairy and lactose. Having said that it is important to remember that when compared to buffalo milk, goat milk is more suitable for people with milk allergies.

When Should You Drink Goat Milk Vs Buffalo Milk?

Both goat milk and buffalo milk offer many nutritional benefits. Those who want a power-packed combination of minerals and vitamins can surely include these in their daily diet.

Depending on your preference, you can drink them daily in the morning or before bedtime because they promote sleep at night as they contain tryptophan. 

Which Is Better For Oral Health- Goat Milk Or Buffalo Milk?

Goat milk and buffalo milk are rich in calcium that is needed for strengthening teeth, gums, jaw bones and muscles. Hence, it is very beneficial for improving oral and dental health.

Both these dairy drinks are also rich in many essential nutrients like potassium, phosphorus and Vitamin A which are good for overall oral health. 

Goat Milk Vs Buffalo Milk- Which Is Better For Digestion?

Goat milk and buffalo milk are very nutritious drinks that contain calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, chloride and vitamin A beneficial for healthy digestion. Goat milk has less calories, fats and lactose than buffalo milk, hence, goat milk is easy to digest for our tummy.

Children, older adults and lactose- intolerant people may find both these milk forms hard to digest and they may face issues like bloating, diarrhea, gas. So, if you want to include it in your diet, I would suggest you start with small quantity.

Goat Milk Vs Buffalo Milk Affect on Body Cooling?

Goat milk and buffalo milk are the perfect solutions when it comes to bodily cooling in the summers. Both these beverages contain plenty of water. Also, yogurt, custard, curd, kefir, lassi and ice creams formed by these provide us the cooling effect.

These milk forms can be frozen to make frozen milk cubes that can be added to lattes, smoothies and milkshakes. These chilled drinks instantly lower the body temperature.

Do Goat Milk and Buffalo Milk Keep Our Body Hydrated?

Goat milk constitutes 88% whereas buffalo milk has 83% of water. Hence they contribute maximum to your daily water intake and goat milk provides better hydration than buffalo milk. 

Both goat milk and buffalo milk also boast essential minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium that together maintain the mineral balance in our body and also promotes reabsorption of water. These help in preventing dehydration by maintaining optimum water level.

What Nutritious Additions Can be Made to Goat Milk Vs Buffalo Milk?

Goat milk can be made more nutritious by adding either of these: honey, vanilla, agave syrup, cocoa, cinnamon,  salted caramel, fruits like mango, banana, strawberries or dates. It can also be used to form puddings, smoothies, cereals and granola apart from  dairy products.

Buffalo milk can be made more delicious by adding honey in warm milk. Additionally, fruits like mango, strawberries can also be added for preparing milkshakes and smoothies. Some people also use dates, vanilla, caramel candies, cocoa or chocolate powder as the natural sweeteners to enhance its taste.

So, goat milk vs buffalo milk which is better? Both are very nutritious and what you pick would depend on your taste and preferences. For example, if you are looking for a lighter and more stomach-friendly option, goat milk is better but for more denser nutrition, buffalo milk is better. 

Let me know in the comment section, which will be the drink you prefer.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.