The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Between Flax Milk and Macadamia Milk

Rohit Panwar

Choosing a plant milk is hard, especially with each claiming its prowess over the other. Flax milk vs macadamia milk is one such scenario where people have trouble choosing.

As a nutritionist, I can help you make the right pick with an in-depth look into flax milk vs macadamia milk benefits and nutritional value. So, let’s begin. 

Flax Milk vs Macadamia Milk: A Dairy-Free Milk Battle

Let’s take a quick look at flax milk versus macadamia milk nutrition based on16 aspects-

Flax Milk

Flax seeds & Water

Macadamia Milk

Macadamia Nuts & Water

Flax Milk

Earthy & Seed-like

Macadamia Milk

Nutty & Creamy

Flax Milk

1 Cup

Macadamia Milk

1 Cup

Flax Milk


Macadamia Milk


Flax Milk

4 g*

Macadamia Milk

 1 g*

Flax Milk

3.25 g*

Macadamia Milk

5 g*

Flax Milk

2.2 g*

Macadamia Milk

1 g*

Flax Milk

24 – 450 mg*

Macadamia Milk

20 – 451 mg*

Flax Milk

Morning or Bedtime

Macadamia Milk


Flax Milk


Macadamia Milk


Flax Milk


Macadamia Milk


Flax Milk


Macadamia Milk


Flax Milk


Macadamia Milk


Flax Milk

Very Good

Macadamia Milk

Very Good 

Flax Milk


Macadamia Milk


Flax Milk

Very Good

Macadamia Milk

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

What Do You Need to Prepare Flax Milk & Macadamia Milk?

Flax milk and macadamia milk, both need just 2 basic ingredients. Flax seeds and water for flax milk and macadamia nuts and water for macadamia milk. You need to soak flax seeds overnight or for a minimum 6-7 hours. For macadamias, 1-2 hours soaking is enough. 

After soaking, blend the seeds or nuts with water in a good mixer or plant milk maker. Strain and collect the milks preferably in a glass jar. You can store both these milk for 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator. 

Flax Milk Versus Macadamia Milk: Difference in Texture and Taste

Flax milk has an earthy and seed-like taste. The texture of the milk is thinner than macadamia milk but due to its gummy nature it thickens once you store it in the fridge. Shake it well before you pour it in your glass. 

Macadamia milk has a thick creamy texture which you can adjust by increasing the water quantity. The sweet nutty taste of macadamia milk makes it excellent to use in a variety of recipes including desserts.

How Much of Flax Milk Vs Macadamia Milk Will Be Sufficient per Day?

To cherish the maximum benefits of flax milk and macadamia milk it is important to consume them on a regular basis at least for a few months. However, stick to the recommended daily intake which is 1 cup. 

Both the milks are rich in many minerals and micro nutrients which will impact your well being positively in various ways. 

Flax Milk vs Macadamia Milk: Count the Calories

Calories are the units of measuring energy which a food or beverage provide us. Each individual requires a different amount of calories based on many aspects such as age, gender etc. 

Flax milk and macadamia milk are almost the same in terms of calories. Flax milk has little less calories than macadamia milk but the difference is negligible. 

Which Will Give You More Carbs: Flax Milk or Macadamia Milk?

Carbohydrates or carbs are the macronutrients which the body gets from particular foods or drinks. It is obtained from sugars, starches and fibers. 

Flax milk has more carbs than macadamia milk. However, these carbs are in the form of fibre and starch which helps you to stay energetic for a longer time. 

Flax Milk Versus Macadamia Milk: Compare the Fat Content

Macadamia milk contains more fats when compared to flax milk. Flax milk has omega-3 and omega-6 which are heart healthy fats. Though, macadamia milk is a better source of omega-3 fatty acid. 

Omega-3 is an excellent fat to maintain your cardiovascular health. It is not advisable to avoid macadamia milk because it has more fat components. In fact, healthy fats in macadamia milk make it a better choice. 

Which One Is a Better Source of Protein: Flax Milk or Macadamia Milk?

Most of the plant based milks lag behind to dairy milk in terms of protein. So you cannot depend on flax milk and macadamia milk, for your protein requirements.

Flax milk is better than macadamia milk but still the amount of protein is not enough. I will suggest adding natural protein powder to your cup of flax milk and macadamia milk to make them nutrient rich. 

How Much Calcium Will You Get Through Flax Milk Vs Macadamia Milk?

Just like protein, plant based milks contain a lower amount of calcium compared to dairy milk. Though it is true only for homemade alt milks. Commercially packed versions are fortified with calcium which in some it is as high as cow’s milk. 

Flax milk and macadamia milk have the same amount of calcium but the amount differs from brand to brand. My suggestion will be to opt for unsweetened packed milk instead of sweetened one. 

When Should You Drink Flax & Macadamia Milk to Get Maximum Benefit?

Flax milk and macadamia milk can be consumed in the morning. Both these plant based milk are rich in fiber and will keep you full for a longer time. 

Macadamia milk is creamy and heavy so avoid having it at night. However, flax milk contains the tryptophan, which improves your sleep pattern. You can add flax milk to your bedtime routine too. 

Flax Milk or Macadamia Milk: Which is More Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly?

At this point of time, it is important that not only from a health lens we see our foods and drinks through an environmental lens too. Plant based milks are better for earth health compared to dairy milk

Flax seeds and macadamia nuts both need less water to grow and they protect the nutrients of the soil. However, macadamia milk can be considered more sustainable because macadamia nut trees absorb a lot of carbon from the environment

Can Flax Milk and Macadamia Milk Be Added to a Vegan Diet?

Veganism is a growing trend throughout the world. Environment awareness, lactose intolerance and chronic lifestyle are few main reasons behind this trend. 

Flax milk and macadamia milk are free from any animal product and completely plant based. They can thus easily fit into a vegan palate. 

Flax Milk Vs Macadamia Milk Benefits for Oral and Bone Health

Market versions of flax milk and macadamia milk contain enough calcium and vitamin D which is essential for your oral and bone health. Besides, both these milks have magnesium and phosphorus which keeps your gums free from diseases. 

For bones, protein is also another important nutrient. Though flax milk and macadamia milk are not good sources of protein, you can add natural protein powder to compensate for it.  Try to buy unsweetened packed versions to avoid unnecessary sugars & additives.

How do Flax Milk Vs Macadamia Milk Affect Your Digestion?

Flax and macadamia milks are gluten, lactose and soy free. They are also rich in fibre. All these qualities promote your gut health and make digestion easy. Flax milk contains nutrients such as vitamin A and B which further aid to keep guts healthy.

On the other hand Macadamia nuts are also  good sources of prebiotic fibers which help to grow healthy bacteria in the guts.  This makes macadamia milk a stomach friendly nut milk. 

Flax Milk Versus Macadamia Milk: Which Is More Hydrating?

Beside a good amount of water in flax and macadamia milk, there are plenty of electrolytes in both these milks. These electrolytes help to maintain the fluid balance in the body. 

You can add a few ice cubes to make these two milks more refreshing. 

Which One Is More Versatile Between Flax & Macadamia Milk?

The creamy texture of macadamia milk makes it my personal favorite for an extra frothy latte. You can add macadamia and flax milks to your cereal bowls, smoothies and shake. Both these milks also go well with baking recipes too. 

You can use these plant based milks in many different ways, but if your recipe requires you to heat them up then keep the flame low and don’t boil them.

I will end the discussion here with a wish that it will help you answer your question about flax milk vs macadamia milk nutrition and benefits.

I hope you can now choose the right milk for yourself after reading this. I would also like to thank all of you wonderful readers who inspire me to write more. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.