Flax Milk vs Coconut Milk: Which Is Better Choice?

Rohit Panwar

When it comes to food, it is not easy to switch from traditional to modern ways. Any such change brings many questions to people’s minds. Flax milk versus coconut milk is such a comparison around which there is much confusion. 

As a fitness enthusiast and a nutritionist, I am here to clear the confusion and compare the latest flax milk and age-old coconut milk. It will help you choose the right milk based on your preferences. 

Flax milk versus coconut milk


Coconut milk Versus Almond milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Flax Milk Versus Coconut Milk Benefits & Nutritional Values

In the table below, I compare Flax milk and Coconut milk nutritional values and outcomes on well being:

Flax Milk

Flaxseeds & Water

Coconut Milk

Coconut & Water

Flax Milk

Creamy & Earthy

Coconut Milk

Sweet & Nutty

Flax Milk

1 Cup

Coconut Milk

1 Cup

Flax Milk


Coconut Milk


Flax Milk

3.25 g*

Coconut Milk

57 g*

Flax Milk

2.17 g*

Coconut Milk

5 g*

Flax Milk

24 – 450 mg*

Coconut Milk

38 – 470 mg*

Flax Milk

Morning & Bedtime

Coconut Milk


Flax Milk


Coconut Milk


Flax Milk


Coconut Milk


Flax Milk

Very Good

Coconut Milk

Very Good

Flax Milk

Very Good

Coconut Milk


Flax Milk


Coconut Milk

Very Good

Flax Milk


Coconut Milk

Very Good

Flax Milk

Vanilla, Honey

Coconut Milk

Tropical fruits

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

To develop a better understanding, let me elaborate each metrics below:

All About the Key Ingredients of Flax Milk Vs Coconut Milk

Flax milk is a latest addition in the non-dairy milk section. This light brown seed milk is derived from tiny flaxseeds. Soak the seeds for around 6 – 8 hours and then blend with drinking water. Strain nicely to separate the undissolved pulp. 

To prepare Coconut milk, you need mature coconut flesh and freshwater. Blend both these ingredients together in a high speed blender and then strain through a milk bag or cheesecloth. You can blend this same pulp 2-3 times to get less thicker Coconut milk. 

Flax Milk Vs Coconut Milk, Which is Better in Taste?

Flax Seeds are gelatinous in nature, this gives a slimy texture to Flax milk. It is earthy in flavour and may need some getting used to. Flax milk has creamy and gummy consistency. 

The base ingredients of Coconut milk is the flesh of coconut which is sweet in taste. This gives sweetness to Coconut milk. Coconut milk has been used to prepare curries because its sweetness balances out the spiciness of the masalas. It is bright white in color and has a creamy and smooth consistency. 

How Much Flax Milk or Coconut Milk Is Sufficient Everyday?

Often people want to know about the right quantity to consume of Flax milk and Coconut milk. The suggested amount is 1 cup for both these plant based milks. 

If you are new to these milks, I would suggest you start with half a cup or less. Once you know that the milk is suiting you well, you can increase the quantity according to your needs and up to one and half cup once a while. 

Flax Milk Vs Coconut Milk: Comparison of the Calories

As you can see in the table above there is a huge difference between the calories of Flax milk and Coconut milk. Flax milk is a better choice for the calorie conscious people. 

You must be conscious about the high calories of coconut milk while consuming it. An important thing I would like to mention here is that the values in the table are for the first batch of milk, and these keeps reducing when you use the same pulp second or third time. 

Which Is Helpful for Weight Loss: Flax Milk or Coconut Milk?

Just like the calories, Coconut milk is far richer than Flax milk in terms of fat content. If you are someone who is working towards losing a few extra pounds, then avoiding Coconut milk will be a better option for you. 

having said that, I would like to point our that the fats in Coconut milk are not all bad. So you can still have Coconut milk in moderation or you can also dilute it to get less fats in the body. On the other hand Flax milk has Omega 3 and 6 which are heart friendly fats which you must include in your diet. 

Flax Milk Vs Coconut Milk Benefits: Which Gives You More Protein?

Compared to dairy milks, most of the plant based milks contain less protein. Flax milk and Coconut milk are also not the exception here. 

Although Coconut milk has more protein than Flax milk, the difference is not that significant. You must add other protein rich sources in your food to provide enough protein to your body to function well. 

How Much Calcium Do Flax Milk Vs Coconut Milk Contain?

Whenever you compare two types of milk, questions about the calcium quantity always come to mind. Calcium is an important mineral for the strength of bones and teeth. Calcium is particularly very important for young children and teenagers. 

Commercial versions of Flax milk and Coconut milk are fortified with calcium, but the quantity depends on the brand. Before selecting  any specific brand you can read the labels to know if the quantity matches your requirements or not.. 

Morning or Bedtime: Which Time Is Better to Have Flax Vs Coconut Milk?

Flax milk can be consumed in the morning or at bedtime. It will help you to stay full for a longer time if taken in the morning.  Flax milk at night will help you to get a better sleep. 

Coconut milk is a rich milk so it is suggested that you add this in your morning routine. Consume Coconut milk on an empty stomach, it will keep you energized for the rest of the day. 

Knowing the Environmental Impact of Flax Milk Vs Coconut Milk

Flax milk and Coconut milk are more eco friendly compared with not only dairy milks but also from other plant based milks too. 

Dairy milks have more carbon footprint than plant based milks and both these milks are plant based milk. Also, unlike Almond milk, they need less water to grow. There is not much fertilizer used for these plants. All these qualities make Flax milk and Coconut milk  sustainable for the environment. 

Flax Milk vs Coconut Milk as Vegan Beverages

Flax milk and Coconut milk, both are vegan milks because they are derived from plants. Flax milk is a great substitute for eggs in baking and other egg recipes. 

You can use Coconut milk to make vegan curries and due to its creamy texture it can be easily replaced with dairy milk and creams. 

Which Can Improve Your Oral Health: Flax Milk or Coconut Milk?

Compared to Flax milk, Coconut milk is more helpful to improve and maintain oral health. Coconut oil pulling is an age-old proven way to keep your mouth clean and problem free. Coconut has antibacterial properties which helps to keep the teeth and gums cavity free. 

Flax milk has essential micronutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus which helps you to smile more often. Also, packed Flax milk and Coconut milk contain a lot of calcium, which is considered as an essential mineral for strong teeth and gums. 

Flax Milk vs Coconut Milk: Which One Is Easy to Digest?

Lack of lactose makes plant based milk more stomach friendly than dairy milks. But in comparison to Coconut milk, Flax milk is much easier to digest. The reason  is that Coconut milk contains more fat than Flax milk. Fat takes longer to be digested by the body. 

Flax milk also has a lot of fiber in it. Fiber helps to maintain a healthy bowel movement and makes you full quickly

Do Flax Milk And Coconut Milk Help to Cool You Down?

Flax milk has 80 to 90 percent water in it, this makes it a good drink  to cool down your body during the hot weather. 

Coconut milk is a natural coolant and is an excellent drink to beat the heat. Coconuts are found in tropical climates where the climate is hot and humid. Be it coconut water or coconut milk all its forms give you relief during summer season. 

Flax Milk vs Coconut Milk: Which Is a Better Hydrating Drink?

To stay hydrated it is important that we keep consuming liquids frequently. The primary ingredient in Flax milk is water. This assists in staying hydrated. 

Being a tropical plant, Coconut milk is undoubtedly a hydrating beverage. Not only it contains lots of water but also it has many electrolytes such as potassium, phosphorus and sodium. These electrolytes help to maintain the water level in the body.

Different Flavoring Agents for Flax Milk Vs Coconut Milk 

Flax milk is not that delectable and to make it delicious you can add natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, honey or dates. To give aroma to it cinnamon, vanilla essence and cardamom are good to add. 

Coconut milk has a distinguished taste which complements the tropical fruits very well. Add mangoes, pineapple etc. to give extra flavor to it. Coconut milk is naturally sweet but if you want you can add honey or jaggery to make it more sweet. 

Before wrapping up this blog, I would like to tell you that both these plant based milks are lactose free, gluten free, nut free and soy free. So if you have any of these allergies then you can adopt any of these milks without a doubt. 

I hope this blog helped you to find the answers of your questions regarding flax milk vs coconut milk. Thanks for stopping by. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.