Which Is Better for Your Needs, Firm Tofu or Silken Tofu?

Rohit Panwar

Like many others, do you also get confused between different types of tofu? Being a nutritionist and a tofu lover, I will discuss all about firm tofu vs silken tofu. 

Knowing the differences between tofu and silken tofu will give you a clarity which one will suit your recipes and your dietary needs. 

Firm Tofu vs Silken Tofu: Thorough Comparison of Nutrition & Benefits

Before moving ahead, let’s take a brief look at the different aspects of firm tofu vs silken tofu:

Firm Tofu

Soy Milk & Coagulant

Silken Tofu

Soy Milk & Coagulant

Firm Tofu

Chewy & Mild

Silken Tofu

Jiggly & Milky

Firm Tofu

100 grams

Silken Tofu

100-150 grams

Firm Tofu


Silken Tofu


Firm Tofu

2.5 g*

Silken Tofu

2.3 g*

Firm Tofu

3.8 g*

Silken Tofu

2.9 g*

Firm Tofu

8.9 g*

Silken Tofu

5.9 g*

Firm Tofu

127 mg*

Silken Tofu

 0 mg*

Firm Tofu

1.3 g*

Silken Tofu

 0 g*

Firm Tofu


Silken Tofu


Firm Tofu

Morning & Noon

Silken Tofu

Noon & Evening 

Firm Tofu


Silken Tofu

Very Good

Firm Tofu


Silken Tofu

Very Good

Firm Tofu


Silken Tofu


Firm Tofu

1-2 Weeks

Silken Tofu

3-5 Days

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100 grams

Silken Tofu vs Regular Tofu: How Different Are They?

Tofu, also known as bean curd is made by coagulating soy milk with nigari salt (magnesium chloride) or gypsum (calcium sulfate). The difference between firm tofu and silken tofu starts after that.

Firm tofu is pressed with weights whereas silken tofu is not. Due to pressing firm tofu gets a solid block shape and all the water comes out of it. On the other hand, silken tofu has higher moisture content in it. 

Taste and Texture of Silken Tofu vs Tofu

Firm tofu looks like a cheese block from outside due to its color and solid shape. It is mild in taste and mostly used for savory dishes. It is ideal for stove top cooking, baking and grilling. You can easily slice it. 

Silken tofu has a creamy and silky texture and it is delicate to handle. It is almost tasteless with a hint of sweetness. It is preferred to use in desserts, smoothies and creamy soups. 

Recommended Daily Quantity of Firm Tofu vs Silken Tofu

Tofu is a nutrient dense soy product which can be easily added to your daily diet routine in many different ways. 

Normally, you can have 4-5 servings of soy products a day. Based on that you can add up to 100 grams of regular tofu and 100-150 grams of silken tofu per day. 

Caloric Difference Between Tofu and Silken Tofu

If you are a person who is looking for a low calorie soy product then compared to firm tofu, silken tofu is a better pick for you. 

However the difference between their calories is not substantial. To reduce your calorie intake, you can simply cut down the quantity instead of avoiding firm tofu. 

Firm Tofu or Silken Tofu: What to Pick for Lower Carbs?

Tofu is a low carbohydrate food, hence it is a popular choice for the people who are on a low-carbs diet.

When making a choice between firm tofu vs silken tofu,  silken tofu is a better pick for lower carbs. Since silken tofu has a lot of water content, it is much lighter than firm tofu. 

Fat Content: Is Silken Tofu Better Than Regular Tofu? 

Both types of tofu contain healthy unsaturated fats. Most soy products are lower in cholesterol which is considered unhealthy fat for your body. 

If you compare firm and silken tofu then silken tofu has less fat content than firm tofu. It is a better pick for those who are looking for a lower fat content tofu option. 

Firm Tofu or Silken Tofu: Which Contains More Protein?

Protein is an essential macronutrient to repair cells and to make new ones. Since, body can’t produce protein itself, it is crucial to have a protein rich diet on a regular basis.

Unlike other plant based foods, tofu is an excellent source of protein. However, compared to silken tofu, firm tofu has a significantly higher amount of protein because of its dense nature. 

If you are an athlete or sports person then picking up firm tofu over silken tofu will be a better choice. 

Does Firm Tofu Have More Calcium Than Silken Tofu?

Calcium plays many roles in the body including development, maintenance and growth of bones. You can get it from a range of foods such as dairy, legumes, nuts etc. 

Firm tofu is a good source of calcium for vegans. When comparing the two, there is a vast difference between firm and silken tofu in terms of calcium. Firm tofu contains much higher calcium than silken. 

Dietary Fiber In Firm Tofu vs Silken Tofu

Fiber is a type of carbs which your body can’t digest. Fiber is needed to maintain digestive health, to control the sugar level and for much more. 

The process of making soy milk takes away most of the fiber of soybeans. The density of firm tofu makes it a better source of dietary fiber than its softer counterpart. 

Silken Tofu vs Regular Tofu Nutrition: Which Is More Diverse?

Firm tofu and silken tofu are produced from the same base ingredients, therefore they have almost the same nutritional benefits.  

Silken tofu is lower in calories, carbs and fats, whereas firm tofu has higher amounts of protein, calcium and fiber. In terms of vitamins and minerals, firm tofu contains more iron and magnesium whereas silken tofu is a better source of niacin and folate again.

So, overall, the nutritional analysis makes it difficult to pick one over other as a more healthy option. 

Right Time to Consume Firm Tofu vs Silken Tofu

Silken tofu is a low carb and protein rich food which makes it a healthy option for a midday meal or for a light supper. It is also a nutrient rich add-on to your breakfast smoothies.

Firm tofu has more carb and protein dense food. It is a complete meal in itself. Having firm tofu in breakfast will keep you full and energetic throughout the day. 

Firm Tofu or Silken Tofu: Better for Gut Health

Both, firm and silken tofu are made of heated soy milk, it is easy to digest. Compared to silken tofu, firm tofu is more gut friendly since it is a fiber-rich food. 

However, you might have gastric issues if you have a soy allergy. In such cases it is better to avoid any soy product including silken and firm tofu.  

Firm Tofu vs Silken Tofu for Your Oral and Bone Health

Firm and silken tofu are soybean products which contain all 9 amino acids which the body needs to make protein.

However, firm tofu has more protein and calcium which are two most essential nutrients for your dental and bone health. It is better to choose firm tofu over silken tofu to maintain strong teeth and bones. 

Silken Tofu or Regular Tofu: Which is More Versatile?

Firm tofu is a better option for savory dishes like fried rice, noodles or curries. You can also make tofu paratha with it by kneading it with wheat flour. Since it doesn’t break easily, it is best to be fried, grilled or stir fried.

Due to its tender texture, silken tofu can’t be heated. Silken Tofu goes well with some breakfast dishes, desserts, smoothies and creamy soups.

Also, Silken tofu is a great choice to make dips for the salad and other finger foods. Hence, both types of tofu have their own specific uses in the kitchen 

Shelf Life of Firm Tofu vs Silken Tofu

Since silken tofu has higher level moisture, it has a shorter shelf life compared to firm tofu.  Firm tofu can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 to 2 weeks. On the contrary, silken tofu stayed up to 3 to 5 days. 

However, if you are buying the packed tofu then read the expiry date and go by that. Once the pack is opened, it is recommended to use it as soon as possible for a better taste and freshness. 

In conclusion, firm tofu and silken tofu both are beneficial to your overall health. I would say that instead of picking one over the other, try to have both for maximum health benefits. 

If you have any further query regarding firm tofu vs silken tofu, I will try my best to answer it as soon as possible. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.