Is Queso Fresco Cheese the Same as Feta Cheese? 

Rohit Panwar

Confused which one to pick – feta vs queso fresco? While they may look and feel similar, they are both different types of cheese.

In this blog, I will help you understand the difference between feta and queso fresco. Knowing them better will help you pick the better option.

Feta Vs Queso Fresco


| Feta Vs Blue Cheese – Which one is a Better Choice?

Feta Vs Queso Fresco: Comparison of 15 Nutritional & Outcome Attributes

Before we can get deeper into the differences between feta cheese & queso fresco, let’s take a quick look at their attributes –

Feta Cheese

Sheep/ Goat Milk

Queso Fresco

Cow and/or Goat Milk

Feta Cheese


Queso Fresco


Feta Cheese

Tangy & Salty

Queso Fresco

Tangy & Mild

Feta Cheese


Queso Fresco


Feta Cheese


Queso Fresco


Feta Cheese

1.2 g*

Queso Fresco

0.8 g*

Feta Cheese

6 g*

Queso Fresco

7 g*

Feta Cheese

4 g*

Queso Fresco

5 g*

Feta Cheese

140 mg*

Queso Fresco

160 mg*

Feta Cheese

316 mg*

Queso Fresco

213 mg*

Feta Cheese

Very Good 

Queso Fresco

Very Good

Feta Cheese

Very Good

Queso Fresco

Very Good

Feta Cheese

Very Good

Queso Fresco

Very Good

Feta Cheese

Very Good

Queso Fresco

Very Good

Feta Cheese

Up to 2 Weeks

Queso Fresco

2 Weeks

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 ounce (28.4g)

Now, let us proceed further and understand the differences better –

Difference in the Way Feta Cheese & Queso Fresco are Produced?

Feta cheese is traditionally made using sheep milk. It can also be made using a mixture of sheep & goat milk, with the ratio of goat milk, not exceeding 30%. Curds are obtained by adding rennet and cheese culture to warmed milk. These curds are cut and then are transferred into moulds. Once the whey is drained out, the feta blocks are put into brine to age.

Queso fresco is a fresh cheese made by using cow milk or a mixture of cow and goat milk.  The process begins with the curdling of milk. To heated milk, rennet and cheese cultures are added. The curds obtained are  separated from the whey and pressed for 1-3 days. The resulting product is fresh queso fresco. 

What Type of Cheese is Feta Cheese Vs Queso Fresco Cheese? 

Feta cheese is a soft cheese that does not have a rind despite the aging process.

Queso Fresco is very similar to feta cheese in the way it looks. It is a semi soft cheese without a rind. 

Does Queso Fresco Taste like Feta Cheese?

Feta and queso fresco have a similar texture and colour. They are both soft, crumbly and white in colour. 

Feta cheese is a bit tangy and creamy in taste. Queso Fresco in comparison is milder with a sour and milky taste.

Which Cheese Needs to Be Aged: Feta Or Cheese: ?

Feta cheese needs to be aged. This aging however, is done differently. Feta blocks are aged in brine and thus do not form a rind. A minimum of 2 months is needed for aging but the best results come when feta is aged for at least 12 months or more. 

Queso fresco is a fresh cheese and thus does not require any aging. Ideally, you should consume it within the first few hours of preparation.

Calorie Comparison of Feta Cheese & Queso Fresco

Feta cheese and queso fresco are both low in calories when compared to other popular cheeses such as  cheddar, parmesan, etc. 

Queso Fresco, however, has a higher calorie count than feta cheese but not by a very big margin.

Which Lower in Carbohydrates: Feta or Queso Fresco Cheese?

Cheese in general has a low carb content. Therefore, they are well suited to any kind of diet plan that requires you to control your carb intake. 

Queso Fresco is better than feta in this regard because it contains a very low proportion of carbs. 

Which Has Lower Fat Levels: Feta or Queso Fresco?

Fat is one of the most prominent constituents of all types of cheese. In fact, most calories in cheese come from this fat. 

Queso fresco has a slightly higher fat content than feta cheese. An advantage feta cheese has in this regard is that despite a high amount of saturated fat content (bad fat) it also contains  CLA (a type of good omega 6 fat) which is shown to prevent many diseases.

Which Has More Proteins – Feta Cheese or Queso Fresco?

Feta cheese and queso fresco can both become a part of your diet because they are rich in good quality protein.

When compared to feta cheese, the quantity of protein is slightly higher in queso fresco.  

Which To Choose For a Higher Calcium Content: Feta or Queso Fresco?

All types of dairy products are rich in an essential mineral- calcium. The human body needs anywhere between 700- 1200 mg of calcium per day. SO, cheese can be a good way of meeting your daily calcium needs. 

If we compare feta and queso fresco, we find that feta cheese has a slightly lower calcium concentration.

Want to Consume Less Sodium: Feta Vs Queso Fresco, Which is Better?

One of the major downsides of consuming Feta regularly is its high sodium content. Since feta is brine aged, the final product has a high sodium concentration.  

Queso fresco also has a moderately high sodium content but it is lower than feta cheese. Therefore, queso fresco is better in this regard.

Which Has a Denser Nutrient Profile: Feta Cheese or Queso Fresco? 

Feta and queso fresco are both rich in vitamins and minerals. The nutrient density, however, varies between the two.

Feta contains more B vitamins, vitamin K than queso fresco. Queso Fresco might be behind on B vitamins but it is better than feta in calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin A.

As I discussed earlier, both queso fresco and mozzarella are rich in minerals calcium and phosphorus. While calcium is needed for strong bones and teeth, phosphorus is needed for absorption of calcium. 

Feta or Queso Fresco: Better For Your Bone & Teeth Health?

Feta and queso fresco are a rich source of calcium and  phosphorus. These nutrients aid bone and teeth  health. 

In addition to this, since both contain probiotics or good bacteria,  they  aid overall oral health by keeping away the bad bacteria. 

Which is More Easy to Digest: Feta or Queso Fresco?

Feta and queso fresco both are a good source of probiotics.  Probiotics or good bacteria that aid many digestive issues

However, since both these are fresh cheeses, they contain some amount of lactose. So, if you are not able to tolerate even small quantities of lactose, you should avoid both or try out with a very small quantity to see if it works in your favour.

Feta Vs Queso Fresco: The One That Is More Diverse?

Feta cheese  has a variety of uses because of its salty and creamy flavour. It can be used in salads, omelletes, sandwiches, and more. You can also grill feta cheese since it has a high melting point.

Queso Fresco can also be put to use in different ways. You can crumble it and use is as a topping or a filling. When heated however, it won’t melt and become soft and brown. Since it has a milk flavour it can be used to balance out the spiciness in dishes.   

Feta Vs Queso Fresco: The Cheese That Will Last Longer?

Once a pack of feta cheese is opened, it can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. It however needs to be  stored properly or it will dry out quickly. Place it in brineor lightly salted milk.

Queso Fresco has a similar shelf life as feta. It can last in the fridge for up to 2 weeks when stored in an airtight container. Also, store bought versions of queso fresco last longer than the homemade versions.  

Feta and queso fresco are both pretty good options. So, you can pick the one that suits your needs and taste the best. Queso fresco has a slight advantage over feta because of its lower sodium and higher protein content. 

Hope the difference between feta and queso fresco is clear. If you have any further questions, feel free to drop them down below.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.