Comparing Egg Whites and Chicken Breast: Nutrition, Taste, and More

Rohit Panwar

My clients often want to know about the best sources of nutrition to fuel their lifestyles. As a nutritionist, I’ve encountered a common dilemma that arises frequently in consultations: the choice between egg white vs chicken breast.

Egg whites and chicken breast are two protein powerhouses have their unique merits. Here, I’ll dissect their nutritional profiles, taste, and applications to help you make an informed dietary decision.

Egg White Vs Chicken Breast: Which Is A Superior Choice?

Before we can discuss the details, let’s take a quick look at egg white vs chicken breast nutrition facts and benefits:

Egg White


Chicken Breast


Egg White

Bland & Soft

Chicken Breast

Bland & Chewy

Egg White


Chicken Breast


Egg White


Chicken Breast


Egg White

0.73 g*

Chicken Breast

0 g*

Egg White

0.17 g*

Chicken Breast

2.62 g*

Egg White

11 g*

Chicken Breast

22.5 g*

Egg White


Chicken Breast

Very Good

Egg White


Chicken Breast


Egg White


Chicken Breast

Very Good

Egg White


Chicken Breast


Egg White

Very Good

Chicken Breast

Very Good

Egg White


Chicken Breast


*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 100g 

Egg Whites & Chicken Breast: Source Comparison 

The source of egg whites and chicken are the same. Egg whites are the white portion of eggs when yolk is removed. 

Chicken breast similarly is the breast part of the chicken and is easily available separately in supermarkets or meat stores.

How Do Egg Whites & Chicken Breast Vary in Taste & Texture?

Egg whites have a mild and neutral flavor. When cooked, they are delicate and silky. Due to their bland taste, egg whites easily take on the flavors of other ingredients in recipes.

Chicken breast, has a distinct poultry flavor. When cooked, it becomes firmer. The taste and texture of chicken breast can vary with cooking time and method. If you overcook it, it tends to become drier. 

How Much Egg White or Chicken Breast Can You Consume in A Day?

The recommended daily intake of egg whites and chicken breast varies with individual’s dietary needs and overall goals. You can consume around 2-4 egg whites per day.

For chicken breast, you can eat around 3-4 ounces a day. If you are doing intensive workout or bodybuilding, you can increase the portion sizes to meet your daily intake of nutrients. 

Which is Lower in Calories: Egg White or Chicken Breast?

Egg whites are much lower in calories than chicken breast. Therefore, if you’re looking to reduce calorie intake, egg whites are the lighter choice.

Chicken break due to its higher nutrient density is much higher in calories, almost twice that of egg whites. 

Lower in Carbs: Egg Whites or Chicken Breast 

Egg whites are lower in carbs compared to chicken breast. So, if you’re following a low-carb or ketogenic diet, egg whites are an excellent choice. 

However, that doesn’t mean you cannot eat chicken. As compared to many other foods,  chicken breast can be your go to choice as a  low-carb protein source.

Which is Lower in Fats: Egg White or Chicken Breast?

Again, egg whites are lower in fats compared to chicken breast. Most of the fat in egg is concentrated in the yolk, leaving little to no fat in the white portion. 

Chicken breast, although considered lean, contains a small amount of fat. Also, most of this fat (more than 80%) is unsaturated fat or good fat. 

Better Source of Protein – Egg White or Chicken Breast

Egg whites and chicken breast both are incredibly rich source of high-quality protein due to their complete amino acid profile. 

Chicken breast have a much higher quantity of protein per serving. So, both are  great options for athletes and people focused on muscle building and weight management.

Egg white vs Chicken Breast Vitamin b12 and Other vitamins and minerals

Which is More Nutritionally Diverse: Egg Whites or Chicken Breast?

Chicken breast is more nutritionally diverse compared to egg whites. While both are excellent sources of protein, chicken breast offers a wider range of essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. 

Chicken breast provides various B vitamins (such as niacin, vitamin B6, B12, and riboflavin), as well as essential minerals like selenium and phosphorus. Egg whites are mostly  protein with very little else in terms of vitamins and minerals. 

What is the Best Time to Consume Egg White Vs Chicken Breast?

You can consume egg white or chicken breast at any time during the day depending on your needs. 

Both can be used as a part of breakfast, lunch dinner, snack time or dinner.

More Suited for Teeth & Bone: Egg Whites or Chicken Breast

Both egg whites and chicken breast can be part of a diet that promotes good oral and bone health.

Proteins are one of the essential nutrients along with other minerals that are needed for maintaining healthy bones and teeth.

Easier On Your Digestion: Egg Whites or Chicken Breast

Eggs may have a slight advantage as they are easier on the tummy when compared to chicken breast. 

Egg whites are considered a gentle protein source. This is what makes then an excellent choice for meals for upset stomach

Although chicken breast is easy to digest, the higher fat content can make it slightly heavier for some people, especially if you consume in large quantities or if the skin is included.

More Suited For People With Allergies- Egg Whites or Chicken Breast 

Egg white allergies are relatively common, especially in children. Egg white proteins called ovomucoid can trigger allergic reactions in some people which can cause symptoms like digestive issues, or skin allergies. 

Chicken breast is not a common allergen, and chicken meat is considered to have lower allergenic potential compared to foods like eggs, nuts, or seafood. 

Egg Whites or Chicken Breast: More Diverse Usage

Egg whites are incredibly versatile and can be used in the kitchen in both sweet and savory dishes. Apart from baking, you can also use it in preparing dishes  baking, you can use it and prepare gravies, sandwiches, rolls and more. 

Chicken Breast is mainly used in savory dishes. It can be grilled, roasted, sautéed, or baked and is often served as the main protein source in various meals such as salads, sandwiches, and main courses.

Overall eggs and chicken breast are both nutrient rich food options. What you choose between the two depends on your overall needs. 

So, if you want a nutritionally source with high protein choose chicken breast, for a lighter low calorie option, go with egg whites. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.