What Makes a Better Kefir: Coconut Milk or Dairy Milk?

Rohit Panwar

Coconut milk kefir vs dairy milk kefir, wondering what would be better for you. As a nutritionist, I might have the answer. 

Coconut milk and dairy milk are both nutritionally rich, so the kefir obtained from them inherit their nutritional value. However, choosing between the two can be tricky, so let’s take a closer look.   


| Milk Kefir versus Coconut Water Kefir – Which is Better? | 

Coconut Milk Kefir Vs Dairy Milk Kefir: What to Pick? 

Before we get into the detailed analysis of kefir vs lassi differences and similarities, let us take a quick look at the nutritional and outcome metrics for the two- 

Coconut Milk Kefir

Coconut Milk & Kefir Grains

Dairy Milk Kefir

Milk & Kefir Grains

Coconut Milk Kefir

Sweet & Tangy 

Dairy Milk Kefir

Sour & Creamy

Coconut Milk Kefir

1 Cup

Dairy Milk Kefir

1 Cup

Coconut Milk Kefir


Dairy Milk Kefir


Coconut Milk Kefir

6 g*

Dairy Milk Kefir

11 g*

Coconut Milk Kefir

6 g*

Dairy Milk Kefir

10 g*

Coconut Milk Kefir

1 g*

Dairy Milk Kefir

10 g*

Coconut Milk Kefir

3 g*

Dairy Milk Kefir

0 g*

Coconut Milk Kefir

38 mg*

Dairy Milk Kefir

410 mg*

Coconut Milk Kefir

Morning or Noon

Dairy Milk Kefir

Morning or Noon

Coconut Milk Kefir


Dairy Milk Kefir


Coconut Milk Kefir


Dairy Milk Kefir


Coconut Milk Kefir

Very Good

Dairy Milk Kefir


Coconut Milk Kefir


Dairy Milk Kefir


Coconut Milk Kefir


Dairy Milk Kefir

Very Good

Coconut Milk Kefir

Very Good

Dairy Milk Kefir

Very Good

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

Now that we have a broad ideas about the differences between coconut milk kefir and dairy milk kefir, we must understand each one-  

How is Coconut Milk Kefir Vs Dairy Milk Kefir Made?

Coconut milk kefir is made from coconut milk. Kefir grains, a  colony of bacteria and yeast are added to it and then it is allowed to ferment for 12-24 hours. The kefir grains consume the sugars in the coconut milk, creating a tangy, probiotic-rich drink. 

Dairy milk kefir is made in a similar way, but by using dairy milk. The kefir grains are added to the milk and allowed to ferment. While mostly cow’s milk is used in making dairy kefir, you can also use sheep, goat or buffalo milk for the purpose. 

Which Has a Better Taste & Texture: Coconut Milk Kefir or Dairy Kefir?

Coconut milk kefir has a milder flavour compared to dairy kefir. It is sweeter and has a mild sourness.  Coconut milk kefir also tends to be thinner and smoother in texture compared to dairy kefir, which is thicker and creamier. 

Kefir has a tangy, and sour taste. In comparison to coconut milk kefir, it has a thicker texture. It is basically thicker and creamier than regular milk. It is also slightly effervescent due to the fermentation process. 

How Much Of Coconut Milk Kefir Vs Dairy Milk Kefir Can You Have In A Day?

Kefir is a nutritionally rich food and can be consumed everyday. However, make sure you are consuming these in moderation.  

I recommend drinking 1-2 cups of kefir  per day whether it is made from coconut milk or from dairy milk. If you are new to kefir,  it’s important that you start with small amounts and gradually increase consumption to assess any potential reactions or sensitivities. 

Which Has More Calories: Coconut Milk Kefir or Dairy Milk Kefir?

Coconut milk kefir generally has fewer calories when compared to kefir made using dairy milk. However, the exact amount can vary depending on the specific brands and kind of milk used for each type of kefir. 

So, in case you are buying your kefir from the market, it’s always a good idea to check the nutritional information on the label to determine the amount of calories per serving.

Coconut Milk Kefir Vs Dairy Milk Kefir: The One With Lower Carbs?

If you take a look at the table, it is clear that coconut milk kefir has lower carbs than dairy milk kefir. However, as I pointed out earlier, this may vary between brands. 

Also, if you are buying market versions of any of these types of kefir, make sure you look out for added sugars. These can add a substantial amount of carbs to your food. 

Which Is Lower in Fats: Dairy Milk Kefir or Coconut Milk Kefir?

The amount of fat in coconut milk will vary with the kind of milk being used. If you use thick coconut milk, your kefir will have a significantly higher fat amount.   

Similarly the amount of fat in dairy milk kefir will vary with the kind of milk used. While whole fat milk will yield a high fat kefir, low fat versions will give you kefir that is much lower in fat content. 

Higher Protein Content: Dairy Milk Kefir or Coconut Milk Kefir?

Dairy milk kefir has a higher protein content than coconut milk kefir. This is because dairy milk is naturally rich in protein. This protein is also of a high quality. 

So, if you wish to include more protein in your diet, dairy milk kefir is a better option. However, you will find some coconut kefir brands that have added protein. So, you can opt for those as well. 

Which Has More Fibre: Coconut Milk Kefir Vs Dairy Milk Kefir?

Coconut milk kefir has a higher fiber content than dairy milk kefir. This is because coconut milk naturally contains more fibre than dairy milk. Dietary fibre is important for digestive health and can also help manage blood sugar levels and body weight. 

Dairy milk kefir contains no fibre. This is because it is made using milk which is generally rich in nutrients but lags behind in fibre content. 

Which One Has More Calcium: Coconut Milk Kefir or Dairy Milk Kefir?

Dairy milk evidently has much more protein content when compared to coconut milk kefir or for that matter any kefir made from plant based milk

Dairy milk is one of the best sources of calcium. Calcium is needed by the body in maintaining strong bones and teeth in addition to several other functions. 

What is the Best Time to Consume Coconut Milk Kefir Vs Dairy Milk Kefir?

Coconut milk kefir and dairy milk kefir are nutritionally rich and you can add these to your everyday diet. 

As a nutritionist, I recommend consuming these either in the morning, after lunch or as a snack between meals. 

Which Is Suitable for Vegans: Coconut Milk Kefir or Dairy Milk Kefir?

Coconut milk is a vegan favourite. Made using coconut milk and kefir grains, this drink can be a great addition to a vegan diet. To make coconut milk kefir you can either use starter packs or the normal milk kefir grains.  

Dairy milk kefir as the name suggests, is dairy based and is thus not vegan. 

Which is Better for the Environment: Coconut Milk Kefir Or Dairy Milk Kefir?

Dairy-based products are not environmentally sustainable.  This is because they contribute to production of greenhouse gasses and also involve wasteful use of land and water resources

Non-dairy kefir like coconut milk kefir is definitely a more sustainable choice when compared to traditional milk based kefir. 

Coconut Milk Kefir Vs Water Kefir: Better For Your Bones & Teeth

Dairy kefir is rich in calcium which is essential for strengthening teeth and bones. Apart from calcium, milk kefir is also rich in phosphorus which is important for calcium absorption.   

Coconut and its products like coconut milk kefir is rich in  a variety of nutrients. Coconut milk has lauric acid which is known for its antimicrobial properties. These can prevent infections and support overall oral health. 

Which Is Better For Your Tummy Health: Milk Kefir or Coconut Milk Kefir?

Milk kefir and coconut milk kefir can both be beneficial for your tummy health. Milk kefir is rich in probiotics, calcium and other nutrients, while coconut milk kefir is a dairy-free alternative which can be easier to digest for people with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies. 

Also, both are rich in probiotics which are good bacteria that aid in digestion. So, you can opt for the one you like.

Which Hydrates Your Body More: Milk Kefir or Coconut Milk Kefir? 

Coconut milk kefir is also a good source of minerals or electrolytes that help maintain water levels in the body. It also contains healthy fats that can help to keep your body hydrated. 

Milk kefir, made from cow’s or goat’s milk, is also a good source of electrolytes that can help in maintaining hydration levels. However, in a head on comparison coconut milk kefir might fare slightly better than dairy milk kefir. 

Which Can Be Put To More Used Dairy Milk Kefir or Coconut Kefir?

Dairy Kefir is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a number of ways. You can drink it as such or use it as a base for a number of recipes such as smoothies, salad dressings, and dips. 

Coconut milk kefir can be used in a similar fashion like dairy kefir. You can use it to bake or use it in recipes.  

So, both types of kefir – coconut milk kefir and dairy milk kefir are good for you. I would recommend mixing it up and adding both types of kefir into your diet if you don’t have any allergies or intolerances.  

I would love to know your thought on kefir in the comment section below. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.