Is Cashew Milk or Oat Milk Better: Let Us Find Out

Rohit Panwar

With changing times we make new choices like including nut-based milks and grain-based milks in our diet. Though both are plant-based foods, it is helpful to understand the differences and benefits of consuming nut-based milk over a grain-based one like cashew milk versus oat milk.  

The idea of this blog is to provide you with all the essential knowledge about cashew milk and oat milk. As a passionate nutritionist, I take you through a detailed comparative analysis of these two milks so you can explore the best possible outcomes.

Cashew Milk Versus Oat Milk


| Cashew versus Hemp Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

Overview Of Cashew Milk and Oat Milk Nutrition & Benefits

Let me begin by introducing cashew milk and oat milk in the comparative table below- 

Cashew milk

Cashews and water

Oat milk

Rolled oats, cold water

Cashew milk

Creamy & sweet 

Oat milk

Sweet & creamy

Cashew milk

1 cup

Oat milk

1 cup

Cashew milk


Oat milk


Cashew milk


Oat milk


Cashew milk


Oat milk


Cashew milk

15- 451 mg*

Oat milk


Cashew milk

Morning and night

Oat milk

Morning or night

Cashew milk


Oat milk


Cashew milk


Oat milk


Cashew milk

Very good

Oat milk


Cashew milk


Oat milk


Cashew milk


Oat milk


Cashew milk


Oat milk


Cashew milk

Honey ,vanilla  & cocoa 

Oat milk

Honey, vanilla 

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

As you can see in the table, both cashew milk and oat milk have varied impacts. Hence, to make it even more understandable I will be taking each criterion in detail.

Cashew Milk Vs Oat Milk: What Goes In To The Making Of These Super Drinks?

Cashews are native to Brazil and have travelled to many continents over the period of time. To make cashew milk, cashews are soaked, blended with adequate water and then strained. It can be made at home easily and is loved by people of all age groups.

Oat milk is grain-based milk. Rolled oats or steel-cut oats are blended with cold water for 30 seconds to make oat milk. It does not require soaking and straining, unlike other nut-based milks. It is good to remember not to blend it for a long time as it tends to become very slimy.

What Appeals More To Your Taste Buds Between Cashew Milk & Oat Milk?

Cashew milk is one of the most sought after milk as it is sweet and has a silky cream texture. Kids love it and it is so versatile that people in different regions use cashew milk in many different ways.

Oat milk is surprisingly sweet and has a rich texture too. People compare oat milk to cow’s milk because of its similar texture. If you are making it at home, it is important to pay attention to blending and water content as the texture of oat milk depends on it. When it comes to cashew milk vs oat milk taste, cashew milk tastes better.

How Much Of Cashew Milk Or Oat Milk Can You Intake Daily For A Healthy Lifestyle?

Cashew milk is rich in vitamins, minerals and healthy fats which contribute to skin, heart, and eye health and in building immunity. Hence it is ideal to consume 1 cup per day to enjoy these benefits.

Oat milk too is a promising source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that plays an important role in keeping our body healthy. So, 1 cup of oat milk per day is ideal for consumption. Moreover, Oats have Phytic acid, an acid found in some foods that when consumed in excess can hinder the absorption of minerals and vitamins when consumed in excess. 

Which Suits Best For Your Calorie Requirements Between Cashew Milk And Oat Milk?

Cashew milk has very few calories compared to many other nut milks. If you are looking for a healthy drink that packs few calories then cashew milk is a great choice. 

Oat milk has more calories than cashew milk. This is because it is rich in carbohydrate content. These carbohydrates when consumed transform into energy and keep us active. To sum up, oat milk has more calories and cashew milk less. 

How Helpful Are The Fat In Cashew Milk And Oat Milk?

Cashews are generally considered a weight gaining food. So often people assume that cashew milk consumption leads to weight gain. On the contrary cashew milk is low in fat. It has healthy fats that aid in heart health. It is a very filling drink and keeps one satiated for a long time. Thus, it helps in preventing cravings.

Oat milk is a well-known source of omega 3 fatty acids, which is a type of fat that is very helpful in keeping the heart healthy. It also helps in reducing the blood cholesterol levels. Overall, both the milks have healthy fats that benefit the body. 

Cashew Milk Vs Oat Milk: What Caters Well To Your Protein Needs?

Protein is very vital to building the body and strengthening muscles. Cashew milk is not a rich source of protein. Hence, if you have more requirements for protein consumption, cashew milk is not the option to consider.

Oat milk has more protein content than cashew milk. It is also a rich source of amino acids which are building blocks of the body. Consumption of oat milk helps in the absorption of more protein and strengthens the body. Oat milk makes for a better choice when it comes to fulfilling protein requirements. 

Cashew MIlk Vs Oat Milk : Can They Take Care Of Calcium Requirements?

Being plant-based, both cashew and oat milk have less amount of calcium. However, the store-bought versions are fortified with calcium. When buying a store-bought version of cashew milk and oats milk, I would suggest checking the ingredients for added sugar or unwanted additions to ensure it’s healthy. 

Though oat milk is low in calcium it is loaded with Magnesium which is an essential mineral in keeping the bones healthy. If bone health, in particular, is your concern, oat milk is a better option than cashew milk.

Cashew Milk Vs Oat Milk: Which Time Suits Better For The Intake?

Cashew milk and oat milk suit best for both daytime and at night. Consuming a cup of cashew milk or oat milk in the morning provides you with the necessary energy boost to start the day. Having them as a drink or including them in the breakfast as a part of cereals or smoothies sets the right energy levels to go on actively.

When consumed at night, especially before bedtime, they help in getting a good night’s sleep as they have sleep-inducing properties which help you sleep better.

Which Is A More Sustainable Choice Between Cashew Milk And Oat Milk?

Cashew milk and oat milk both have a moderate to positive  impact on the environment. Cultivation of cashews requires more water. However, when compared with dairy and other plant-based milks like almond milk, cashew milk requires less water supply and is fairly sustainable. 

To produce a litre of oat milk, 48 litres of water is required and its greenhouse gas emission is also comparatively low. When cashew milk vs oat milk environmental sustainability is compared, oat milk is better. To make an eco conscious choice you can opt for store-bought milk, try picking the ones in recyclable pouches instead of plastic. Also, try to choose organic milk as it helps in reducing the use of pesticides.

Cashew Milk Vs Oat Milk: Are They Suitable For A Vegan Lifestyle?

Be it for ethical or environmental reasons, the number of people opting for a vegan lifestyle is steadily on the rise. All plant-based foods are vegan and can be consumed by vegans. 

Cashew milk and oat milk are purely plant based foods. They can be easily adapted as replacements for dairy. If you are someone new to vegan lifestyle, choosing cashew milk or oat milk will help you in making the transition easy from cow’s milk. 

Cashew Milk Vs Oat Milk: Which Is Best To Safeguard Oral Health?

Most of the time we tend to overlook oral health as we plan our diet. As we give importance to heart and health factors it is equally important to take oral health into consideration as our gut and overall health depend on it

Both cashew milk and oat milk are beneficial for oral health. Cashew milk is rich in vitamin K which acts as a protective shield against oral infections. Oat milk is rich in micronutrients like manganese and magnesium which helps in keeping the gums and teeth strong. 

Which Helps To Stay Away From Tummy Troubles Between Cashew & Oat Milk?

Cashew milk provides amazing benefits as it is fiber rich and a good source of zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral that helps in the growth of good gut bacteria. It also helps in keeping the intestines healthy

Oat milk works wonders for the stomach as it is a wonderful source of fibre that improves gut health, prevents infections by boosting immunity and reduces inflammations. Both cashew milk and oat milk are gluten free and lactose-free. When choosing a market version of oat milk, look for certified ones to ensure they are completely gluten-free as sometimes oats processed in common factories with other grains may get infected with gluten.

Cashew Milk Vs Oat Milk: Which Is A Reliable Companion On A Hot Summer Day?

Like most plant based milks, cashew milk and oat milk are naturally heating drinks. They are more capable of warming the body on cold days than cooling it off on warm summer days.

However, as they are blended with an adequate amount of water they can cool the body. Gulping down a cup of chilled oat milk or cashew milk on a hot day will bring the heat down and balance the body temperature.

Cashew Milk Vs Oat Milk: Which Is Great To Keep Up The Water Levels?

Naturally, dry cashews and oats have less moisture or water content in them. Since cashew milk is made with soaked cashews and blended with water, it helps in hydrating the body to an extent.

Cashew milk and oat milk have good amounts of potassium, an important electrolyte that helps in restoring the water content in the body. Besides this both the milks are rich in nutrients that are helpful in keeping the skin healthy.

Which Is More Versatile Milk Between Cashew Milk And Oat Milk?

Cashew milk can be easily hailed as the tastiest plant milk available on the planet due to its sweeter taste and silky texture. Cashew milk is used in making sweets, soups, and savory curries in Asian households. They are used in baking, replaced for dairy in coffee, poured over cereals and blended with smoothies for making meals more healthy.

Oat milk being similar to cow’s milk in texture can be used for smoothies, coffee, baking and for cereals. Every day more and more people are exploring new ways to use oat milk in their foods. One thing to remember would be, oat milk cannot substitute for heavy cream so it is best to avoid using them in place of heavy cream.

As we complete the detailed analysis of both these milks, you might still think, Is cashew milk or oat milk better? As a nutritionist, I would suggest weighing both the milks based on your requirements as both have their own strengths.

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.