Which Yields Best Results- Cashew Milk Or Hazelnut Milk?

Rohit Panwar

The world of plant-based foods has so many nourishing milks that people are slowly discovering and including them in their diet. They look out for such beneficial milks and compare one over another for a healthy lifestyle. One of such highly needed comparisons is cashew milk versus hazelnut milks.

Cashew milk and hazelnut milk are often overlooked by myths like high-fat drinks and are avoided by many despite the health benefits they offer.  This blog will empower you with the right information to make a conscious choice toward your wellness. 

Cashew Milk Versus Hazelnut Milk


| Walnut milk versus Cashew Milk – Which one is a Better Choice? | 

A Comparative Rundown Of Cashew Milk and Hazelnut Milk

In the below table, from a nutritionist’s point of view, I have taken 15 criteria into consideration and put them in a nutshell for a quick understanding of both the milks.  

Cashew milk

Cashews & water

Hazelnut milk

Hazelnuts, water 

Cashew milk

Creamy sweet 

Hazelnut milk

Sweet & nutty

Cashew milk

1 cup

Hazelnut milk

1 cup

Cashew milk


Hazelnut milk


Cashew milk

1 g*

Hazelnut milk

9 g*

Cashew milk

1.9 g*

Hazelnut milk


Cashew milk

15-451 mg*

Hazelnut milk

24-240 mg*

Cashew milk

Morning or night

Hazelnut milk


Cashew milk


Hazelnut milk


Cashew milk


Hazelnut milk


Cashew milk

Very good

Hazelnut milk


Cashew milk


Hazelnut milk

Very good

Cashew milk


Hazelnut milk


Cashew milk


Hazelnut milk


Cashew milk

Honey, vanila

Hazelnut milk

Cocoa and vanilla

*Source: USDA; Quantity defined is 1 cup

Let’s delve deeper into each one of them –

Cashew Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk: What Is Their Origin Story?

Cashews are native to Brazil. This wonder nut then spread to many countries and is cultivated in warmer regions like Vietnam and India. Cashew milk is made by soaking cashews for a few hours and is blended with water. It is then strained to make cashew milk. It can be easily made at home and is loved by all age groups, especially kids.

Hazelnuts have its origin in Europe and have spread around the globe. Hazelnut milk is made by soaking shelled hazelnuts for 8 hours or overnight to soften. They are then blended with adequate water and strained to make hazelnut milk. 

Which Is A Delight To Drink Between Cashew Milk And Hazelnut Milk?

Hazelnut milk has a silky texture and a sweet, nutty taste. They are one of the most delicious nuts available and are widely used by confectionaries around the world to make yummy treats. 

Cashew milk like hazelnut milk tastes sweet. It has a creamy texture that makes it a great dairy alternative for coffee. It is a very versatile milk with different uses in different recipes.

Will A Cup Of Cashew Milk Or Hazelnut Milk Supply For Your Daily Nutrition Requirements?

A cup of hazelnut milk helps to replenish your system with its dense nutrients and vitamins. Infact, hazelnut milk has a higher amount of nutrients than other plant based milks.

Consuming 1 cup of cashew milk a day is ideal for an active lifestyle. Cashew milk like hazelnut milk is also loaded with some most essential vitamins and minerals that plays a huge role in meeting your everyday nutrient needs.

Comparing The Calories In Cashew Milk Verus Hazelnut Milk

Hazelnut milk has high calories compared to few other plant based milks. Consuming hazelnut milk after an intense workout or in between a hectic work day can boost your energy levels and keep you going.

Cashew milk is less in calories compared to hazelnut milk. It makes for a perfect option for anyone looking for a low calorie yet nutritious drink. When opting for  store bought cashew milk, remember to check for the amount of sugar as it will increase the calorie count.

Which Has Low Fat Content Between Cashew Milk & Hazelnut Milk?

Like calories, hazelnut milk is considerably high in its fat content too. However, they are good, heart healthy fats that add to the wellbeing. Research shows that the fats in hazelnut milk is a great aid in reducing cholesterol levels. 

Cashew milk on the other hand is very low in fat. It also has healthy fats that contribute to the wellbeing of the heart. This makes it a go to option for people who watch weight without worrying about adding extra kilos.

Which Can Ensure Adequate Protein Supply Between Cashew & Hazelnut Milk?

One of the most essential components people look for in both dairy and non dairy alternative milks is protein. Being plant-based milks, both cashew milk and hazelnut milk has less amount of protein. They are not adequate to fulfill the protein requirements of the body. 

However, they can still contribute to everyday protein needs. They are also a good source of some of the essential acids that help in everyday growth.

Which Can Contribute Better Towards Your Calcium Needs- Cashew Or Hazelnut Milk?

We all know that calcium is the building blocks for our bones. So naturally we look for calcium rich drinks. As for dairy, it is rich in calcium but the plant based milks suffer a shortage of the same.

Cashew milk and hazelnut milk have low levels of calcium by nature. However, the fortified versions available in the market for both cashew milk and hazelnut milk have high levels of calcium. Besides calcium, both cashew milk and hazelnut milk are good sources of vitamins like magnesium and manganese which are great for bone health

When Is The Right Time To Enjoy A Cup Of Cashew Milk Or Hazelnut Milk For Maximum Benefits?

Cashew milk and hazelnut milk can be consumed both in the morning, day time or before bed. When consumed in the morning they become a great start for the day as they are fibre rich, keeping one satiated for a long time.

Cashew milk and hazelnut milk consumed before bedtime helps in promoting a good night’s sleep. 

Which Is A Conscious Choice Towards A Sustainable Ecosystem: Cashew Milk Or Hazelnut Milk?

Cashew nuts have a moderate impact on the environment owing to its high consumption of water. It is said that 14218 litres of water are needed to cultivate 1 kg of cashews. With the growing demand for cashews and cashew milk, the water consumption goes up making sustainability even more difficult. 

On the contrary, hazelnuts are great options for a sustainable choice. They consume less water for production, do not cause soil damage as they prevent soil erosion. When it comes to cashew milk vs hazelnut milk environmental impact, hazelnut milk is a great option.

Cashew Milk or Hazelnut Milk: Which Is the Better Option For A Vegan Lifestyle Between

With more awareness towards the environment and on the impact of health, more and more people are shifting to a vegan lifestyle. Vegan foods are basically plant-based foods which are more beneficial in different aspects.

Cashew milk and hazelnut milk are both vegan milks as they are completely plant-based and free from most common allergies caused by dairy. They both suit a vegan lifestyle.

Which Is A Great Investment In Your Oral Health Between Cashew And Hazelnut Milk?

Cashew milk besides its calcium content helps in maintaining good oral health with its supply of vitamins like Vitamin K. It acts as great protection for the teeth by preventing it from external damage. 

Like cashew milk, hazelnut milk is also rich in vitamins and minerals that play a major role in keeping the teeth and gums strong. Thus, both cashew milk and hazelnut milk are good for maintaining oral health. 

Which Can Keep Tummy Troubles Away Between Cashew Milk And Hazelnut Milk?

Cashew milk has a positive impact on the tummy. It is gluten-free, lactose-free and can be opted for people facing such allergies. It is also a fibre-rich drink. Besides this, it is a good source of zinc, a mineral that helps in maintaining good gut health.

Hazelnuts are great with the tummy as they are loaded with nutrients. Consuming hazelnut milk helps in reducing inflammation in the gut, maintaining intestinal health and ensuring better washroom habits. 

Which Is A Better Body Coolant Between Cashew Milk And Hazelnut Milk?

Cashew milk and hazelnut milk helps in keeping the body heat balanced to an extent. Though originally they are not cooling foods, these soaked nuts blended with water have a cooling effect on the body.

On a hot summer day, gulping down a cup of chilled cashew milk or hazelnut milk can reduce the body heat and restore the temperature.

Cashew Milk Vs Hazelnut Milk: The Better Option For A Hydrated Body

Cashew milk and hazelnut milk is a good source of potassium, an essential electrolyte that helps in the rehydration of the body.

Besides this, hazelnut milk is also a rich source of amino acids which are building blocks of our body and skin friendly vitamins that keeps the skin safe, moisturised and healthy. They are also very beneficial for healthy hair. Thus, both are good options  when it comes to maintaining a well hydrated body.

What Can You Add With Cashew & Hazelnut Milk For An Enhanced Experience?

What makes cashew milk and hazelnut milk so distinct from all the other plant based milks is their taste and texture. They are sweet and have a rich creamy texture. They are very versatile and can be used in various ways.

Cashew milk can be consumed as such or with honey. It can be blended with vanilla or cocoa to make milkshakes or can even be blended with fruits as smoothies and poured over cereals and oats and added to soups and curries. Hazelnut milk is great with cocoa, chocolate milkshake, coffee and especially for baking cookies and cakes. 

As we complete analysing the two best plant-based milks on the planet, it is evident that no matter what you choose they are great choices. 

However, if the question, Is hazelnut milk better than cashew milk still lingers in your mind, it is best to weigh them individually based on your particular requirements.

Overall, both these milks are very nutrient-dense, have comparatively low calories and have better advantages than dairy. 

Rohit Panwar

Hi! I'm Integrated Nutrition Coach Rohit Panwar. I hold twin Certifications from IIN, New York & SAFM, Massachusetts. I am a passionate vocalist of holistic lifestyle and have fully committed the past several years to educate & empower people towards their wellbeing. Despite a successful yet hectic corporate stint of 21+ years, I have prioritised nutriment in my life. I truly hope my personal journey from illness to wellness helps everybody reading this forge their own path.