Yogurt or Lassi, Which One Should You Consume?
Yogurt and lassi are both very popular fermented dairy products. However, choosing between them can be confusing. Let’s me help you understand the differences and benefits of the two.
Which is A Better Choice, Labneh or Greek Yogurt?
If you have recently come across the middle – eastern dish labneh, you might be curious about how it is different from the popular Greek yogurt. Find out with me how they differ and which one’s a better choice.
Which One to Would Be Better- Kefir or Normal Milk?
Wondering which dairy product would be a better choice between kefir and milk? Let me help you evaluate benefits of both kefir and regular milk so that you can choose the best option for you.
Any Difference Between Labneh and Cream Cheese?
Labneh and cream cheese might look similar, but nutritionally, they are very different. If you are wondering which one would be a better choice, this is the right place for you.
Is Laban, the Same as Labneh or Is it Different?
Similar sounding laban and labneh are quite different from each other. Let me help you understand how these dairy products differ nutritionally and in other respects.
How Different are Kefir And Kumis from Each Other?
Kefir and kumis are both fermented dairy products but by no means are they the same. Let me help you understand how different they are and which one’s the better option for you.
What is More Nutritious: Kefir or Greek Yogurt?
Kefir and Greek yogurt are both fermented dairy products but their nutritional values are quite different from each other. As a nutritionist let me help you pick the best dietary option.
Is Kefir Same As Curd: Let’s Compare & Find Out
Many people think that kefir is just another name for curd. Well, that is not the case. I write this blog to help you understand the difference between the two and make your pick.
Are Yogurt and Laban The Same Dairy Products?
Many people falsely believe that laban and yogurt are just different names for the same product. Well, that’s not the case and here I will help you understand the difference between the two.
Which is A Better Drink – Goat Milk Or Buffalo Milk?
Goat milk and buffalo milk have been used by man since the beginning of civilisation. However, choosing between the two can be hard. So, here is what you need to make a choice.
What Should Be Your Wellness Staple: Goat Or Cow Milk?
Goat milk and cow milk are the two most nutritious farm milk available to mankind. Howeevr, if you had to pcik one, which one is better. Let’s find out the answer to this question.
Which One’s Better: Goat Milk or Sheep Milk?
Goat and sheep milk are consumed in many parts of the world for their nutritional values. So, if you are planning to include at least one of these in your diet, which one would you pick?
Must Have For An Active Lifestyle: Flax Or Cow Milk?
As a nutritionist, I will compare flax milk and cow milk. This will bring to light all the needed information you must know about them to make a choice between this alt and dairy milk.
Flax Milk vs Coconut Milk: Which Is Better Choice?
Before you can make a pick between flax and coconut milk, it is important to know how they stand against each other when compared to nutrition and outcome profile. Let’s analyse.
Hazelnut Milk Vs Soy Milk: What Fits Your Health Routine?
While soy milk is one of the most commonly available alt milks, the demand for hazelnut is witnessing an increase. But if you had to pick between the two, how would you? Let’s analyse.
Which Plant Milk Is Worth Picking – Hazelnut Or Peanut?
Hazelnut milk and peanut milk are both new milks in the market. Both are delicious and nutritious but if you had to pick between the two, what would it be. Let me help you choose.
Which Is More Nutritious: Hazelnut Or Walnut Milk?
New nut milks are hitting the shelves of supermarkets making it hard for alt milk lovers to pick one. Here I address one such confusion between hazelnut and walnut milk
Hazelnut Milk vs Coconut Milk Which Is Better?
While coconut milk has been in use for many years, hazelnut milk is the new kid on the block. Let’s compare and analyse the benefits of the two to help you make the right choice.